Theatre Arts II

Keith Wortham, Instructor

Room D-06

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances. And one man in his time plays many parts …”

-William Shakespeare, As You Like It, II-vii


Welcome to Theatre Arts II. Theatre Arts II is a continuation of the Theatre Arts I course. Using the foundation that was set in place in Theatre Arts I, we will focus on acting, directing, writing, and the study of methods for developing a character for performance.

Rules and Guidelines:

ALL RCS AND BHS RULES APPLY! If in doubt, refer to the student handbook.

Here are the rules specific to Mr. Wortham’s classroom:

  1. Be Prompt and Prepared – Be on time and bring all materials you’ll need for class. The door will close when the bell rings. If you arrive after that, you will need to go to C-07 to get a tardy slip.
  2. Show Respect – Respect yourself enough to take things seriously. Respect your peers when they are speaking or when working together. Respect your teacher, other teachers, and guests. Respect the physical space and clean up after yourselves.
  3. Maximize Learning Time – Every student should be an active participant in all class activities to get the most out of his/her education. Students should not leave the classroom for any reason unless it is an emergency, and even in this event students must use an agenda pass. Students should remain at their seats until the bell rings. Gathering at the door is not permissible.
  4. Be Positive – There’s enough negativity out there in the world. Leave it outside when you come into this classroom.


This class is set up in such a way that all students can succeed. Students are graded fairly and objectively. This is an academic class and grades, whether good or bad, are earned, not given.

Students must complete every assignment. The only fair way to assess a student is when all assignments are attempted. If an assignment is missing when it is due, the student will be assigned to Lunch and Learn until the assignment is completed and turned in.


Formative assessments (classwork, homework, bell work, participation, quizzes, drafts, reviews, etc.) will make up 50% of your grade.

Summative assessments (projects, performances, presentations, major writing assignments, tests, scripts, etc.) will make up 50% of your grade.


Composition Notebook


Primetime is a 30-minute instructional period to provide students with an opportunity for extra help, remediation, and enrichment. Students must have a Primetime pass to be dismissed from their regular first period class. These passes should be acquired the day before they plan to go to another class for Primetime. Students may not be dismissed without a Primetime pass. Missing an assigned Primetime is considered skipping class.

Tested courses are given priority on certain days as follows: Monday – Math, Tuesday – English, Wednesday – Science, Thursday – Social Studies, Friday – Your Choice.

Absences and Make-up Work:

Missed work due to absenteeism must be made up for credit within five days of returning to school. If you are absent and miss a test, project or performance, you are expected to complete this work on the day you return. Larger assignments of this type will always be announced in advance. The five-day make-up policy does not apply in these situations because the student will be given sufficient notice ahead of time. If absent for a group performance, the group should perform, but the missing student must complete an alternate assignment.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Let’s work diligently and have a successful year!

Theatre Arts Agreement Form

By signing below, I verify that I have read the guidelines and procedures for Theatre Arts II. I understand what is expected of me and agree to act responsibly throughout the year in order to ensure my success in this class.


Print Student Name


Student SignatureDate


By signing below, I verify that I have read the guidelines and procedures for Theatre Arts II. I understand the expectations for my son/daughter.


Print Parent/Guardian NameDate


Parent/Guardian Signature


Parent/Guardian Email