Adopted: November 20, 2008

Beachwood Athletic Boosters Bylaws


Article I: Organization3

Section 1: Name3

Section 2: Mission Statement3

Section 3: Objectives3

Section 4:Method of Operation3

Article II. Membership3

Section 1: General Membership Qualifications3

Section 2: General Membership Dues4

Section 3: General Membership Privileges4

Article III: Meetings4

Section 1: General Membership Meetings4

Section 2: Notice of Meetings4

Section 3: Order of Business5

Section 4: Annual Meetings5

Section 5: Executive Board Meetings5

Section 6: Voting5

Section 7: Quorum5

Section 8: Robert’s Rules of Order5

Article IV: Executive Board of Directors & Committee Chairs6

Section 1: Executive Board of Directors6-7

Section 2: Term Limits8

Section 3: Nominations8

Section 4: Elections 8

Section 5: Removal & Replacement8

Section 6: Committee Chair Leaders8-9

Article V. Finances 9

Section 1: General9

Section 2: Appropriations9

Article V. Restrictions & Limitations9

Article VII.Amendments10

Article VIII. Dissolution10

Article IX. Adoption of Bylaws10

Article I: Organization

Section 1: Name.

  1. This organization shall be named the BEACHWOOD ATHLETIC BOOSTERS INC. hereafter referred to as the Boosters

Section 2: Mission Statement.

  1. To promote the growth and success of the Beachwood City Schools Athletics

while encouraging school and community spirit.

Section 3: Objectives.

  1. To provide incremental funds for the Beachwood Board of Education Athletic programs grades 7-12.
  2. These incremental funds are intended to allow the school to support athletic programs at a level higher than would otherwise be possible without outside financial support.
  3. To encourage fair play and good sportsmanship by parents, fans, coaches, and participants.
  4. To promote school and community spirit and encourage attendance in all athletic events. Foster a strong sense of community to our student, parents, alumni and community members.
  5. Aid our coaching staffs in organizing and staging special events and projects.
  6. All acts and doings of the Boosters shall be in strict conformity with the Beachwood Board of Education guidelines, the rules and regulations of the Ohio High School Athletic Association, and shall not disrupt the league/conference guidelines.

Section 4: Method of Operation.

  1. The Boosters will be managed by an Executive Board of Directors (herein referred to as Executive Board) with the Athletic Director and the Principal of the Beachwood High School acting as a liaison between the Boosters and the Beachwood Board of Education.
  2. The Beachwood School District Board of Education will have jurisdiction over the Booster’s operation.
  3. The Beachwood Booster’s shall be a non-profit organization 501(c) 3 status organization serving as a subordinate organization to the Power Club Inc.

Article II. Membership

Section 1: General Membership Qualifications.

  1. The membership shall be open to all parents/guardians, faculty, coaches, students, alumni and parents of alumni and the community surrounding the City of Beachwood.

Section 2: General Membership Dues.

  1. The membershipdues structure will be recommended by the Membership Committee. The membership dues structure may be changed with a majority approval of the Executive Board.
  • Family Membership (Immediate Family)$100.00
  • Individual Membership$50.00
  • Senior citizen couple (age 65 or >)$60.00
  • Senior citizen individual (age 65 or >)$40.00
  • Alumni (Individual – post collage)$40.00
  • Coaches (Board approved)$FREE
  • Faculty$FREE

Section 3: General Membership Privileges.

  1. Privileges of General Membership shall include the right to vote for Executive Board Members at the Annual Meeting, the right to hold office, and other privileges as established by the Executive Board.
  2. To become eligible for membership privileges, a person must have attended at least four (4) meetings in the previous six(6) months, excluding the current meeting.

Article III: Meetings

Section 1: General Membership Meetings.

  1. General MembershipMeetings shall be held monthly. The meeting dates for the upcoming school year must be approved by the Executive Board at the Annual Meeting.
  2. General membership meetings shall be open to all interested persons (Members and Non-Members).
  3. There shall be no fewer than nine (9)General Membership Meetings per Membership Year.

Section 2: Notice of Meetings.

  1. Notice of General Membership Meetings shall be published in the Beachwood Academic Calendar and on the Schools or Boosters website.
  2. The upcoming Booster meeting must be announced at the General MembershipMeeting.
  3. One week or more notice must be given of the date and time of the upcoming Booster meeting.

Section 3: Order of Business.

Order of all business meetings shall be substantially as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Reading and Approval of Minutes
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. President’s Report
  5. Principal’s Report
  6. Athletic Director’s Report
  7. Committee’s Report
  8. Old Business Report
  9. New Business Report
  10. Announcements

Section 4: Annual Meetings.

  1. The Annual Meeting of the Boosters shall be held at the May meeting unless otherwise specified by the Executive Board.
  2. The main order of business at the Annual Meeting shall be the presentation of the Annual Report, General Membership Meeting dates for the upcoming school year and election of the Executive Board and Committee Chairs

Section 5: Executive Board Meetings.

  1. Executive Board Meetings shall be held monthly unless otherwise specified by the Executive Board. All Executive Board Members will be notified 24 hours in advance of any special meetings.

Section 6: Voting.

  1. To become eligible for General Membership voting privileges, a person must be a Booster member and have attended at least four (4) meetings in the previous 6 months, excluding the current meeting.
  2. All Executive Board members and Committee Chairs Leaders are granted the immediate right to vote upon being elected and or being appointed.
  3. Members must be present at the Booster meeting to be eligible to vote.
  4. To vote for Executive Board members or to be eligible to hold a position on the Executive Board attendance is required at a minimum of four (4) general membership meetings.

Section 7: Quorum.

  1. A minimum of 10 members must be present in order for votes to be counted. Majority will rule all votes.

Section 8: Robert’s Rules of Order.

  1. Robert’s Rule of Order, the latest edition, shall be recognized as the authority governing the meeting of the Boosters, its Executive Board, and its committees.

Article IV: Executive Board of Directors & Committee Chairs

Section 1: Executive Board of Directors:

An Executive Board of Directors is composed of five (5) Booster members and the Athletic Director of Beachwood High School and the Principal of Beachwood High School shall administer the affairs of the Boosters.


  1. Will preside at all meetings and carry out the duties generally ascribed to this office.
  2. Will have general supervision, direction and control of the business and affairs of the Boosters. (Ex: Goals and Budget performance)
  3. Will prepare an agenda for each meeting.
  4. Represent or appoint a representative to speak for the Boosters at meetings with the Athletic Director or other school or city officials.
  5. Will enforce any rules and bylaws of the Boosters.
  6. The President shall have the final vote only in case of a tie.
  7. Will be the official liaison between the Boosters and the School.
  8. Subject to approval of the Executive Board, the President will appoint and approve all Committee Chairs.
  9. Subject to approval of the Executive Board, the President canestablish, at his discretion any Committee that he/she deems necessary to conduct business for the Boosters.
  10. The President will oversee all Committee Chair Leaders.
  11. The President shall have the ability to write and sign checks in the event that the Treasurer is unavailable.
  12. The President shall have sole authority to sign any and all contracts on behalf of the Boosters.
  13. The President will be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Executive Vice President.

  1. Will assist the President in his duties and preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
  2. Will succeedthe President in the case of vacancy in the office until the next regularly scheduled election.
  3. Will carry out the duties generally ascribed to this office.
  4. The Executive Vice President shall assume the office of President should that office become vacant at any time after the election of officers.
  5. Oversee and execute appropriations as determined by the Executive Board.

Vice President .

  1. The Vice President shall oversee and coordinate with Committee Chairs Leaders all fund raising activities of the Boosters.


  1. Will be responsible for minutes being kept of all Executive Board meetings.
  2. Will issue timely distribution of the minutes to members of the Executive Board and any members that request a copy of the minutes.
  3. Provide meeting notifications at least one week in advance to all members.
  4. Will maintain permanent records of the Boosters.
  5. Will have Booster Bylaws available at all meetings where the Boosters business is being transacted.
  6. Will maintain a current roster of Booster members.
  7. Will carry out the duties generally ascribed to this office.


  1. Prepare and make available a monthly financial report for the Executive Board and its Members.
  2. Prepare a monthly financial report for the General Members which will be made available at allBoosters meetings.
  3. Prepare an annual financial report.
  4. Make available any financial records of the Boosters to any members for inspection within seven days of such a demand.
  5. Collect all receipts and make deposits in the Booster accounts; and pay all expenditures by check in a timely manner.
  6. Authority to write and sign and endorse all checks
  7. Maintain 501C(3) Status
  8. Will prepare and file any and all tax returns for the Boosters in a timely manner.
  9. Will carry out the duties generally ascribed to this office.


  1. The Principal will attend each meeting as a representative of the school district. In the event that the Principal can not attend the Booster meeting either the Assistant Principal or another administrator within the district shall serve as the school representative.
  2. The Principal will offer the administrative perspective relating to athletics at all General Membership Meetings.
  3. The Principal does not have the right to vote.

Athletic Director.

  1. The Athletic Director will attend each meeting as a school representative. In the event that the Athletic Director can not attend the Booster meeting either the High School Principal or Assistant Principal or another administrator within the district shall serve as the school representative.
  2. The Athletic Director will present an Athletic Directors report at all general membership meetings, which will provide a status update on the athletic programs.
  3. The Athletic Director does not have the right to vote.

Section 2: Term Limits.

A. Elected Executive Board Members will serve a period of one (1)

term in that elected position.

B. A term starts the first meeting after the Annual Meeting and ends upon

approval of the new Executive Board which is conducted at the Annual


Section 3: Nominations.

  1. At the General Membership meeting prior to the Annual Meeting a list of candidates for open Executive Board positions will be presented to the General Membership.
  2. Nominations may be made from the floor by General Membership at the General Meeting prior to the election, and such nominees shall be eligible for election provided they have consented to serve and are an existing Booster member. Nominations from the floor must receive a second.

Section 4: Elections.

A. Executive Board Members shall be elected by written ballot at the Annual

Meeting and sworn in at that same meeting.

B. All exiting Executive Board members shall orient the incoming newly elected

board members, to the prospective position.

Section 5: Removal & Replacement.

  1. When an Executive Board Member fails to attend three (3) consecutive general meetings of the Boosters, without an adequate excuse, the Executive Board may declare his/her position on the board as vacant. In this event, the Executive Board shall appoint, subject to the approval of the general members, an interim member for the remainder of the membership year.
  2. The Executive Board in regular session may elect a replacement for an officer who has resigned from the Executive Board mid term.

Section 6: Committee Chair Leaders.

  1. Subject to approval of the Executive Board, the Booster President will appoint and approve all Committees and Committee Chair Leader.
  • Membership
  • Coach’s (Athletic Director approved)
  • Public Relations & Marketing
  • Hall of Fame/Historian
  • Concession
  • Social Events
  • Volunteers
  • Student Booster Programs
  • Tournament(s)
  • Tailgate
  • Alumni
  • Meet the Team
  • Awards Banquets
  • 50/50 Raffle
  • Corporate Sponsorship
  • Pavers Program
  • Individual Team Parent Representatives

Article V. Finances

Section 1: General.

The operating fiscal year of the Boosters shall begin June 1 and end May 31 of the following year.

Section 2: Appropriations.

  1. All requested for funds will be presented in writing to the Athletic Director except those necessary to operate the Boosters.
  2. The Athletic Director will present appropriate requests in writing thirty (30) days prior to the upcoming General Membership Meeting to the Executive Board for approval or to be presented at the upcoming General Membership Meeting.
  3. For expenditures less than $500.00 the President shall have the authority to approve such expenditure.
  4. For expenditures $501.00 to $2,000.00 the Executive Board shall have the authority to approve such expenditure or present it to the General Membership.
  5. For expenditures $2,001.00 and greater the Executive Board and Committee Chair Leaders will vote on such expenditure(s).

Article VI. Restrictions & Limitations

  1. The Boosters shall not attempt to or dictate change, coerce or interfere with the policies set down by the athletic department, coaches or school administration.
  2. No part of the activities of the Boosters shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, or participating in, or intervening in (including the publication or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidates for public office.
  3. All major activities planned by the Boosters shall coordinate with the Athletic Director so as to not interfere with any athletic program or school event.
  4. No Executive Board member or general member shall have the authority to make financial commitments for the Boosters unless authorized by the President and a majority vote.
  5. The Boosters is prohibited from paying the contract of a school district employee. As referenced by the Ohio Ethics Commission Advisory Opinion No. 2008-01
  6. The Beachwood Athletic Boosters is a subordinate organization of the “Power Club Inc.” and must adhere to their 501c3 status as a group exemption.

Article VII. Amendments

  1. Proposed amendments of the Beachwood Athletic Boosters Bylaws shall be presented in writing to the Executive Board of Directors, read at a General Membership Meeting, and voted on at the following general membership meeting. The Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the General Members eligible to vote.

Article VIII. Dissolution

  1. Upon dissolution of the Boosters, all remaining funds will be given to the Athletic department to be used at their discretion. The Boosters may be dissolved upon 2/3 vote of the Executive Board. If the Executive Board has not met for more than 1 year, the Athletic Director or the School Board may dissolve the Boosters at their discretion.

Article IX. Adoption of Bylaws

A.These Bylaws were adopted by the Beachwood Athletic Boosters on November 20, 2008. Amendments or additional adoptions of these Bylaws shall state as a section of the text of such changes or additions, the date of adoption. A copy of the Beachwood Athletic Booster Bylaws will be keep at the Board of Education Office with the Superintendent and another copy will be keep with the High School Principal. Any amendments to the Bylaws must be provided to the Superintendent and the High School Principal.