AACE Board of Director’s MeetingMinutes
Prescott, AZ

February 12, 2015

Call to Order-President Frank Sanchezcalled the meeting to order at 8 am

Roll Call

  • Apache- Absent
  • Cochise – Karen Riggs
  • Coconino –Scott Tkach
  • Gila – Steve Sanders
  • Graham – Michael Bryce
  • Greenlee – Phil Ronnerud
  • La Paz – Tom Simmons
  • Maricopa – Ed Williams
  • Mohave – Steve Latoski
  • Navajo –absent
  • Pima – Ali Fermawi
  • Pinal – Scott Bender
  • Santa Cruz – absent
  • Yavapai –Tim Stottler
  • Yuma – Frank Sanchez, Roger Patterson
  • Associates – Larry Bruce, Loretta Flick

Secretary Report – Steve Latoski
Motion to approve the minutes of the November 5, 2014 board meeting minutes by Karen Riggs, Second by Steve Latoski. Motion carried unanimously.

Steve stated Ferrin gave an update at the North Dakota Conference Board Meeting.

TreasurerReport – Steve Latoski

Steve Latoski presented the current financial report and stated the account balance is at $6,579. This amount is approximately $1,800 greater from last year at this time, and includes the deposit for the Regional meeting in November 2015.

NACE Update – No Report

Committee Reports

-Legislative/Liaison– Discussion regarding the HB 2572. This bill requires an 80/20 split HURF spending where 80% funds would be used for road construction, with 20% limit on administration costs. The bill would also give anyone the ability to sue in the event of damage due to pot hole or other road issues, with payments made within 5 days. Frank will review this bill with Kevin Adam. Phil mentioned this might be a good time to present the Needs Study.

Additionally Greg Stanley requested a letter from this board opposing the proposed rule regarding EPA “Waters of the United States Clean Water Act”. Mohave County provided its resolution opposing the proposed rule from May 2014. Motion to provide letter was made by Michael Bruce, Second by Karen Riggs. Frank will draft the letter.

--Legislative/Liaison – Application was submitted for NACD Award for Roger Patterson. Deadline for submitting for next year is January 2016. Please bring ideas for nomination to the June Meeting.

Larry discussed the possibility of re-evaluating the Easterbrook Awards to include one more award for County Employees. Steve suggested evaluating the aggregate number of Honorable Mention recognitions, which were well received this year. Loretta suggested adding an award to an associate member, either an individual or project award.

-Technical – Steve handed out the results of the Technical Committee Survey. There were only seven responses, however the comments were useful.

-Membership – Nothing new to report

Old Business

Karen stated she has completed a draft of the Needs Study Survey, Phil Ronnerud will review. Copies will be handed out and e-mailed to board members at this meeting and requested completing as much of the survey as possible, preferably by tomorrow.

New Business

CEAC (County Engineers Association California) has offered member prices to our group to attend any of their meetings. This year’s March meeting will be held in the LA area. Motion to extend Arizona Board members price to any member of a County Engineers Association made by Tim Stottler, second by Karen Riggs. Steve suggested notifying NACE of this opportunity to attend future AACE meetings at the AACE member rate.

Future Meeting Dates-
Roads & Streets, April 1-3, 2015 at La Paloma in Tucson
Summer Meeting – Bisbee, June 17-19, 2015
Western Regional Meeting – Laughlin November 4-6, 2015 at Aquarius – Ali asked if it is
possible to move this meeting back to an October date due to the conflict with the
Flood Control Conference.

Adjourn – The meeting adjourned at 9:05am