AAGP NOTES OF Board Meeting October 25th, 2005

PRE BOARD MEETING CONFERENCE UPDATE: Jerry Dillehay addressed the board and asked that board members help with hospitality. Jerry also provided a program overview.

CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order at 8:55 Pacific time. Roberts Rules of Order followed.

Present at the meeting were: Phl Renninger, Gail Vertz, Chuck Howard, Joani Sarkiss, Susan Linn, Pauline Annarino, Bernard Turner, Cynthia Oda, Mary Hale Meyer, Karen Stinson.

President Renninger reported that back up was received by email for all of the agenda items.

MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes - Chuck Howard, Susan Linn seconded.

Discussion: Corrections in minutes: Bernard Turner correction on Privacy statement, should say “insure” instead of “use” Phyl Renninger correction “stated” not “starter” on President’s Awards.

FINANCE REPORT: A current, as well as a projected budget for nine months was provided, factoring in moving the national office to a leased office for 2006. Treasurer was complimented on the readability and usefulness of the financial forms. The treasurer suggested having at least 6 months operating budget in reserves and moving retained earnings to a money market account. Correction to financials (Credentialing committee listed twice (once as separate items) and once as total. Only the total amount will be listed and correction will be made in the financials.


Membership report- active members as of October 23rd, 1012 active members.

Membership person 1485 is the most current member. Over 1000 are active.

  • Student membership: Motion by Susan Linn to institute student membership for $75. Second, Chuck Howard. Discussion, “student” needs to be defined. Research and Authority Committee charged to come up with the definition of student, by January 1st board meeting for approval and then implementation. Roll call Each responded yes, Chuck, yes with further recommendation from the R & A committee. MOTION PASSED
  • 2.Multiple membership discount, Motion by Pauline, second Mary Hale,
  • Discussion: Is AAGP individual member or organizational membership? Roll call vote: Each member voted no, Karen no but would like to see some consideration for multiple membership discount at the conference. MOTION DEFEATED
  • 3.Organizational membership, ED Vertz made recommendation for an organizational membership discount because of requests from large organizations. Dies for lack of a second
  • 4.Develop a listserv for consultants, Motion from Pauline, Second Chuck Howard. Some board members felt that it would be redundant with Charity Channel. $300 is fee to set up list serv. Mary Hale current forum is not all that active- should be able to include consultants in the charity channel AAGP listserv. Roll call vote: All responding no. MOTION DEFEATED.
  • 5.Consider a different name for charter and chapter. Some confusion because members inadvertently pay $50 charter national member rate. ED Vertz reported that at least 20 people send in the wrong dues. There is also confusion with “national” charter member dues and state charters. Joani move, Bernard second, Bernard suggested calling charter members “founding” or “legacy” members. Joani wants to keep “charter chapter” members because it is a selling point to get members in chapters as a charter member of the state organization. Chuck motion to consider a different name for chapter or charter members, Chuck, Mary Hale and Pauline are against changing the name. MOTION PASSES 5 -3 .
  • 6.Change AAGP charter to legacy for national office, Motion, Mary Hale, second Susan, Pauline is against changing because of the history. Move to table this motion, second Mary Hale. Motion passed to table until Friday after the chapter group meets. Table until Friday. Chuck Joani Susan no, Pauline yes, Cynthia, yes, Karen yes, Mary Hale yes, Bernard yes. MOTION PASSED to table until Friday.
  • 7.CFRE Partnership- affiliate program. CFRE board met two weeks ago, but has not contacted ED since then. ED Vertz requested that the board Table the motion until Gail meets with executive director of CFRE. It is invitation only and has been confirmed from their board. Discussion ensued. The board needs to determine sister relationship and impact on credentialing. MOTION TABLED.
  • 8.DHL shipping, Discussion- More details from ED on this issue needed before considering as a motion.
  • 9.Board meetings in January in Kansas City, Pauline moved and Cynthia seconded. Discussion: Travel in and out of northern cities can be very difficult. Treasurer reminded board of impact of 3 compared to two board meetings. Friendly amendment to spring meeting rather than winter meeting so that Gail can make arrangements and get bids. Friendly motion to amend to spring, Pauline seconded. Roll call vote, all responded yes. Board meeting in Kansas City for next 3 years, original MOTION PASSD TO AMENT the motion. Original motion to have board meeting in Kansas City in spring or summer, Mary Hale, Cynthia, Bernard, Joan, Karen, Chuck Susan Pauline, yes. MOTION PASSED.
  • 10.Intranet for board members because it has financial costs, Motion Chuck, Karen seconded. Discussion – one-time fee of $250 may reduce ED personnel time. New and existing board members would have policy manual, all background material for board meetings. Currently no funds because original website design has been expanded to include job postings, events area, updated consulting area. Joani our website is our first face to the world. Chuck Howard called the question. Board members responded yes. MOTION PASSED.

CONFERENCE UPDATE. 450 name tags including speakers and funding agencies - Thank you from Susan and from the board.

MARKETING Report was created from the member report that was produced last year and is meant to be a template for future member reports. After Dec 30th the marketing committee will start on annual report , accessible online and hard copy. Marketing committee final arbiter of materials released under AAGP aegis. Motion Mary Hale, second Chuck Howard. Discussion. Joani question about chapters creating own chapter brochures etc. This is acceptable as long as chapters follow design guide. Marketing committee would like to see any material to be published in whatever format (printed, chapter websites) in advance, if possible. There is a template for newsletter is in the form guide. Joani- Process of sending to marketing committee will need to be included in the chapter manual.

  • 11. In preparing communication documents for external or internal use, members are to follow the offiial AAGP Design Guide. Motion Mary Hale, Second, Chuck Howard. Discussion: Marketing committee can do process for sending in submissions with two samples of completed work with both copies sent to national office. This could be put on display at conferences to show what chapters are doing. Pauline commented, GPCI needs to adhere to design guide as well. MOTION PASSED unanimously. Request from Mary Hale to publicly thank James Koop for tireless work in marketing. .

12. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: Because of success of this year’s conference, Bernard Turner motion to increase block of rooms to 204 rooms with approval to block out more rooms, if needed, as advance registrations are confirmed. Second Susan Linn. Discussion. Members would all prefer to be in the same hotel. Joani, Cynthia, Susan Mary Hale Bernard, Chuck, Pauline, Karen all yes. If need more nights then need to let ED Vertz know as soon as possible. MOTION PASSED.

13.CREDENTIALLING worked with U of S Florida with budget and timeline to get certification launched at the 2007 conference in Washington DC. If we can raise $20,000 by June we can complete the next two steps in the process. Need to identify 75 to 100 content experts in the field that meet the criteria and are willing to sit for one of more workshops to develop the actual exam. All board members will be included. Other members need to be identified who would meet the criteria Most important thing for the next step is raising funds. Still trying to stay close to the 2007 deadline. Four foundation proposals have been sent out for consideration. Three pronged approach to fundraising is being developed: 1) write more foundation requests, 2) Membership drive to raise $10,000 at the conference. A pledge card and a pin will be at the table and not in the packet. 3) Large organizational structures, put in money for effort and we provide lowered costs for tests of constituents (subcommittee is studying).

  • AAGP and GPCI letter of agreement between the two. Pauline motion, Chuck Howard second. Role call vote, Unanimous yes. MOTION PASSED
  • 14.Full board member participation in contributing to GPCI. Motion Pauline, Mary Hale second, discussion. Unanimous MOTION PASSED.


  • 15. Executive committee options for selecting officers to the board. 1) what we are currently using, 2) committee present a slate of officers, 3) committee to present ballot. Second Karen. Discussion: Could add another role to the nominations committee or have president appoint an ad hoc committee. Poll board members: ballot or slate of officers preference.. Cynthia slate, Pauline slate, Susan abstain, Joani abstain, Chuck slate, Bernard slate, Mary Hale slate, Karen slate. MOTION PASSED on using a slate format to elect executive committee. Cynthia and Karen charged with coming up with the slate by interviewing each board member prior to Friday morning on their desire to be a member of the Executive Committee.


  • CEU DEGREE PROGRAM is an update-- conversations are still occurring. Looking at additional revenue sources to professionalize our profession. .


  • 19.Executive committee recommendations about chapters, 1-4. MOTION DEFERRED until Friday.


  • Financial report clarification. Chapter funds need to not be listed because it is the chapter and not national’s money. The full $125 is paid to national and a separate Chapter dues from (0-$45) is paid out in a separate account to put in the chapter name. The chapter task force will look at all topics, legal and procedural related to chapters.
  • 20.Executive director start to locate office space by January 1st and have a meeting place at the national office. Recommendation from Executive and finance committee. Cynthia second on motion. Realistically, Board approve budget first in January, and then approve the Executive director office move in March. Motion to approve concept to find office location, Second Chuck:.Roll call vote, all responded yes. MOTION PASSED.
  • 21.Considerall staff handling money be bonded. Susan second. Does it include volunteers? Bonding is on the organization not on the chapter. Issue will be assigned to task force because some are legal issues. Roll call votes: Board members responded yes, Karen yes, with correction that it states AAGP contracted employees and staff. MOTION PASSED.


22. Editorial, journal and advertising policies collaborating with ethics committee. Motion to accept editorial, journal, advertising policies and procedures first reading Karen, Joani second. MOTION PASSED. unanimously. Editorial policies and procedures: Add to the minutes that the executive committee did handle a plagiarism issue that the person asked to resign from the journal commitee, that the person not publish in the journal for one year, that the person submit statement of correction in the journal in the next issue, and withdraw candidacy for office in AAGP. ..

23 special interest groups Motion to study feasibility of., second Susan, Discussion of feasibility, Chuck concerned about impact on AAGP, conflict with chapters, Joani, amended to make sure that special interest group format did not take contracted AAGP staff time. MOTION PASSED unanimously. .

24 Template for Position Papers will be developed by Research and Authority and work with marketing committee for a consistent design and distribution. Motion Karen, Second Mary Hale. MOTION PASSED. Long range planning will come up with the next position paper topics after the next meeting.

25. Purchase order online process, Motion Karen to check feasibility of doing purchase orders online for K-12 school personnel. Second Susan. MOTION PASSED unanimously.

Membership categories, not a vote needed at this time.

NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS. Karen Stinson listed the slate of nominees and the process for election standing in for Deanna Nurnberg (who could not attend). The nominees are Pauline Annarino, Mary Hale Meyer, Jodi Pearl, Marcia Ford, Jane Hexter, Diane Gideon-Martin, and Candra Parker.

Audience provided an opportunity to address the board. Two audience members were present.