Exercise 1: You are asked to prepare a report on your use of the Elsevier deal in 2013. You take the Freedom Collection and have some of the backfile collections.

A. Using journal level reports

1.  How many titles are in the Elsevier JR1 (all) report for 2013?

3,361 (either scroll down to see number in left hand column, or look at number given in chart at top)

2.  What is the total number of all requests in 2013 from the publisher?

3,096,992 (JR1 (all))

3.  What is the total number of requests in 2013 from the backfile collection?

160,846 (JR1a (archive))

4.  What is the total number of Gold Open Access requests in 2013?

117,119 (JR1 GOA)

5.  What is the total use of the current deal excluding backfiles and GOA?

2,819,027 (JR1 reports excluding backfile usage and GOA – final column Current-GOA)

6.  How many core (subscribed titles) are in the Elsevier JR1 report for 2013?

21 (click on ‘show core titles first’ on any journal level report to bring starred core titles to top of list –use left hand column to show number of titles)

B.  Using summary reports

i.  Trends over time

7.  Has the number of requests gone up or down in the period 2009-2013? What was the percentage change in usage from 2012 to 2013?

Usage has gone up and down. In 2013 it was up 282% on 2012 (Trends over time – tables and graphs)

8.  What were the three busiest months of 2013?

August, October and November (Trends over time – tables and graphs)

ii.  SCONUL return

9.  Looking at the latest SCONUL return report (2012-13), roughly what proportion of total requests were for Elsevier?

80% (work it out from the figures – or look at the pie chart)

10.  Which publisher had the second highest number of requests?

Nature (scan down the list or look at the pie chart)

iii.  Use of gateways and host intermediaries

11.  Looking at all publishers for 2012, do any requests for Elsevier titles get recorded by intermediaries (Swetswise etc)?

No – all usage is recorded by publisher (Annual summary use of gateways and host intermediaries – 100% in publisher column)

12.  Name 3 publishers where intermediary usage is recorded separately

OUP, Springer, Sage etc (Annual summary use of gateways and host intermediaries, figure in publisher column is less than 100%

Usage ranges

Low/nil use

13. Looking at usage ranges, in 2013 how many Elsevier titles had nil use?

98 (3%) (number of titles and requests in various usage ranges)

14.  How many of these titles are included in the Freedom Collection?

19 (1%) (number of titles and requests in various usage ranges –non-deal titles)
Note: there are more titles included in the JR1 than are part of the Freedom Collection.

High use

15.  Looking at usage ranges, in 2013 how many Elsevier titles had high usage (100-999 requests) and how many had very high (1,000 requests and over)? What percentages were these of total requests?

1223 (36%) high
750 (22%) very high
(number of titles and requests in various usage ranges)

16.  Name the first two titles in the alphabetical list with very high usage (1,000 requests and

Accident analysis & prevention
Accounting, organizations and society (number of titles and requests in various usage ranges, click on number in ‘very high’ column, All titles with 1,000 requests or more are given in alphabetical order)

17.  In the top 100 titles across all publishers for 2012, how many are Elsevier titles?

28 (Titles with the highest use, sort by publisher and then count)

18.  How many of these Elsevier titles are core titles?

4 (titles with the highest use, either sort by publisher and count starred titles, or ‘show core titles first’ and count those that are Elsevier

19.  Which 3 of these Elsevier titles had the highest use?

Lancet, Cell and Journal of Molecular Biology (titles with the highest use, publisher Elsevier, sort by total column or sort JR1 report by total)

C.  Tracking individual titles

20.  Look at the title “Journal of Management” which appears in the Elsevier JR1 for 2013. How many different publishers are recording usage of this title between 2009 and 2013. How do you explain this?

2 Elsevier and Sage
(Titles with the highest use or JR1 Elsevier , click on the title to get usage record or use ‘Individual journal search and usage’)
Title changed publisher from Elsevier to Sage, but some odd volumes still available in Elsevier – so there is some usage shown there as well as main usage in Sage

D. General questions

a.  What other information do you need for your report on value of the Elsevier deal?

b.  How would you use this other information with JUSP reports?

c.  Which JUSP reports have you found most useful in this session?

d.  Have you any other ideas for JUSP reports that could help you?