RequestforProposals(RFP) RFP#ALSDE 2013-06

AlabamaAutism Training


Technical Assistance Initiative

NOTE: Faxed or e-mailedapplicationswillnotbeaccepted

MailingAddress:Ms. Crystal Richardson

Alabama StateDepartmentofEducation

Special Education Services





Montgomery,AL 36104

DEADLINE:Proposal mustbereceived in the Special Education Services officeno later than 4 p.m. October 11,2013.


Clearlymark ontheoutsideoftheenvelope: RFP#ALSDE 2013-06


October 16, 2013

1p.m. Whetstone ConferenceRoom

3346GordonPersons Building

50North RipleyStreet




1.02Eligible Applicants


1.04Submission of Request

1.05Rejectionof Response





2.02ScopeofAlabamaStateDepartmentofEducation’s Workand Responsibilities



3.02Disclaimer Notice

3.03Selection Process


3.05Cost(s) of Certifying Statement





5.01Legal Considerations





1.01 Purpose and Goals:

The AlabamaState DepartmentofEducation(ALSDE)isseekingproposals from eligible applicants to coordinate and deliver a regionalized system of statewide technical assistance and training as outlined in this RFP.

The purpose of this project is to address the challenges Alabama schools face in providing appropriate education and support to the students receiving special education services under the disability area of Autism in the state of Alabama.The ALSDE seeks to increase knowledge and skills in effective practices to enhance the educational programming and outcomes for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

The major goals of this project are to:

  • Provide support to local education agencies (LEAs) in implementing state-wide efforts to promote consistent and sustainable uses of effective practices for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the least restrictive environment;
  • Promote a proactive approach to working with students with ASD and their families;
  • Help children with ASD remain with their families in their communities and become productive individuals;
  • Increase the percentage of students on the autism spectrum who are educated in the general education classroom;
  • Increase data-based decision making on behavior and academic instruction;
  • Provide tools and strategies for evidence based behavioral practices
  • Increase consistent use of research-based behavioral and academic instructional strategies
  • Increase transition skills for independent living, employment and advocacy for students with ASD.

1.02 Eligible Applicants:

Those eligible to apply are non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education, and professional organizations with the necessary expertise and demonstrated experience pursuant to the RFP in providing the technical assistance and training in Alabama.

1.03 Anticipated Time Table :


extend from the execution date of the contract agreement until September 30, 2014.

1.04 Submission of Request:

Proposals may be sent by regular mail, express courier delivery, or hand-delivery and are be received by Friday, September 20, 2013. No faxed or e-mailed proposals will be accepted. The proposal should include four copies signed by an official authorized to legally bind the entity to the information provided Application received after the deadline will be considered late and will not be considered for a review.

Clearly mark the envelope, RFP # ALSDE 2013-06 and mail or deliver to:

Ms. Crystal Richardson

Alabama StateDepartmentofEducation

Special Education Services

Gordon Person Building, Room 3305

50 North Ripley Street



1.05 Rejection of Response:

TheALSDEreservestherighttorejectanyandallapplicationsreceivedas aresultofthisRFP. TheALSDEacceptsnoobligationforcostsincurredbyanapplicantin preparingorsubmittingaresponsetotheRFP.

1.06 Proposal Evaluation

TheALSDEwillmakealldecisionsregardingevaluationoftheRFP. TheALSDEreserves therighttojudgeanddeterminewhetherarequestiscompliantwithandhassatisfactorily mettherequirements oftheRFP. TheALSDEreservestherighttowaivetechnicaldefects if,initsjudgment, theinterestoftheALSDEsorequires. AttheALSDE'srequest and discretion, RFP revisions may be permitted after submission but before selection. Any further information disclosed about the RFP during this process will be provided to all applicants.

For the purpose of verifying the contents of the applications,the ALSDE may request additional information,staff interviews,and content presentations. Discussions maybe conducted withapplicantsthatsubmit RFPsdeterminedtobereasonablysuitable ofbeing selectedforthepurposeofclarifyingandassuringfullcooperationinmeetingthesetermsbut arenotrequired. TheALSDEreservestherighttorejectatitssolediscretiontheproposalsitdeemsnon-cooperativeapplications.Nodecision willbemadeastotheawardingoftheRFPatthebidopening.

Total budget proposal shall not exceed $600,000.00

1.07 Conditions and Terms

Responsesshould reference each elementintheRFP bynumber onthecover ofeach copy andbearranged inthesamesequence. Oneachofthefourcopiessubmitted,thereshouldbe an original signatureofthe officialauthorized to bind the organization on the cover. Responsesthatfailtobesubmittedbythedeadlinewillberejected. Allfeesandcosts areto bestated inUnited States currency.Onlyrequests inEnglish willbeaccepted.Respondents mustreplytoeachelement oftheRFP.


The ALSDE is issuing a Request for Proposals to solicit written responses to secure services of a consulting entity that has specific knowledge, expertise and credentials in the area of Autism Spectrum Disorders. The intended role of the provider will be to develop, coordinate and implement comprehensive training and technical assistance. Thecontractorwillberesponsibleforalltasksrequiredtocomplete theproject asdescribed in theScope of Work. Itisanticipated thatthisshall include, but not belimited to three components:

  1. Applied Behavior Analysis and Technical Assistance
  1. Evidenced Practicesfor Preschool Students with ASD
  1. Transition Services for adolescents with ASD

2.01 Scope of Consultant’s Work and Responsibilities

  1. Applied Behavior Analysis: Provide intensive, evidence-based training for up to 150 participants selected from Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. The goal of the training is to give teachers the strategies needed to create a positive learning environment for students using the research based principles of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Technical Assistance: Provide technical assistance to LEAs to support the use and implementation of ABA principles.

  1. Preschool Best Practices for Students with ASD: Provide evidence based training and technical assistance to LEAs in teaching strategiesthat include but are not limited to, concentrated typical peer interaction in a classroom setting for preschool students with ASD.
  1. Transition- Provide training in transition planning to prepare adolescents with ASD for post-school activities and independent living.

2.02 Alabama State Department of Education Responsibilities

Specific responsibilities of the ALSDE are stated below:

  • Approve the scope of work proposed as outlined above
  • Provide liaisons from the Special Education Services department to work with the awarded applicant to identify and approve all proposed training schedules, technical assistance and evaluations
  • Provide fiscal and programming support for project areas


3.01 Requirements of Proposal

The requirements of the proposal shall consist of four parts:

Part I-Cover Letter

Part II- Qualifications of the Applicant

Part III- Production Proposal

Part IV-Budget

Part I is the cover letter that shall serve as the first page of the applicant’s proposal. The entity shall complete the cover letter and attach it to the completed plan in response to the RFP. The cover letter must be signed an official authorized to legally bind the applicant. It will state that the applicant is a legal entity that will meet the specification. The cover letter must be attached as the first page to the entire plan and must have original signatures signed in blue ink and must include contact numbers and e-mail address for the authorized official signing the letter.

Part II shall provide satisfactory evidence of the consultant’s capability to manage and to coordinate the types of activities and to provide the services described in the RFP in a timely manner. Special attention should be given to the discussion of qualifications. The discussion shall include a description of the consultant’s background and relevant experiences as related to the required activities in the RFP.

Part III of the request shall provide a detailed plan describing how the services will be performed to meet each of the three components asrequiredin the RFP. The plan must be prepared and organized in a clear and concise manner that is easily understandable. The plan should address the tasks to be accomplished, processes to be undertaken to accomplish those tasks, and a proposed timeline for completion of the project. An executive summary should condense and highlight the contents of the entity’s proposal.

Part IV should include a detailed budget narrative that includes all costs associated with the proposed plan to implement the three components of the RFP. The narrative must encompass all requirements of the RFP that addressed all costs for services, expenses and must reflect all maximum costs.

3.02 Disclaimer Notice

The ALSDE will not be liable for any costs associated with the preparation of proposals or negotiations of contract incurred by any party.

3.03 Selection Process

Final selection of the proposal will not be based on cost alone. The proposal will be evaluated primarily on the scope of the activities linked to associated costs. Proposals will be reviewed to ascertain that minimum requirements have been met. Those submitting proposals may be invited to present its proposal to an ALSDE committee as part of the consideration process. All expenses associated with any possible presentations shall be borne by the respondent. A respondent’s inability or refusal to provide a presentation if asked may be cause for rejection of the proposal.

3.04 Criteria for Evaluation of Requests for Proposals

Anevaluationcommittee,composedofALSDEstaff,willassesstheproposalsandscoreeachsubmission accordingto thecriteria listed in the chart below:


10 Points for Each Component-
30 Points Possible / 10 Points for Each Component-
30 Points Possible / 10 Points for Each Component-
30 Points Possible
Qualifications: Detailed discussion of qualificationsandabilities ofperson proposed to be assigned to performthe services. / Scope ofWork: Detailedplan for performingtherequired services. / Budget: Narrativetiedto costs. Reflectsreasonableness of costs.
  1. Applied Behavior Analysis
Technical Assistance
  1. Preschool Best Practices for Students with ASD
  1. Transition Training
/ 1.Applied Behavior Analysis &Technical Assistance
2.Preschool Best Practices for Students with ASD
3.Transition Training /
  1. Applied Behavior Analysis &Technical Assistance
2. Preschool Best Practices for
Students with ASD
3. Transition Training

3.05 Cost(s) of Certifying Statement

An applicant will not be considered if the pricing in the RFP was not arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement as to any matter relating to such prices with any other respondent. In addition, the applicant is prohibited from making multiple responses in a different form. The applicant must include a certified statement with the RFP indicating that the estimated cost was arrived at without any collusion as described above. Should collusion be detected at any time during the application process or after selection, all work will cease. The applicant shall also include a statement certifying that all services properly requested will be performed as required.

3.06 Attestation

When chosen the consultant must attest that he/she is a U. S. citizen or is in proper and legal immigration status that authorizes him/her to be employed for pay in the United States as required by the federal Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (INA) (See also

3.07 Assurance

The applicant will be responsible for adherence to all state and federal laws and regulations.


It is expressly understood and agreed upon that the obligations of the ALSDE to proceed is conditioned upon the continued availability of funds that may be expended for these purposes.


5.01 Legal Considerations

This RFP and its terms shall be governed and construed according to the laws of the state of Alabama. Any dispute arising out of this RFP shall be brought in the state of Alabama, with venue in Montgomery County, Alabama. Applicants agree to comply with all applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and any other provisions, including provisions of the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act (Act 2011-535).

Forms, instructions, and links can be found on the ALSDE Web site:

5.02 Conflict of Interest

The applicant attests that no employee, officer, or agent of the applicant shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by federal funds if a real or apparent conflict of interest would be involved. A conflict would arise when the employee, officer, agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein has a financial or other interest in the organization selected for an award. The officers, employees, and agents of the applicant, if selected as an Education Management Organization, shall neither award, nor offer gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors or subcontractors.

5.03 Discrimination

Alabama Non-Discrimination Statement:

The Alabama State Board of Education and the Alabama State Department of Education do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, religion, national origin, or age in its programs, activities, or employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person is responsible for handling inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, Alabama State Department of Education, P.O. Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36130-2101, telephone (334) 242-8165.

Federal Non-Discrimination Statement:

In accordance with federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Any questions regarding this RFP should be directed to:

Ms. Crystal Richardson, Director

Special Education Services

Alabama State Department of Education


Mrs. Lisa Highfield

Special Education Services

Alabama State Department of Education
