Aaa Membership Application Form

Aaa Membership Application Form

American Academy of Advertising

2017 Membership Form

Note: To pay by PayPal, join on-line by using the AAA website at

To pay by mail, print name below, circle one of the three membership options and mail your check to the address at bottom of this form. If your college/university must pay by credit card, please contact Pat Rose, Executive Director, at .

If you are renewing your membership, you can check your address and information on-line at the AAA Directory, Initial here, and only enter your name on this form ______


First name ______Last name ______

Fill in below if: (1) You were not a member in 2016; (2) If on-line AAA Directory is NOT accurate or NOT complete. Members’ contact information will appear in the on-line AAA Directory.

University/Company: ______

Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______

Country______Office Phone: ______

E-Mail Address: ______

Note: AAA memberships run for a calendar year, not for a year from date of payment. Memberships paid before November 10 are credited for the current year; memberships paid after November 10 are credited for the following year. MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES & BENEFITS – PLEASE CHECK ONLY ONE.

_____Regular Membership: $80.00 for all members worldwide. Members receive on-line access to the Journal of Advertising, The Journal of Current Issues in Advertising Research, the Journal of Interactive Advertising, AAA Conference Proceedings, official AAA mailings, and the online AAA newsletter. Print copies of future issues of the Journal of Advertising are sent to all members once dues are paid. And, there is a special member price for print copies of JCIRA. Also includes voting privileges.

_____Student Membership: $35.00 for all members worldwide. NOTE: Must be a currently enrolled full-time student. May not hold office or vote (AAA Constitution, Article IV-5). Students are entitled to all other Regular Membership benefits.

_____Retired: $40.00 for all retired members worldwide. Retired members are entitled to all Regular Membership benefits and have voting privileges

_____Joint AAA/EAA Membership - Regular - $100.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No recurring payments Joint AAA/EAA Membership [JR]: $100.00 per calendar year for all members worldwide. Members receive all the benefits of Regular Membership plus the EAA/ICORIA newsletters and a discounted rate for ICORIA. Also includes voting privileges.

_____Joint AAA/EAA Membership - Student - $50.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No recurring payments Joint AAA/EAA Student Membership [JS]: $50.00 for all members worldwide. NOTE: Must be a currently enrolled full-time student. May not hold office or vote (AAA Constitution, Article IV-5). Students receive all the benefits of Student Membership plus the EAA/ICORIA newsletters and a discounted rate for ICORIA.

Total enclosed ...... $______

Make check payable to American Academy of Advertising. Checks for 2017 memberships may not be deposited until 2017. All checks must be in U.S. Dollars on a check drawn against a U.S. bank.

Send all checks to: Pat Rose, Executive Director;American Academy of Advertising

831 Fearrington Post; Pittsboro, NC 27312