PRESENT:Mrs Jeanette Graham (ZA, Zone Chief Instructor and Chair), Mrs Bronwyn Glenn (ZA), Mrs BrownynBourchier (ZA), Mrs Bette Scougall (ZA and Zone Vice-President), Ms Janny Miller (ZA), Miss Frances Corry (DCI and Zone Secretary/Treasurer), Mrs Dorothy Miles (DCI), Mr Rowan Anderson (ZA and Zone President), Mrs Rosemary Oram (ZA, Zone Representative and Hon. Sec. DCI & ZA Panel).
APOLOGIES:Mrs Bev Parsons (DCI and Zone Examining Secretary), Mrs Fiona Matheson (ZA), Mr Morris Brown (ZA).
Moved Bette Scougall and SecondedJanny Miller that the apologies recorded above be accepted. Carried.
- Confirmation of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 24th June, 2011.
Moved Frances Corry and Seconded Dorothy Miles that the Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday, 24th June, 2011 be confirmed as circulated to the Executive, DCIs and ZAs. Carried.
- Business arising from the Minutes:
a)Horse Trial workshops at Deniliquin – refer to General Business
b)Zone Assistants – Lyn Pearson and Janette Hayward have both resigned.
- Correspondence:
a)Inward: Nil
b)Outward: (i)Minutes and enclosures from the meeting of 24th June, 2011. (ii) Deniliquin Pony Club accepting their offer to conduct Horse Trial workshops in 2012. (iii) Letter to Lyn Pearson – no reply.
- Reports:
a)Zone Representative – as presented and enclosed/attached.
b)Zone Chief Instructor–Jeanette Graham will bring some of the matters up in general business. There is a Chief Instructor’s meeting in Melbourne on Wednesday, 2nd November.
c)Zone Examining Secretary – Bev Parsons not present so there was no report.
- Club visits:
a)Frances has been to Cobram and Kerang and all is well
b)Dorothy visited Rochester and everything is proceeding in a positive manner.
c)Carl Forbes-Wilson completed his C Certificate at Kyabram – Dorothy Miles.
d)Four candidates sat for their K Certificates at Mildura-Alcheringa Pony Club – Dorothy Miles was the examiner.
- General Business:
a)Horse Trials Workshop at Deniliquin–12th February, 2012. Action –ZCIto co-ordinate.
b)Gear Check workshops- 1st July at Balranald Camp and 29th September 2012 at the Zone Camp. Action – Rosemary Oram to co-ordinate.
c)Calendar dates – the dates for State and Zone workshops, camps, qualifying events and testing days have been placed onto the zone calendar.
d)DCI & ZA Panel Secretary – matter deferred. Action – Panel members consider offering themselves for this position.
e)Scoring at IZTHT–the document written by Leonie Lang has been circulated to the Executive, DCI & ZA Panel members and selected active participants in horse trials.Action – to be voted on at the State Council Meeting on 22nd November. Please contact either Rosemary Oram or Bronwyn Glenn with your thoughts.
f)Course Accreditation workshop – no discussion but give this some thought before the next meeting.
g)Zone camp – This is an ongoing success for the Zone and positions are highly sought after. There was discussion as to the best way to ensure that as many riders as possible attend the camp during their time at pony club. It was resolved that (i) Nathalia riders (as the host club) are assured of a place (ii) Riders who apply but miss on a place should be automatically offered one at the next camp (iii) The entry form will be put on the Northern Zone website.
h)ZCI instigated a discussion about the consistency of dressage judges as indicated in the tests forwarded to her. It was resolved that Jeanette Grahamand Dorothy Miles work on a document which is used as feed-back after a competition.It was suggested that the Zone invite current and intending judges to a dressage day/evening using video as a teaching tool.Give this more thought before the February meeting.
i)The Panel recognises its obligation to assist individual clubs with rally planning without them having to endure the expense of paying instructors on a regular basis. Action – at the next Panel meeting, all members are asked to bring along some ideas of tried and true games and activities which could be shared with all clubs. They should preferably be written down so that they can be collated into a document for easy circulation.
With no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and input and the Meeting closed at 10.50 pm.
Rosemary Oram
Hon. Sec. DCI & ZA Panel
State Representative report