
Somerset BYTEe-sense Awards

Updated for September 2014

The BYTE awards are published based on age-related expectations. Some learnersmay work towards attaining a ‘higher’ or ‘lower’ award as appropriate. Learners working on GigaBYTE, TeraBYTE and PetaBYTE move from becoming aware in the first year of meeting that award to becoming secure. It is important that learners continually revisit the concepts and skills that are part of the BYTE experience

/ KILOBYTE / Learners with complex needs / It is expected that class rules for use of technology will be agreed and amended as learning experiences take place. These will be rehearsed whenever computing devices are used. The rules are shared with parents and carers for reinforcement at home.
/ MEGABYTE / Foundation
/ GIGABYTE / Year 1 and 2
/ TERABYTE / Year 3 and 4
/ PETABYTE / Year 5 and 6
/ EXABYTE / Year 7
/ ZETTABYTE / Year 8
/ YOTTABYTE / Year 9and beyond
/ HECTOBYTE / Older Students with Learning Difficulties

The expectations of younger aged pupils are set out in four areas and are cross referenced to the areas for older pupils as shown below:

Younger Learners / Older Learners
Safety / Security
Safe Behaviours
Obsessive Use of ICT
Collaborating / Safe Behaviours
Digital footprint
Effectiveness and Evaluation / Reliability, Validity and Bias
Copyright / Copyright

Please note that:

All statements refer to behaviour both in school and at home.

References to online tools include apps.

The range of devices learners will be using to access online experiences include tablets, personal computers, laptops, phones and games consoles.

The materials for the Somerset BYTE award were created by:

Amy Blackmore, Julia Briggs and Ian Gover

With help from Gavin Richards, Ben Salisbury and Lucinda Searle - all members of the Education Technology team within e-Learning and Information Management at Somerset LA.

Ideas, advice and further support came from teachers in Somerset especially:

Beverly Burnett (Axbridge C of E First School), Su Johnson (Pen Mill Infant and Nursery School), Rachel Harding (Oakfield School Academy), Andrew Shakesby (Brookside Community Primary School), Tess Evans, Chris White (Lufton College), Becky Hughes (Selworthy), Richard Hunter (Fiveways) and Tony Wheat (West Pennard C of E Primary School)

Assisted by: Sherril Atkins, Anne Allen, Simon Bath, Victoria Clark, Ben Coldicott, Matthew Edwards, Janet Hayward, Janet Hirons, Tracy Massey, Vaughan Nickels, and Lesley Peat.

The BYTE award was reviewed in the spring of 2014 by the eLIM team and:

Beverly Burnett (Axbridge C of E First School), Jackie Boswell (Ansford School), Ken Corish (SWGfL), Helen Caines (Butleigh Primary School), Michael Feeney (Haygrove School), Franky Gover (Halcon Primary), Lucy Heyworth (Burnham-on-Sea Infants), Becky Hughes (Selworthy), Val Hurley (Independent Consultant), Ben Stradling (Milford Junior) and Kat Tremlett (SWGfL)

The updated complete materials that develop from the update will be published in September 2014.

The Byte Awards were developed by Somerset after hearing about the e-safety awards of South Gloucestershire Local Authority.

Objectives of each level

Kilobyte award in e-sense –Learners on p scales

(Security, Safe Behaviours) / Begin to recognise the need for responsible use of technology devices. (k1)

Begin to recognise that actions may have consequences.(k2)
Have a basic understanding of actions that are right and wrong and can make good choices. (k3)
Know when and who to ask for help. (k4)
Begin to be aware of the time spent on technology devices. (k5)

(Safe Behaviours, Bullying, Digital Footprint) / Begin to be aware who it is safe to communicate with. (k6)
Begin to understand they can interact with someone they can’t see. (k7)
Show concern for others. (k8)
Begin to recognise they can send information about themselves to someone else. (k9)

Effectiveness & Evaluation
(Reliability, Validity and Bias) / Know they can find information from different sources. (k10)
Are aware of some sources of information and preferred activities. (k11)

MegaBYTE award in e-sense - Foundation

(Security, Safe Behaviours) / Recognse the need for responsible use of technology devices. (m1)
Increase awareness of the time spent on technology devices. (m2)
Know that passwordsare private. (m3)
Are aware that they can use the Internet to play and learn. (m4)
Recognise the impact of good choices and consequences of wrong ones. (m5)
Make sure there is an adult with them when using the Internet. (m6)
Recognise who they can ask for help and know what to do when something unexpected or worrying appears on a screen. (m7)

(Safe Behaviours, Bullying, Digital Footprint) / Begin to be aware who it is safe to communicate with. (k6)
Begin to recognise they can send information about themselves to someone else. (k9)
Show kindness to others. (m8)
Recognise they can share their learning with others. (m9)
Learn to share equipment and take turns. (m10)

(Reliability, Validity and Bias) / Know they can find information from different sources. (k10)
Begin to recognise age-appropriate websites, apps and games. (m11)
Copyright / Know that things they create belong to them and can be shared with others. (m12)

Text in grey indicates concepts from previous level

GigaBYTE award in e-sense – Years 1 and 2

(Security, Safe Behaviours, Obsessive Use of ICT) / Begin to recognise the need for responsible use of technology devices. (k1)
Begin to understand what personal information is and who you can share it with. (g1)
Keep their passwords private. (g2)
Begin to recognise who can see information stored in different places. (g3)
Recognise the difference between real and imaginary online experiences. (g4)
Know that not everyone is who they say they are online. (g5)

Make sure an adult knows what they are doing online. (g6)
Know what to do and who to tell when they see something that makes them uncomfortable. (g7)
Recognise the Internet as an exciting place to be but understand the need for a balance in how they spend their time. (g8)

Collaborating(Safe Behaviours, Bullying, Digital Footprint) / Begin to recognise different ways to communicate online and understand the importance of always being kind and polite. (g9)
Understand that an adult needs to know when you are communicating with others online. (g10)
Learn to respect the work of others which is stored on a shared drive of a network or presented online. (g11)

Effectiveness & Evaluation
(Reliability, Validity and Bias) / Understand there are a variety of sources of information and begin to recognise the difference. (g12)
Recognise different types of content on websites (e.g. adverts, links) (g 13)
Know that some things may not be true or safe. (g14)
Recognise age-appropriate websites, apps and games. (g 15)
Copyright / Know that sometimes pictures and words on the Internet cannot be copied because they belong to someone else. (g16)

Text in grey indicates concepts from previous level

TeraBYTE award in e-sense – Years 3 and 4

(Security, Safe Behaviours, Obsessive Use of ICT) / Keep personal information private. (t1)
Choose a secure password and appropriate screen name. (t2)
Make sure an adult knows what they are doing online and know how to report concerns. (t3)
Recognise excessive use of technology devices. (t4)
Begin to consider the need to protect their devices from viruses. (t5)

(Safe Behaviours, Digital Footprint, Bullying) / Understand that any personal information they share online can be seen and used by others. (t6)
Know they can use online tools to collaborate and communicate with others and the importance of doing this responsibly. (t7)
Recognise the effect their writing or images might have on others. (t8)

Effectiveness & Evaluation
(Reliability, Validity and Bias) / Recognise that information on websites may not be accurate or reliable and may be used for manipulation, persuasion or promote bias. (t9)
Recognise they are responsible for making sure information they share online is reliable. (t10)
Recognise that websites can use different methods to advertise products (t11)
Recognise age appropriate websites, apps and games (t12)
Copyright / Understand the need to identify whether material can be shared before using it in their work. (t13)
Respect the ideas and communications of others in work which is presented in an electronic format. (t14)
Ask permission to use content created by others. (t15)

PetaBYTE Award in e-sense –Years 5 and 6

(Security, Safe Behaviours, Obsessive Use of ICT) / Keep personal information and passwords private (t1)
Know how to choose screen names and passwords for different purposes. (p1)
Understand appropriate and inappropriate use of the Internet. (p2)
Recognise when the use of technology devices becomes obsessive and be ready to ask for help. (p3)
Recognise their own right to be protected from the inappropriate use of technology by others and be ready to say no to inappropriate requests. (p4)
Understand how to protect the devices they use. (p5)
Recognise their responsibility to report concerns and keep themselves and others safe. (p6)

(Safe Behaviours, Bullying, Digital Footprint) / Understand that any information they share online can be seen and used by others. (t8)
Use social networking websites appropriately, keeping an adult informed about their online activity. Make good choices when they present themselves online. (p7)
Recognise the appropriate online tools to collaborate and communicate with others, understanding how to protect themselves from Cyberbullying or causing hurt to others, especially when using social networks. (p8)
Respect the rights of other users. (p9)

Effectiveness and Evaluation
(Reliability, Validity and Bias) / Recognise that websites have an author and an audience and some people may publish content that is not accurate. (p10)
Understand reasons why people might publish content that is not reliable. (p11)
Know they need to check and critically evaluate information. (p12)
Recognise the consequences of using unreliable information. (p13)
Know that websites can collect data and that they can use this to make money and target their advertising. (p14)
Know how to check that apps, games and websites are age appropriate. (p15)
Copyright / Recognise the material on the Internet which belongs to someone else and know what can be downloaded to use in their own work. (p16)
Acknowledge where they use other people’s content in their own work. (p17)

Text in grey indicates concepts from previous level

ExaBYTE award in e-sense – Year 7 (Not all objectives need to be covered)

Security / Keep personal information and passwords private. (t1)
Recognise risks when using technologies in an online environment and the need for virus and malware checkers.(e1)
Can describe what makes a strong password. (e2)
Safe Behaviours / Recognise the risks associated with the sharing of personal information in a digital environment. (e3)
Identify measures used to protect themselves against danger when using social media e.g. Social Networks, Chat, IM, Mobile phones, Games consolesespecially in adjusting security settings.(e4)
Recognise the potential harms of accessing material or playing games that have been rated as inappropriate. (e5)
Describe how they can block and report issues and communications on all the sites they use. (e6)
Copyright / Acknowledge sources of information and recognise copyright. (e7)
Describe how the sharing of files between peers can contradict copyright restrictions. (e8)
Digital Footprint / Describe the definition of a ‘digital footprint’ as a trail left by an individual or organisations interaction with a digital environment. (e9)
Describe how to make a digital footprint positive. (e10)
Bullying / Recognise the behaviours that contribute to cyber-bullying. (e11)
Describe the impact of cyber-bullying on the recipient. (e12)
Obsessive Use of ICT / Identify their use of technology and the role it plays in day-to-day life. (e13)
Identify some of the risks associated with this. (e14)
Reliability, Validity and Bias / Create information from data for specific purposes and audiences and recognise the relevance this has on its validity and bias. (e15)
Commercial Use of Data / Describe and explain an awareness of methods used by commercial sites to collect and store information about users to help them target their business activities. (e.g. Facebook, YouTube and Google). (e16)

Text in grey indicates concepts from previous level

ZettaBYTE Award in e-sense – Year 8 (Not all objectives need to be covered)

Security / Can recognise and explain the need for different passwords and can describe how passwords are sometimes broken (z1)
Can describe the function of some common types of computer viruses (z2)
Safe Behaviours / Describe how they can block and report issues and communications on all the sites they use (e5)
Recognise and explain the risks associated with the sharing of personal information in a digital environment (z3)
Recognise and explain the potential harms of accessing material or playing a game that has been rated as inappropriate. (z4)
Identify and explain measures used to protect themselves against danger when using social media. (z5)
Copyright / Recognise copyright and other constraints on the use of digital media. (z6)
Explain ‘copyright’ and describe its purpose. Acknowledge all sources.(z7)
Explain the potential impact of sharing files under copyright law. (z8)
Digital Footprint / Explain the common routes through which individuals or organisations can add to their digital footprint, including the use of the internet, mobile communications, devices and sensors. (z9)
Bullying / Explain the variety of behaviours that contribute to cyber-bullying. (z10)
Explain the impact of Cyberbullying on the recipient and identify the media through which cyber-bullying often occurs (e.g. social networking, mobile phones). (z11)
Obsessive Use of ICT / Can explaintheir use of technology and can rationalise the possible impact of excessive use. (z12)
Reliability, Validity and Bias / Explain how the content and style of information can influence the picture it creates and that data can be distorted and misused e.g. Can pupils identify the difference between fact or opinion? (z13)
Commercial Use of Data / Describe and explain an awareness of methods used by commercial sites to collect and store information about users to help them target their business activities. (e.g. Facebook, YouTube and Google). (e14)

Text in grey indicates concepts from previous level

YottaBYTEpass award in e-sense – Year 9 (Not all objectives need to be covered)

Security / Can describe the social, moral, legal and ethical issues surrounding personal security. (yp1)
Recognise the need for differing levels of security on different sites relevant to their function (e.g. Banks) and the need for different passwords on every site. (yp2)
Can describe the function of some common types of computer viruses and discuss the implications when failing to protect against them. (yp3)
Safe Behaviours / Evaluate the risks associated with the sharing of personal information in a digital environment (yp4)
Interpretand discuss the impact of inappropriate or harmful use of social media. (yp5)
Evaluate the potential harm of the use of inappropriate material. (yp6)
Copyright / Know that copyrighted material requires permission or consent to be given. (yp7)
Evaluate the implications of copyright infringement on others. (Such as the theft of intellectual property). (yp8)
Digital Footprint / Evaluate the benefits and dangers of having a digital footprint. (yp9)
Be able to explain the types of data that can be collated by an individual or organisations interaction with a digital environment. (yp10)
Bullying / Recognise and interpret the social impact of cyber-bullying and identify processes and support systems that exist to help reduce the harmful impact of cyber-bullying. (yp11)
Obsessive Use of ICT / Identify and explain the consequences of excessive use of technology on themselves and others. (yp12)
Reliability, Validity and Bias / Explain how new information can be formed from old and how this can lead to bias. (yp13)
Consider the impact of the Media in peoples understanding of information. (yp14)
Commercial Use of Data / Evaluatethe measures that can be applied to minimise the impact of commercial data-collecting strategies (yp15)

YottaBYTEmerit award in e-sense – Year 10 (Not all objectives need to be covered)

Safe Behaviours / Rationalise the moral, social, legal and ethical issues concerned with the inappropriate or harmful use of social media. (ym1)
Rationalise and interpret the wider implications, motivations, and consequences for those involved. (ym2)
Describe the influence that use of material rated as inappropriate has on society. (ym3)
Copyright / Know the distinction between primary and secondary sources of information. (ym4)
Rationalise the impact of copyright infringement on the individual and the wider community. (ym5)
Digital Footprint / Understand that a digital footprint is related to the size of an individual or organisations online presence and that the content of this presence can come from a wide variety of interactions with the digital environment. (ym6)
Critically evaluate the size and sensitivity of their own digital footprint and identify measures to control and/or reduce its size. (ym7)
Bullying / Describe and evaluate the moral, social, legal and ethical issues surrounding cyber-bullying. (ym8)
Obsessive Use of ICT / Describe the influence of obsessive use of IT (e.g. gambling, multi player games) online and evaluate the social and financial impact on an individual. (ym9)
Health and Safety at work / Know the health risks associated with prolonged use of computers in the work environment (RSI, posture, work-space design, impact on vision and time spent at a computer). (ym10)
Reliability, Validity and Bias / Demonstrate an understanding that the source of information should be questioned for its relevance and value especially in relation to the speed at which information can be transmitted throughout the world. (ym11)
Demonstrate an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of organisations with regards to the Freedom of Information Act. (ym12)
Commercial Use of Data / Demonstrate an understanding of how illegal activity such as phishing and email scams can extract personal information from legitimate websites. (ym13)