Edu 320, Content Area Reading: A Rubric for Photo Story 3
Photo Story 3 serves as one example of a classroom tool to introduce students to technology, which can be used to enhance presentations, foster classroom reflection and introduce or summarize, content. By adapting Photo Story to grade level indicators, teachers are afforded the opportunity to design and present hands on lessons for their students.
Beginning / Developing / Accomplished / ScoreOverall Aesthetics
Overall Visual Appeal
NCTE 3.6, 4.6 / 0 points
There are few or no graphic elements. No variation in layout or typography.
Color is garish and/or typographic variations are overused and legibility suffers. Background interferes with the readability. / 2 points
Graphic elements sometimes, but not always, contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas and relationships. There is some variation in type size, color, and layout. / 4 points
Appropriate and thematic graphic elements are used to make visual connections that contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas and relationships. Differences in type size and/or color are used well and consistently.
Navigation & Flow
NCTE 3.2 / 0 points
There are less than three slide variations. Text is difficult to read due to erratic slide transition. / 2 points
At least five slide variations. Transitions are somewhat off; text is readable but could transition better. / 4 points
Navigation is seamless. It is always clear to the learner that each slide tells a story visually.
Mechanical Aspects
NCTE 3.1 / 0 points
Distorted images due to not creating PowerPoint slides first.Misspellings and/or grammatical errors. / 2 points
Less than three misspellings and/or grammatical errors. All slides are visually enhanced and clear. / 4 points
No mechanical problems noted.
Project Tasks
Grade level indicators, textbook or literature
NCTE 3.5, 4.1 / 0 points
Grade level indicators are not defined. Textbook or literature is not clear. / 2 points
Candidate has determined relevant grade level indicators but has failed to correctly and completely state them. Candidate has defined the textbook or literature. / 4 points
Grade level indicators are defined and explained correctly. Candidate has chose relevant indicators and Textbook unit of literature.
Effective questioning
NCTE 4.5 / 0 points
The questions do not prepare the student for what is to come, or build on what the learner already knows. / 2 points
The questions make some reference to learner's prior knowledge and previews to some extent what the lesson is about. / 4 points
The questions build on learner’s prior knowledge and effectively prepare the learner by foreshadowing what the lesson is about and what is expected.
Connection of Task to Standards
NCTE 4.2 / 0 points
The tasks expected for the students are not related to standards. There is no handout. / 2 point
The task is referenced to standards but is not completely clear. There is a handout to guide students through the Photo Story project. / 4 points
The tasks are aligned to standards and are clearly connected to the student’s handout.
Process (The process is the step-by-step description of how students will accomplish the task.)
2 Items
Clarity of Process and Rubric
NCTE 3.4 / 0 points
Process is not clearly stated. Students would not know exactly what they were supposed to do. Slide expectations, music, motion or voice over are not defined
Rubric is not included / 5 points
Some directions are given, but there is missing information. Students might be confused. One or more are not clarified: Slide expectations, music, motion or voice over
Rubric is included but does not match expectations / 10 points
Every step is clearly stated. Most students would know exactly where they are at each step of the process and know what to do next. Slide expectations, music, motion or voice over are defined.
Rubric is included and expectations match guideline sheet
Relevance & Quantity of Internet Sites
NCTE 3.7, 4.3 / 0 points
Internet sites provided are not sufficient for students to accomplish the task. / 2 point
There is some connection between the Internet Sites and the information needed for students to accomplish the task. / 4 points
There is a clear and meaningful connection between all the Internet Sites and the information needed for students to accomplish the task. Every resource carries its weight.
2 Items
Family connections and graphic organizers
NCTE 4.4 / 0 points
There is neither letter nor graphic organizers to support student success. / 5 points
There is either/or a letter to explain to parents the project or graphic organizers for students to plan their projects. / 10 points
Candidate has included a letter home stating their expectations for students and permission to post photos. Candidate has also included relevant graphic organizers for students to plan their writing.
Total Score / /48