A Resolution to Defuse Escalating Tensions in Honduras
1. Whereas, a lack of transparency between the Tribunal Supremo Electoral and civilians, in regards to the country’s recent Presidential election, has led to a growing disturbance within the region.
4. Whereas, challenger Salvador Nasralla led incumbent Juan Orlando Hernández by a reported 5. five percentage points the morning after the polls closed.
6. Whereas, the release of results to the public came to a sudden halt with only 57% of the vote. having been tallied due to ‘irregularities.’
8. Whereas, after almost a month of speculation and both candidates having self-proclaimed to have won the election, the Tribunal Supremo Electoral declared Juan Orlando Hernández the official victor.
11. Whereas, days later, the US Department of State recognized Juan Orlando Hernández as the President of Honduras.
13. Whereas, global organizations such as the Organization of American States have called for 14. new elections in Honduras.
15. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Student Congress here assembled that the United States rescind 16. their recognition of Juan Orlando Hernández as the duly elected President and instead, call 17. for new elections in Honduras.
Introduced for Congressional Debate,
Riaz Butt-Garcia,
Revere High School
A Resolution to Recognize Kurdistan
9 / WHEREAS, The Kurdish people of Turkey, Syria, and Iraq are being politically and culturally supressed by the governments of those countries; and
WHEREAS, The Kurds are the fourth largest ethnic group in the Middle East; and
WHEREAS, The conflicts between the Kurds and Turkey, Syria and Iraq governments only further destabilize the region; and
WHEREAS, Kudish forces fighting the Islamic State have helped to stablize the region and helped to eliminate a terrorist organization; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled recognize a Kurdish State and instruct the State Department to formally designate Kurdistan borders for US government recognition.
Introduced for Congressional Debate by Laila Polk, Newton South High School.
A Bill to Mandate LGBTQ+ Education in Public High Schools Throughout the United States
SECTION 1. This bill, if passed will mandate public high schools to teach students about homosexuality and transgenderism as well as other types of LGBTQ+ identities to their students. The purpose of this bill is to spread awareness that LGBTQ+ people exist and deserve the same rights as everyone else.
SECTION 2. For this bill, the following definitions will apply.
A. LBGTQ+ education will be defined as learning about different sexualities, gender identity, and transgenderism.
B. Teens will be defined as anyone age 13-19.
SECTION 3. The Department of Education will oversee and enforce this bill.
A. By July first of each calendar year, every public high school is obligated to submit their health curriculum.
B. If a school chooses to not comply with the mandates this bill requires, or submits its health curriculum later than July first, then the state will remove one thousand dollars in state funding. Another five hundred dollars will be deducted each subsequent week that it does not follow the mandates within this bill.
C. The curriculum will be developed by GLSEN, a an organization that seeks to end discrimination, harassment, and bullying based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
D. The money deducted in education grants from schools will be donated to the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT civil rights advocacy group and political lobbying organization in the United States.
SECTION 4. This bill will be enforced at the start of the two thousand and eighteen school year.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully Submitted
Sen. Senator Sam Goldstone
Wayland High School
A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Institute Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices
RESOLVED, By two-thirds of the Congress here assembled, that the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission by the Congress:
SECTION 1: A term limit of fifteen (15) years shall be imposed on Supreme Court justices.
SECTION 2: No Supreme Court justice shall be allowed to hold office for more than one (1) term.
SECTION 3: The oldest current Supreme Court Justice shall be replaced immediately after implementation and every two years thereafter. This process shall end after all the Supreme Court justices at the time of implementation have been replaced.
SECTION 4: The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation
Introduced for Congressional Debate by Aryan Chaudhary from Bancroft School
A Bill to Abolish Government Run Lotteries
Section 1. The founding and operation of lotteries by the United States government is hereby banned and currently existing lotteries run as such must be terminated before this bill takes effect.
Section 2. “The United States Government” shall be defined as all branches of government and agencies in the United States of America, including ederal, state, and local levels. “Lotteries” shall be defined as forms of fundraising in which money is exchanged for prizes of chance.
Section 3. The Department of Commerce will oversee and implement this legislation.
Section 4. This bill will go into effect one year after passage.
10 Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted for Congressional Debate,
Sen. Esha. Dudhwewala
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School
A Resolution to Condemn the College Board to Promote Educational Equality
WHEREAS, the College Board promotes a system of inequality and injustice; and WHEREAS, this system has exacerbated educational inequality and the cycle of poverty on a national scale; and
WHEREAS, barriers imposed by the College Board increase feelings of hopelessness, failure, and hatred; and
WHEREAS, solving this problem could provide more equal opportunities and limit divisions based upon class and income; now, therefore,
Be it RESOLVED, that the Student Congress here assembled recommends this flawed organization either be radically reformed or completely disbanded; and,
be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Justice Department should investigate the College Board for possible civil rights violations and possible violations of its status as a non-profit.
Respectfully submitted, Sen. Kevin Spear Catholic Memorial
SECTION 1. The payroll tax cap under the the Federal Insurance Contributions Act is abolished.
SECTION 2. Section A. Employer payroll taxes shall continue to match employee Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes.
Section B. The current Federal Insurance Contributions Act provisions shall otherwise continue.
Section C. Upon passage of this legislation, The Social Security Administration shall investigate and report to Congress by December 30, 2019 on the desirability of adopting the Railroad Retirement Board’s financial contribution model as one for the entire Social Security System.
SECTION 3. The Social Security Administration shall oversee the provisions of this legislation.
SECTION 4. The payroll provisions of this bill shall take effect January 1st, 2019.
SECTION 5. All laws or portions of laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully Submitted
Sen. Harry Hopkins
Logan’s Run High School
Introduced for Congressional Debate by the Massachusetts Speech and Debate League. This document is for educational and competitive purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of a policy position by the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Speech and Debate League.