“Finding the Road that Leads to Christ”
500 Automotive Parables
Copyright, Sonny Fox, Ph.D., 2007
- ABS: All - Believers - Sin (unlike anti-lock brakes, there is no Anti-Sinning-System!) Romans 3:23
- A/C: Accept - Christ (you won't need A/C in heaven!) Psalms 37:27
- ACID: Accept - Christ - to Inoculate - the Devil (accept Christ to help neutralize Satan's corrosive nature) Psalms 32:7
- ACTUATE: Allow - Christ - To - Undo - All - Temptation - Eternally (Christ is the actuator switch that leads to eternal life) Roman 10:9
- AGILE: Always - Greet - Individuals - with Love - and Enthusiasm (be agile and ready when greeting a potential new believer, witnessing to them where they are in their lives at that moment) 1 Corinthians 9:20-23
- AIR: Accept - Infinite - Redemption (just like the air we breathe, redemption is available everywhere) Colossians 1:14
- AIRBAG: After - Internalizing - Redemption - Begin - Acting - Graciously (once the salvation airbag has saved you, act more graciously on the road of life!) Ephesians 2:8, 9
- ALARM: Always - Listen - And - Reduce - Mistakes (GOD's check engine light) 1 Timothy 1:5
- ALLOY: All - Lives - Lineup - On -Yielding (we are one with Christ when we surrender our life to HIM and ask the Holy Spirit to come live inside us) 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
- ALTERNATOR: ALTER - Now - And - Take - the Offer - of Redemption (take the direct current power from GOD, and then alternate your message as needed to witness to the person at hand) 1 Corinthians 9:20-23
- AMP: Avoid - Mistakes - Pray! Pray! Pray! (get AMPed with GOD) Ephesians 5:19-20
- ANVIL: Allow - Newness - in Victory - to Instill - Love (eternal damnation is hammered when we accept Christ) 2 Corinthians 5:17
- APRON: Allow - Prayer - to Remove - your Old - Nature (prayer is like a welding apron … it deflects the sparks of the evil one) Ephesians 6:11
- ARC: After - Redemption - Christ (holy sparks flew at Pentecost!) Acts 2:2-4
- ARGON: Always - Remember - GOD - can Override - Nature (like any inert gas, HE can shield out harmful impurities) Ephesians 6:11-18
- Rocker ARM: Resurrection - Activates - Redemptive - Mercy (GOD Rocks!) 2 Corinthians 9:2
- ATV: All - Terrain - Victory (Jesus operates on and off road; HE goes where He needs to in order to gather HIS flock) Ezekiel 34:11, 12
- AUTO: Act - Unconditionally - Toward - Others (spiritual love makes brotherly love a habit) John 13:34
- AWL: Always - Worship - the Lord (use the awl to pin you down as a servant of Christ) Romans 1:1
- AXLE: Always - eXercise - Love - Exclusively (all the commandments in the Bible are resting on just two axles. Axle One: Worship GOD; Axle Two: Love one another) Matthew 22:37-40
- BALD: Be - Aware - for Lurking - Demons (check your spiritual tire wear daily! The evil one slowly chips away at your faith) 2 Thessalonians 2:9
- BARB: Believers - Are - a Redeemed - Brotherhood (the barbs have been smoothed out with redemption) Galatians 5:22-23
- BARS: Break - Away - Resistance - Strength (life is tough; you need protective roll bars around your heart) 2 Thessalonians 3:3
- BATTERY: Before - Allowing - Temptation - To - Erode - your Riches - Yield! (Stay connected to the source) John 15:5
- BEAM: Build - Everything - Around - the Master (Jesus is the I-Beam for our life, the center of our strength) Ephesians 1:19
- BEARING: Believers - Embrace - All - Righteousness - In - their Newness - from God (God acts as our bearing as we carry our cross in service to Him) Luke 14:27
- BEEP: Believers - Engage - Early - with Prayer (GOD wants us to blow HIS horn to let others know who it is that should get the credit) Luke 11:9
- BELL: Believers - Experience - Lifelong - Love (to a believer’s ear, HIS voice is as clear as a bell) John 10:4
- BELT: Be - Encircled - by Love - and Trust (HE is the engine belt that operates all the pulleys for each of our gifts) Acts 17:28
- BEND: Believers - Enjoy - Never - Dying (believers bend, yes; but with Christ, believers don't break!) Ephesians 6:13
- BENT: Believers - Enjoy - Newness - Today (when you accept Christ, He makes straight that bent and crooked road you once traveled) Matthew 7:14
- dirt BIKE: Believing - Involves - Knocking out - Evil (be prepared to jump over evil using your spiritual motocross) 2 Timothy 2:22
- BILLET: Build - Incredible - Lasting - Love - by Embracing - Truth (the Trinity is the raw material and foundation for all that is true) 1 Timothy 3:15
- BIT: Believing - Includes - your Testimony (drill away at others with what God has done in your life… your testimony) 2 Timothy 4:2
- BLADE: Believers - Live - After - Death - Eternally (when Christ returns, the harvest blade will separate those who have been saved from those who have been lost) Matthew 13:49, 50
- BLING: Believers - Learn - It’s - Not - GOD (simply accumulating stuff in this world will not help you get to where you want go in the next world!) Matthew 6:19-21
- BLOCK: Before - Life - Originated - Christ - Knew (HE is the engine block within which all parts of the creation are connected) 1 Timothy 3:15
- BLOWN: Being - Loving - Outside - Wins - Nothing (HE will add the necessary boost to your internal spirit to go do HIS will) Matthew 23:26
- BODY: Believers - Overcome - Death - by Yielding (when you give your life to Christ, you become born again to join in the body of believers that make up the Body of Christ) John 3:3
- BOLT: Believers - Overcome - Loss - Together (HIS high tensile strength fasteners made of love hold together the body of believers) Romans 8:37-39
- BOOST: Believers -can Overcome - Original - Sin - Today (The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit will give you a boost) 1 Peter 4:11
- BORE: Be - Open - to Receiving - Everyone (share your faith at every opening) Acts 22:15
- BOWL: Believers - Overflow - With - Love (HIS carburetor bowl overflows with love) Romans 5:15
- Gear BOX: Believers - Overcome - eXtremes (let the Holy Spirit use your spiritual gear box to put you in the right gear to accomplish GOD’s plan for your life) 1 John 4:4
- BRACE: Believers - Redemption - At - Christ’s - Expense (Christ redemption braces us against the second death) 1 John 4:4
- BRAZE: Being - Redeemed - Assists - in Zapping - Evil (use the power of GOD to help you braze close those spiritual pinhole leaks that the evil one sends your way) Hebrews 3:13
- BREAK: Becoming - Righteous - Entails - Accepting - the King (break away from sin) 2 Corinthians 5:17
- BREAK OUT: Break - Old - Useless - Traditions (sin will disqualify you from daily blessings if you move faster than GOD’s timing) Matthew 15:18-20
- BRUSH: Being - the Redeemer - Underlies - the Saviors - Heart (the crucifixion was just a brush with death for the Savior) John 2:19
- BUMP: Build - Up - Ministry - through Prayer (life is full of speed bumps; fortunately, many of those bumps help put us on our knees!) I Timothy 6:9
- BURN OUT: Burn - Outdated - Unclean - Thoughts (clean the debris off your spiritual tires) 2 Corinthians 6:17
- BUTTON: Believe - Unconditionally - in The - Trinity - to Overcome - Nature (Satan's hot button is the unconditional love of GOD) Luke 10:19
- BYE: Believers - Yoke - is Easy (a spiritual bye provides a nice rest during the race of life) Matthew 11:30
- CAGE: Continue - Always - in GOD's - Embrace (GOD's roll cage protects us when we stumble) John 17:15
- CAM: Christ - Arose - for Many (HE opens and closes each gift in HIS spiritual engine) Romans 1:16
- CAM: Christ - Authorizes - Ministries (HE puts us in the correct cylinder that best matches our gifts) 1 Corinthians 12:27, 28
- CAMBER: Christ’s - Actions - Makes - Believers - Enjoy - Redemption (Christ’s sacrifice corrected the “offset” in the hearts of believers) 2 Corinthians 5:17
- CAR: Carry - Another - until Redeemed (give a stranger a spiritual lift) Romans 2:11
- CART: Christ - Arranged - for Redemption - Today (your salvation “cart” is empty until you accept Christ) John 3:16
- CAP: Christ - Always - Protects (prayer helps tighten the cap on your heart so Satan can’t siphon your spiritual fuel) John 15:11-15
- CARPET: Christ - Arose - for our Redemption - Providing - Escape - from Temptation (just like the softness that carpet feels on our feet, Christ’s love softens the sting of the presence of evil) Matthew 11:30
- Trophy CASE: Christ - Asks us to - Serve - Everyone (salvation is for you, but it’s not all about you!) Hebrews 3:1
- CASTING: Christ - Aligns - Servants - To - Initiate - Needed - Grace (Christ has cast His net to take in all those who the Father brings His way) 2 Corinthians 3:18
- CD: Christ - Delivers (HIS CD of light easily reads and writes to our spiritual disc) Romans 15:4
- CELL: Contains - Eternal - Life - and Love (GOD's fuel cell is full of HIS spirit) 1 John 5:1
- CFC: Christ - Fulfilled - the Canon (Christ did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill the law) Matthew 5:17
- timing CHAIN: Christ - Helps - Align - Internal - Newness (HIS timing chain of love best coordinates the timing for our gifts) Galatians 4:4, 5
- CHALK: Christ - Honors - All - Life - with Kindness (chalk one up for Christ each time someone receives redemption) Matthew 11:30
- CHAMBER: Christ - Has - Approached - Many - Believers - to Enter - into Redemption (“many will be called, but few will be chosen” to enter the heavenly chamber of redemption) Matthew 22:14
- CHARGE: Christ - Helps - us Acquire - Redemptive - Grace - for Eternity (high voltage!) 1 Timothy 5:21
- CHASSIS: Changed - Hearts - Are - Servants; Satan - Isn’t - a Servant (builds your life around serving the Lord; let HIM be your spiritual chassis, not Satan!) Mark 9:35
- CHEVY: Christ - Has - Evaded - Vanity - by Yielding (Satan could not convince Christ to bypass the cross; we must also yield to our self-will and do His will!) Matthew 4:4-10
- Crew CHIEF: Christ - Helps - In - Every - Fight(Christ is our crew chief!) John 3:16
- CHIP: Christ - Has - an IP address (HE is available 24/7 with HIS biblical sized broad band) Hebrews 2:18
- CHISEL: Christ - Has - Inscribed - Salvation - for Eternal - Life (His love is written on our hearts) Colossians 2:11
- CHEER: Christ - Hopes - Everyone - Embraces - Redemption (HE is our biggest fan; HE cheers us on!) Romans 15:13
- CHUCK: Christ - Helps - Undergird - Christian - Kindness (His love is what allows our gifts to hold fast during life) Philippians 3:12
- CHUTE: Christ - Helps - Us - Throttle - Evil (HE helps slow us down so we won’t run off the end of the track!) Ephesians 4:2
- CLAMP: Christ's - Love - Attaches - to My - Prayers (HIS love clamps firmly to the inside of our heart) Proverbs 6:20, 21
- CLIP: Christ's - Love - Is - Power (HE clips HIS love to our heart) John 15:5
- CLUTCH: Christ’s - Love - Ultimately - Transcended - Crucified - Hatred (the greatest shift in power in the history of the universe took place at the cross; at that moment, GOD’s saving and redemptive grace became available to Gentile believers) Galatians 3:23-28
- CO2: Christ - Overcomes - Twice (the first time HE was here, HE overcame the grave; the next time HE comes, HE will sit in judgement of the righteous and the wicked) Acts 1:11
- COIL: Circle - Of - Incredible - Love (The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit) Psalm 5:12
- COG: Christ - Operates - Grace (there are no small cog gears operating in Christ’s drive train of grace) 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
- COMPRESSOR: Christ - Our - Master - Prayed - for Redemption - over Evil - Satan’s - Sinful - Ornery - Religion (at the end of the 1,000 year millennial reign, Satan will be compressed into the abyss) Revelation 20
- CONES: Caution! Our - Nature - Embraces - Selfishness (slow down before someone gets their spirit hurt!) Proverbs 22:3
- CONSOLE: Christ - Offered - Newness - So - Our - Love - Endures (just as you put important things in your automobile console for safe keeping, Christ puts your salvation in His heavenly console for safe keeping) John 10:27-30
- COOLANT: Christ - Operates - On - Love - And - Never - Tires: (Christ’s love is like a cool breeze on a hot day) Matthew 11:28-30
- CORD: Christ - Overcame - by Resurrection - from Death (He snapped the cord that death had on humanity!) 1 Corinthians 15:2
- CONDUCTOR: Christ - Offers - Newness - by Directly - Undermining - Curiosity - that Tempts - Our - Resolve (The Holy Spirit helps short circuit Satan’s attempts to destroy our calling)
- CORE: Christ - Offers - Redemption - to Everyone (HIS unconditional love is at HIS core) Luke 6:48
- COT (Car of Tomorrow): Christ - of - Today (and Tomorrow, and forever!) Hebrews 13:8
- COVER: Christ - Overcame - a Violent - Execution - through Resurrection (HE provides our protective cover during life’s storms) James 5:20
- CRANK: Christ's - Redemption - Activates - New - Knowledge (HIS love gets us cranking!) Philippians 1:9
- CRASH: Christ - Rescues - Any - Sinner - who's Hurting (HE is our spiritual EMT) Galatians 1:4
- CREASE: Christ's - Redemption - Erased - All - of Satan's - Efforts (Christ will crush Satan’s head) Romans 6:6
- CRIMP: Christ’s - Resurrection - Is - Mankind’s - Passport (His sacrifice put a crimp in Satan’s plans!) Revelation 20:3
- Cross MEMBER: The Cross - Mission - Equipped - Believers - for Eternal - Redemption (John 19:30)
- CROW bar: Christ’s - Redemption - Opens - the Word (Christ is on every page of the bible … just use your mind to “pry” open the message) John 1:1
- CRUISE Control: Christ - Redeems - Unconditionally - If - Sinners - Exchange - Control (Let GOD be the Lord of your life and turn over the cruise control to Him) Acts 17:30, 31
- CURVE: Christ - Understands - how Racers - View - Eternity (life will always include a few curves in the road; Christ died and was resurrected to help us safely navigate the inevitable curves that come our way) Luke 4:3-6
- CUSTOM: Christ's - Unconditional - Service - To - Others - was the Mission (HIS mission was customized for our salvation) 2 Timothy 1:9
- CUTTER: Christ - Undermines - Thoughtless - Temptation - by Exercising - Redemption (Christ cuts out your old heart and gives you a new one) 2 Corinthians 5:17
- CYCLE: Christ - Yielded - Causing - Love - to Endure (before Christ died for the sins of the world, there were just 2 cycles in GOD’s spiritual engine; Jews went in, Gentiles went out. Now there are four cycles in GOD’s spiritual engine; Jewish believers go in, Jewish non believers go out; Gentile believers go in, Gentile non believers go out) Galatians 2:9
- DATA: Don't - Alter - The - Analysis (don’t kid yourself; you're not doing much better than other believers!All have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD!) Romans 3:23
- air DAM: Deflect - All - Mistakes (use the prompting of The Holy Spirit as a spiritual down force) 1 Corinthians 15:2
- DASH: Death - Ascension - Salvation - Heaven (you need to make a dash for salvation) 1 John 5:15
- dB: Devil - Bows (when Satan hears the high dB trumpet noise announcing Christ’s return, it's gonna' bring him to his knees!) 1 Thessalonians 4:1-17
- DEBRIS: Deflect - Evil - By - Resisting - Inappropriate - Situations (sidestep Satan's road hazards) Matthew 16:23
- DECAL: Daily - Exhibit - Christ's - Atoning - Love (your actions of kindness will advertise the fruit of the spirit) Philippians 1:11
- DEEP: Death - Ends - in Eternal - Peace (drag racers deep stage with Christ) John 4:11
- DELAY: During - Every - Life - some Activity - must Yield (patience!) 1 Timothy 1:16
- DENT: Don't - Embrace - New-Age - Teachings (evil teachings put dents in the body of Christ) Philippians 1:9, 10
- DIAL: Death - Isn't - About - Loss (when a believer dies a physical death, the salvation dial points to eternal life) Philippians 1:21
- DIE: Death - Isn't - the End (believers rethread their life with Christ’s tap and die set made of love) Philippians 1:21
- DIESEL: Death - Isn’t - Easy - So - Embrace - the Lord (you can get better mileage through life if you accept Christ, our spiritual diesel) 1 Corinthians 9:24-25
- DIODE: Devil - Includes - Others - when Doing - Evil (just like a diode, serving Satan is a one way path to Hell) John 14:6
- DIRT: Death - Is - the Real - Test (dirt over your grave doesn't need to be your final destination) Philippians 3:8
- brake DISC: Daily - I - Serve - Christ (just like the disc brakes on your car, sometimes we rotate, sometimes we brake) 1 Corinthians 1:19
- DOOR: Devil - Operates - Outside - Redemption (don't open the door to the devil) Romans 7:21
- DOT: Department - of Obedience - Training (sanctification is a life long training session) 2 Timothy 4:7
- DOWEL: Death - is Overcome - With - Eternal - Life (pin your hopes on Christ!) 1 Corinthians 15:55
- DRAFT: During - Resurrection - All - the Faithful - Triumphed (all who become saved are caught up in the Lord’s draft) 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
- DRAG: Death - Resurrection - Ascension - Glory (the four stages of GOD's drag race!) Hebrews 12:1
- DRAIN: Daily - Remove - All - Internal - Negativity (drain away your negative attitude by embracing the fruit of the spirit) Galatians 5:16-26
- DRIFT: Death - and Resurrection - Involves - Faith - and Trust (faith requires focus; don’t drift off the salvation track) Hebrews 12:1
- DRILL: Death - and Resurrection - Initiated - Lifelong - Love (HE drilled a large hole in Satan’s plans) Romans 16:20
- DRIP: During - Resurrection - Inclusion - Prevailed (Gentile tears were wiped away at Calvary; now both Jews and Gentiles are included in GOD’s plan for salvation) Galatians 1:15, 16
- DRIVE: Daily - Regeneration - Is - Venting - Excesses (when the Holy Spirit comes to live within, we are now in a direct drive situation with the Holy Spirit driving out our excess baggage) Ephesians 3:16-20
- DRUM: Death - and Resurrection - Ushered in - Mercy (Christ put the brakes on Satan at the cross!) Romans 15:8-11
- air DUCT: Deflect - Unhelpful - Criticism - Today! (let GOD deal with those who make you hot under the collar) Romans 12:19
- DUCT tape: Don't - Underestimate - Cunning - Talent (just like duct tape, the devil can be anything!) 2 Corinthians 11:14
- DUI: Driving - Under - the Indwelling (a spiritual high) Acts 2:4
- DUMP: Don't - Underestimate - Multiple - Prayers (prayer helps you dump your burdens) 1 Thessalonians 5:17
- DUST: Don’t - Underestimate - Satan’s - Tactics (just like a speck of duct can cause problems in an engine, Satan’s little questions in the garden of Eden caused the entire creation to fall!) Genesis 3: 4-5)
- DVD: Devil - is Vilified - Daily (Christ will overwrite Satan's files!) Romans 12:19
- DYNO: Death - Yields - a New - Option (the dyno machine provided mechanics with a new option for testing an engine before the engine entered service.