SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FORM FOR LITERATURE BOOKS: Please provide this information if you are applying to the Literature Book Publication Fund.

ABOUT THE BOOK (please provide the following information):
Title of book:
Name of author or editor:
Category (novel, poetry, history, etc.):
Please include full BIC code*
Publication date:
Number of pages. Please include trimmed page size and style (e.g. adhesive paperback, wire stitched paperback, casebound etc)
First print run.
Anticipated sales. Please estimate the number of copies sold as pre-publication subscription. We also need to know your estimate of sales (no. of copies) in years 1 and 2 (Separately). / Pre-pub sub:
Year one:
Year two:
AI (Advance Information) sheet. You must include this. If you are unsure what an AI sheet is, please contact the Literature Department.
Including a reader’s report will greatly help the assessors in their deliberations, and in the case of specialist titles, a report may be a requirement. Please note that this is not compulsory, but may help your application.
Have you considered FSC / environmentally friendly
materials and production methods ?

* A Book Industry Communication (BIC) code is an industry standard set of bibliographic data. For more information about what they are and how to get one see

Please tick the specific area to which you are applying for support:

Commissioning Costs (please complete Table 1)
Production Costs (please complete Table 2)
Marketing and Promotion Costs (please refer to Table 3)
TABLE 1: COMMISSION COSTS - to allow publishers to apply for support with the costs of an author’s advance; contributors’ fees (for works by more than one author); translation costs; or additional editorial fees.
Please indicate the type of fees for which you are requesting support:
Author’s advance
Contributors’ fees
Additional editorial fees
Amount of fee(s) in full: / £
TABLE 2: PRODUCTION COSTS - to allow publishers to apply for support with the publication of works of literary merit that represent some financial risk. Production costs are taken to include book jacket design and picture fees.
Number of illustrations (e.g. illustrated in colour throughout, text and line drawings, text only etc):
Jacket/Cover. (e.g. is it jacketed or PLC?)
Please include a cover design or cover brief.
Initial binding (please indicate hardback or paperback):
Typesetter (if out of house):
Start-up costs
jacket: / design
picture fees
repro costs
illustrations: / picture fees
repro costs
editorial costs
design costs
printing estimates:
Proposed selling price with grant: / £
Proposed selling price with no grant: / £
Application for grant: / £
Scale of authors’ royalties or fees (expressed as a percentage of either published price/net receipts): / % published price
% receipts
Indicate level of advance paid against future royalties: / £
Average discount: / £
Estimated net receipts from projected sales (please show separately details of percentage for sales and distribution and percentage allocated to overheads): / Year / Number of copies / £
Please give details of (or potential for) Book Club editions, sale of rights, joint publication, or if you have applied or intend to apply for subsidy from a source other than SAC:
Route to market.
Where will the book be sold? (e.g. internet, book trade etc). Have you published in this area before, and were you successful (give sales levels, if appropriate)?
How will you sell the book? (freelance, key accounts, telephone, sales staff)
Who is distributing the book?
TABLE 3: MARKETING AND PROMOTION COSTS - to allow publishers to apply for support with the costs of the marketing and promotion of one or more of their titles. Grants will be allocated for innovative promotions, taking place predominantly in Scotland, which will increase availability and access to literary writing. Proposals must be for marketing and promotion projects which are additional to the publisher’s core activities.
Marketing and promotion schemes can be targeted at the bookseller or book buyer. Specialised mail order schemes are eligible. Work to be promoted should normally have been published recently. The following specific criteria are taken into account when assessing applications: the artistic quality of the proposed promotion; the suitability of the promotion for the intended audience; the suitability of the plans for marketing the promotion; the commitment to equal opportunities practice.
Within the body of your application*, at the appropriate questions, please ensure that you give details of the writers (and, if applicable, other publishers) to be involved in the promotion and give details of the timescale for the promotion, giving anticipated dates of key stages/events; budget information for your promotion, indicating all costs and sources of income; details of how you will manage your promotion artistically, administratively and financially.

* This refers to the Application Form for Organisations; Section 3, Question 25.

Please note: that we will also require the following information in support of your application.

Please tick the relevant boxes to indicate what you have included with your application.

  • a signed copy of the contract between the author and the publisher.
  • a legible and paginated copy of the complete, edited typescript * (please state whether the text submitted is in its finally edited form), indicating a representative extract of approximately 40 pages for assessment purposes - please indicate any relevant extracts from the typescript which you would recommend as most representative of the merits of the title and a cover image or brief.
  • an AI sheet which should include a short statement about the title, stating if it is a reprint or co-publication and a brief biography of the author/s
  • a copy of production estimates
  • a route to market/marketing plan for the title, outlining details of sales and distribution. Detailed projections should be included in the application.

*Note: due to space restrictions, your typescript will be disposed of after the meeting, unless you specifically ask for it to be returned.


If you need any assistance please contact our Help Desk on 0845 603 6000 (local rate)