A259 Sandgate Esplanade Zebra Crossing
Summary of consultation results and comments
Level of support / Number / PercentSupport / 10 / 100
Object / 0 / 0
Not Sure / 0 / 0
Total / 10 / 100
Comments / Level of support / KCC Comment
-Prevent drivers exceeding the speed limit
-It allows pedestrians to cross the road more safely, especially after they have exited the hotel. / Support / Comments are noted.
I am writing in favour of the new crossing, linking Brewers Hill with the Seafront, on the A259, Sandgate.
I live on Brewers Hill and regularly cross the road with my eight year old twins.
We often wait for long periods for a suitable gap in the traffic and I regularly witness others having difficulty crossing here. / Support / Comments are noted.
As a regular visitor to Sandgate I should like to add my support to the proposed construction of a new Zebra Crossing on the A259 at the bottom of Brewers Hill Sandgate.
constant enforcement which the police cannot commit to currently. / Support / Comments are noted.
Exemption of local I am a Sandgate resident and support the proposed new zebra crossing near Brewers Hill. It's a very sensible idea and will help people get around safely.
I would also like to propose a change to the parking layout in the village opposite the shop. There is a pinch point and island to help cross, but the benefit is almost completely mitigated by the way people park large vehicles and vans in the chevron parking nearby. It's very difficult to cross safely from south to north, I'm an average height adult & I often struggle, it's much trickier for my young son. I feel strongly that the parking should be restricted i.e. the vehicles' length should fall within a marked out safe area so that the line of sight of pedestrians crossing is not impeded. I'm saying that longer vehicles should park elsewhere. / Support / Unfortunately this area is not part of the scheme and your comments will be passed to the local steward working in the area.
I am very pleased to see that some changes will be made to the parking on Sandgate Esplanade; many years of frustration with poor parking both on the pavement at the expense of those using the footpath and the inconsiderate parking that does not allow other residents to park along the road; the instigation of bays will hopefully alleviate some of this frustration.
Two queries:
Why you have not chosen to have resident permit parking in the area.
Where will the bus stops be relocated. / Support / SDC control and enforce parking permits within this location.
*The proposed crossing build-out seems to take up around 10 or 12 parking spaces atthe place of the present bus-stop. Will the bus-stop be moved elsewhere or abandoned? If moved to a spot nearby, that will mean a further 3 or 4parking places removed from the area. Most homes along Sandgate Esplanade do not have private parking and rely on the sea-ward side of the road for parking.
*The proposed build-out seems unnecessary as a means of making the crossing 'visible to on-coming vehicles', surely Belisha beacons would do the job? Will there be traffic lights?
*One of the reasons given for the crossing is 'ease of access between the seafront and businesses opposite', but the only business opposite is the Sandgate Hotel, who will lose much of their parking for customers. May I suggest thatan area near Encombe Road would be a much better proposition for a zebra crossing, as the road is wider there and parking is restricted, thus not taking away parking availability.
*As the pavement is going to be narrowed, what will happen to the many wooden benches along the Esplanade? Will they be moved with the pavement when it is narrowed or moved altogether? Most of them have presumably been placed there by private citizens having first gained approval from the council?
*I have no objection to a zebra crossing, it is something that would be welcomed by all residents I believe, but the position, as related above, needs to be considered.
I also have no objection to regimented parking bays, which could possibly be charged for with meters (at a reasonable amount, say £2 a day), but have a residents fee for parking charged yearly, allowing residents to park without using the meters.
*The narrowing of the pavement seems an unnecessary amount of work given that it would be possible to mark out bays to include a little of the pavement, as I have seenin other areas.
* Where would residents park whilstthe work is on-going? Could the side roads, such as Encombe, Sunnyside etc be made available, as they are mostly lined with double yellow lines. How long would the work take, and would it be during the summer months, when parking is almost impossible?
*The re-surfacing of the road is a very welcome proposition, as the road outside our home shakes every time large vehicles go by over a dent in the road! The road all the way to Hythe could also be resurfaced!
Thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns. / Support / Double yellow lines being reduced at jct with Encombe, total loss of parking approx. 20m.
Bus stops relocated.
Build out is required to:-
Reduce the carriageway width.
Increase visibility.
Belisha beacons will be installed.
Crossing located at the bottom of Brewer’s Hill footpath.
Three wooden benches will be relocated onto the promenade after receipt of approval from SDC. Parking permits and restrictions Shepway District Councils responsibility.
Narrowing of pavement is necessary to allow the minimum carriageway width required for two-way traffic and a 1.8m wide parking bay.
Order will prevent access by buses, taxi’s & emergency vehicles. I wanted to email as a local resident in strong SUPPORT of your proposed new Zebra Crossing on Sandgate Esplanade and the associated works for the build-out to aid visibility, mitigating the loss of parking through shortening double yellow lines, installing a parking bay along the length of the Esplanade to alleviate footpath parking and resurfacing the Esplanade.
The crossing has long been needed on the Esplanade, with no current facility to do so across a busy road with many people seeking to access the beach. The works to alleviate parking on the pavement are also welcomed, which should increase the width of pavement available to pedestrians and cyclists. / Support / Comments are noted.
I am emailing to say that I would love it if a zebra crossing was installed at the bottom of Brewers Hill on the A259.
We are local residents and my son crosses the road here every day to get to the bus stop to get the bus to school.
I regularly cross the road here with my toddler in her buggy. Sometimes we can wait up to ten minutes before being able to cross. Due to the cars parked on the sea side it is sometimes difficult for us to find a safe space to cross from.
I will say that putting a crossing here can only be a good thing and I look forward to using it soon. / Support / Comments are noted.
I have looked at the plans and can see an alternative that has the potential to generate more parking spaces and deliver a zebra crossing. This can be done by expanding the road into the wide footpath to the east of Brewer’s Hill and allowing parking within the zig zag border of the crossing. I attach a crude example of how a zebra crossing was installed elsewhere in Kent not long ago as an example.
Any proposals for roadworks, restrictions on parking or access to this stretch will have a profound impact on the business on this stretch of road. In practice that is just The Sandgate Hotel. The Sandgate Hotel’s customers rely on ample parking to be able to use our service. This applies to guests staying with us overnight and people using the lounge bar and restaurant. Our business is seasonal and we rely on the summer months to remain in business throughout the year. Roadworks can only be scheduled for October-November or January-February and we will need full details and at least 12 months’ notice.
The consultation does not specify what the impact on parking will be. I am also aware that a new development that was originally proposed to provide its own parking will no longer do so (although I only know this by hearsay; nobody has consulted us). If true, this too will have an impact on parking and our continued viability.
I am committed to the Sandgate Hotel and have invested heavily in it. Indeed we were in the middle of renovating the front of the building when a neighbour told me about the consultation. We are continuing our renovations with optimism that you will proceed in a way that is sensitive to our needs. However, should the proposals result in reduced parking, or roadworks during March-September or December, we would like an agreement in principle for a change of use from commercial to residential and a discussion about assistance to avoid making our hardworking and loyal staff redundant.
I am unable to find a telephone number to speak to anyone about these proposals but as the deadline for consultation looms I needed to get some response to you.
It is imperative that you engage with me at The Sandgate Hotel before anything concrete is in place. / Support / The build out has now been reduced to the minimum size, it’s required to ensure both road users and pedestrians have a 43m minimum sight line.
Crossing located at the bottom of Brewer’s Hill footpath as the carriageway is straight at this section of Sandgate Esplanade.
Roadworks will be scheduled for October and November.
See drg no. SH-1718-LTP-205-CW-5
Detailing our revised zebra crossing layout.