AAAE Executive Board Meeting
Monday, May 24th, 2010
Roll Call—Lloyd Bell
Members Present: Tom Dobbins, Greg Miller, Gary Moore, Susie Whittington, Tracy Kitchel, Brian Warnick (in place of Steve Fraze), Jason Peake, Anna Ball, Lloyd Bell
Tom Dobbins made a motion to approve the minutes and Barry Croom seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report—Tom Dobbins
There was some discussion regarding the adoption of a budget, and when a proposed budget would come before the membership. The budget runs on a calendar year basis, and thus the budget proposed at the annual meeting will be the project budget for 2011. Tom Dobbins overviewed potential problems in the budget. First, collecting dues is a problem. Membership runs from January 1 to December 31, however dues are not being collected on time because the annual meeting is in May. Jason Peake noted that the website should be set up to send members a reminder who haven’t paid dues. For the current meeting, the board will send a plea to members to pay their dues. Tracy Kitchel will discuss that all members who haven’t paid dues must pay before they may present papers at the conference. It was recommended that the professional development committee discuss whether or not they want to continue to offer $500 to each of the regions for professional development support, and whether or not they want to specify how the monies should be used. There was also a discussion item regarding how the regions may use the tax information for AAAE. Currently, the Southern Region accounting is run through the AAAE. The North Central region has it’s own bank account and uses the AAAE tax ID number. The North Central region shouldn’t have it’s own bank account and use the AAAE tax ID number. Technically, all of the monies should go through AAAE, for the national and regional conferences. It will be suggested as a business item that AAAE discuss membership in COSSA as well as representatives to PAS as well as NYFREA. Lloyd Bell mentioned that the NYFREA position is appointed by the AAAE President and that now might be the time not to appoint a new representative. Further the COSSA dues are 3 year terms, and AAAE currently has no one serving as the representative, thus the Executive Committee might consider electing not to pay future dues to COSSA, as written in the budget. Tracy Kitchel moved and Susie Whittington seconded that research committee discuss adding to the bylaws that one of the paper authors must be a member to present a paper at the national conference.
Old Business
- Review of the conference program & assignments—Lloyd asked for questions. On Thursday at the business meeting Tracy Kitchel will do the Treasurer’s report in place of Tom Dobbins.
- Nominating report—Gary Moore
- President-elect Jim Dyer and Greg Miller
- Vice President of Communication—Mike Speiss
- Executive director position update—Gary Moore
- Gary presented a draft position description for the proposed AAAE Executive Director that was created by a sub-committee of the AAAE fellows. Gary will present this position for discussion at the business meeting.
New Business
- Officer updates & reports
- No update
- AAAE archive maintenance—Barry Croom
- Barry discussed the ongoing archive projects. NC-State has volunteered to become the permanent home for the archives. It’s recommended that members send them archive materials as they retire them and keep the archives in one location rather than rotating them. It was moved and seconded NC-State become the permanent archival home for the archives. Motion passed.
- Management of AAAE membership privileges—Jason Peake
- Jason Peake suggested that the member services committee should appoint a person to manage who has paid dues and who has privileges for passwords and/or access to the website.
- AAAE website orientation—Jason Peake
- Jason will go over how the AAAE website works at the business meeting.
- Responsibilities of V.P. of Communications—Jason Peake
- Jason Peake noted that the website is not sustainable if it’s passed from officer to officer. His recommendation was that the webmaster responsibility be moved to a paid position by a webmaster service. Gary Moore suggested that Mike Spiess assume the webmaster responsibilities for a year and make a decision based upon his future recommendations.
- 2011 conference planning to date—Susie Whittington
- Susie gave an update on the location of the 2011 conference in Coeur d Alene Idaho, as supervised by Jim Connors, Ben Swan and Katlyn Logan. The conference will be the same week in May as the 2010 conference except the Barrick Seminar will begin Tuesday evening.
- Tom Dobbins, with Tracy Kitchel developed a recommended budget for 2011.
- The plan is that the 2012 conference be in Asheville, North Carolina.
- Brian Warnick moved to adjourn Jason Peake seconded.