Summer Camp!

A WebQuest for 9th-12th grade

Physical Education

Designed by,

Ms. Kara DiMarco

Introduction I Task I Process I Evaluation I Conclusion I Credits


You are a Camp Counselor who sets up an Adventure program for campers at an exclusive camp. Money is no option and you are able to set up any type of camp experience you wish as long as it involves teambuilding activities and challenges. This program will be designed for high school age teens. You will be creating a slideshow that will be presented to the camp director in order to get your new program approved to run this summer!

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Your task for this project is to develop an Adventure program for high school aged campers at an exclusive summer camp. You will need to describe 10 teambuilding activities that you will do with your campers throughout the summer. The activities should be clearly explained including all equipment needed and any safety concerns. There should also be a short paragraph explaining the goal of the activity (communication, teamwork, reading body language, etc.). You are also going to have to “sell” this program and your activities to the camp director for final approval.

Make a 30 slide Power Point presentation to explain your program idea to the camp director.


1.  Create a colorful title slide displaying the name of your new program. (1 slide)

2.  Come up with 3 motivational words that will be a recurring theme throughout your 10 teambuilding activities and your entire program. (1 slide)

3.  Explain each word on a separate slide (what it means in general and what each word means in relation to your program). (3 slides)

4.  Using information from any of the sources below (or your own sources), describe 10 teambuilding activities in detail. Each activity should be about 2 slides. (20 slides)

Be sure to include:

a.  Detailed description of the activity

b.  Any equipment you will need

c.  Any safety concerns

d.  A brief explanation of how your 3 motivational words relate to the activity

5.  In your own words explain the importance of teambuilding as it relates to a teenagers life. (3 slides)

a.  What skills do teambuilding sharpen?

b.  How does teambuilding translate to everyday life?

c.  Why is it important for teens to develop these teambuilding skills?

6.  Add two final slides with motivational quotes and pictures about teambuilding.

(2 slides)

7.  Be sure to make your PowerPoint Presentation colorful and attractive

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Index to Group Activities

The Ultimate Camp Resource

Mind Tools


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You will be graded using the following rubric for your Power Point presentation:

Summer Camp PowerPoint Rubric Fit! Rubric /
/ 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Your Score
Creativity / Exceptional originality of presented material / Some apparent originality displayed through creative use of materials / Material presented with little originality or creative thought / Project includes little variety in presentation techniques
Content / Project is well-organized and meets all requirements / Project is well- organized and meets most requirements / Project meets half of the requirements; well-organized / Unorganized and meets less than half the requirements
Grammar / Nearly error-free which reflects clear understanding and thorough proofreading / Few grammatical and/or stylistic errors / Some errors in grammar and/or format that does not interfere with clarity / Multiple grammatical and stylistic errors
Power Point
Presentation / Evidence that pride and care was taken and the message of the product is clearly defined / Clear, uncluttered, and attractive / Project appears rushed or somewhat careless, but the content is legible / Careless, hurried, and illegible presentation


You have learned how to develop a successful Adventure Program for an exclusive summer camp. Hopefully, you have gained a better understanding about the importance of teambuilding during the teenage years. Who knows, with your new found knowledge maybe you can work as a camp counselor this summer!

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Credits and References

Rubric created with Task Stream:

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