Archdiocese of Boston
Bulletin Announcement
Discernment Weekend: contemporary Dominican vowed life (9/8)

The Dominican Sisters of Peace will be offering a Discernment Weekend on September 8 – 10, 2017 at Rosary Manor, 1 Rosary Drive, Watertown. Join other single Catholic women between the ages of 18 – 45 who wish to explore contemporary Dominican vowed life. This weekend will introduce you to the Dominican Sisters of Peace, their ministries, prayer and community life. If you are interested in attending, please contact Sister June Fitzgerald, OP at or 570-336-3991.

Theological Institute of St. John’s Seminary

Fall classes begin September 5th for the Theological Institute of St. John’s Seminary at the new location 66 Brooks Drive Braintree in the Pastoral Center. It is not too late to apply to be a student or to register for classes. Please call or e-mail Dr. Aldona Lingertat () if you are interested in the MAM Program or Dr. Stephen Fahrig () if you are interested in the MTS program. Visit for online registration. The Catechetical Certificate Program offered monthly on Saturdays is also accepting registrations online at Come and deepen your knowledge of the faith. Call the office for more information at 617-779-4104. Auditors are welcome. See the attachment for schedule information.

Project Rachel Post-Abortion Healing Retreats (9/16+)

0th Wedding

God’s forgiveness knows no bounds – Pope Francis. The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends a special invitation to women suffering from the pain of a past abortion to attend a Come to the Waters of Healing one-day retreat. Fall dates are September 16, October 14 and November 11. Locations are confidential. Limited to ten participants per retreat. For more information, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or .

Learning to See How Support of Persons with Disabilities
Is a Blessing and Not a Burden (10/22)

ELI’s REACH: Learning to See How Support of Persons with Disabilities Is a Blessing and Not a Burden

A Special Respect Life Month Presentation

Chad Judice (father of Eli)

Sunday, October 22, 2017 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Our Lady of the Presentation Lecture Hall

680 Washington St., Brighton, MA

(½ mile from Exit 17 – Mass Turnpike)

Often in life the weak are used to lead the strong. Special needs children are instruments of God used to make His work in the lives of others visible to them. A father shares the immeasurable impact his son's imperfections have had on teenage and married couples in troubled pregnancies, infertile couples longing for a child, incarcerated prisoners, and an unexpected medical emergency on Easter Weekend 2011 that led to a bona-fide miracle.

This event has been made possible by the estate of Anne M. Lennon and is sponsored by Women Affirming Life, The Pro Life Office of the Archdiocese of Boston, and Saint John’s Seminary. No Admission charge. For more information please call 508.651.1900 or email

Pastoral Planning Evangelization Notices

0th Wedding Anniversary Mass

August 20 ~ Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Take a moment and look around you at Mass today. Are there people there whom you have never met? or come from a different culture? Today’s scripture make it clear that the message of God’s love is not to be squandered and kept to ourselves – it is for everyone! How will you be a welcoming presence to the stranger or immigrant in your midst? Pray for the grace to do your part to make your parish a “house of prayer for all people,” where all are welcome!

August 27 ~ Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Gospel is so familiar that it may be easy to just let Jesus’ question go quickly by without taking the time to answer him - “Who do you say that I am?” Do you respond with the conviction of Peter – “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”? This Gospel invites you today to take a few minutes to consider your relationship with Jesus and how you might answer his question. It is then that you are able to proclaim to others who Christ is and his importance in your life.

For bulletin announcements related to the Special Collection, please see > Search for “Special Collection”