Dear Prospective Volleyball Player,

Springbrook Volleyball is BACK! Believe it or not, the fall season will be here before you know it. It is less than 3 monthsaway! The SpringbrookVolleyball (Girls/ Boys and Coed) program has enjoyed recent success.We have a large group of committed individuals striving toward success and we want YOU to join that group! Now is the best time for you to get involved and prepare yourself as an athlete to be part of the growth of the Springbrook Volleyball program.

The most important time for our team is now – during the off-season. This preseason can be the key to our success. Remember, players all over the state are improving their skills & fitness levels,getting ready to begin the season at their best and help their teams be in position to challenge for the ultimate goal – the Maryland State Championship/and County Championships. At Springbrook, we want you to make the same efforts to prepare. As an individual, your efforts between now and August 10th will help determine how successful we, as a unit, can be. As coaches, we will be doing our part to make sure the season is a success by collaborating with other coaches and strategizing to give our teams the best chance for achievement.

Believe it or not, what you put into your body makes a huge difference in the results you achieve. If you commit to eating right and drinking plenty of water, you have the chance to get into the best shape of your life.

We’re excited to have you as part of the family and look forward to growing together to be the best we can be. Forms will be collected August 9th (or earlier if you have them available), leading into our first practice on August 10th at 11:00am. Please see the attached calendar for other important dates.


Don’t play to get in shape, get in shape to play!!

Come out on August 10th and be a part of the tradition!

On behalf of Springbrook Volleyball,

Coach Jennifer Raikes

Practice/Tryout Information


Varsity Girls JV Girls

Jennifer RaikesMarina Goldgisser

301-422-5600 (work)

  • Please make sure to have your physical examination completed PRIOR to August 10th. You won’t be allowed to practice without it. Make your appointment early!!!
  • Forms will be collected onAugust 9th and beforefrom(TBD) at Springbrook High School (Main Gym).

  • Parent/Student Contract (signed)
  • Physical (clearance form)
  • Transportation form
  • Medical Card

*Your ECA fee must be paid by mail or online.

  • Bring all of theseitems to Tryouts onAugust 10at11:00AM

  • running shoes
  • extra socks/shirts/shorts
  • sandals/flip-flops
  • lunch/snack (after school before practice)

  • Check the PRESEASON CALENDAR (in this packet) for practice/scrimmage times. We expect that with your commitment to this program you understand your obligation to attend all sessions.
  • We would like to have as many players as possible to grow the Volleyball family and tradition we’ve been working to establish, so if you know of anybody who might be interested, bring them along!

Have a productivespring and summer. See you in August!

Criteria for Becoming a Member of the Springbrook Volleyball Program

A Varsity Volleyball player must:

  1. Complete all necessary paperwork on time.
  1. Be academically eligible.
  1. Be physically fit – you must have the ability to maintain a high level of endurance for an extended period of time.
  1. Have strong ball-handling skills – overhead-passing (or setting), passing, hitting, blocking. You must be able to execute these skills in both a practice and game situation.
  1. Display a positive attitude and dedication to the team. You must show good sportsmanship and be a motivated player. You must work well with other players and be able to take direction from the coach. You must also be willing to give information and/or ask questions directly to your coach.
  1. Play a position that the team needs (i.e., we need/want 10 hitters and up to 4 passers).

Players who do not meet these criteria, regardless of grade level, may be cut from the program completely (ALL teams).

To earn a varsity letter, a player must attend 80% of all team events (practices, meetings, study halls, fundraisers, etc.) and 80% of games. Any player who attends school is expected to attend that day’s practice or game. Once players play in a game for a team (Girls Volleyball)they are no longer able to switch teams and must remain on that team for the remainder of the season.

2017-2018 Springbrook Volleyball- Coach Jennifer Raikes

Player and Parent Expectations

As a Springbrook High School volleyball player, the following is expected of me:

  1. I will be a team player. I will always show respect to my teammates and my coaches at all times. If I don’t, I will not play.
  2. I will be coachable. I will accept feedback because I know it will help me become the best player I can be. I will constantly challenge my teammates and myself.
  3. I will stay on top of my academics (minimum of 2.5 GPA) and communicate to my coaches whenever I have concerns. I must communicate to my coach if I fail an assessment.
  4. I will always have a positive attitude. I understand that if I don’t, that I will be taken out of a game. I know that poor attitudes don’t win games.
  5. I understand that playing time will not be equal and that it is earned by hard work (effort), performance, and attitude.
  6. When I am not in the game, I understand that my responsibilities include calling the lines for my teammates andcheering for them.
  7. I will not allow mistakes to bring me down. I know that I learn from them.
  8. I will work hard at every practice. I understand the consequences of not working hard. Regardless of my skill level, I know that I will not play if I am not trying my best or if I am not focused.
  9. I will be on time to practices and games.
  10. I will communicate to my coaches ahead of time about absences, expected lateness, concerns, or anything that will affect my game or affect our team’s practice plans.
  11. As a Springbrook High School student athlete, I will be on my best behavior at all times. I understand that inappropriate language will not be tolerated. I will report any team concerns and player issues to my coach.
  12. I will only post positive comments that support my teammates as well as my competitors on public sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, IG, etc.)
  13. I understand that the use of alcohol, illegal or misuse of prescription drugs, tobacco or any other abusive substance is strictly prohibited. I acknowledge the penalties carefully explained in the Code of Conduct Violations section of the Student/Parent Contract.
  14. I am aware that proper nutrition will provide me with the energy I need for every game and practice. I will do my best to be a healthy eater.
  15. I will always support my Coed and Boys teams. When the other team is playing, I will sit behind the bench of the team and support them, I will refrain from using my cellular device before and during matches. ( Unless parent contact is needed)
  16. I understand that high school volleyball is a big commitment and I will make practices, games and fundraising events a priorityin my social calendar.
  17. I will report any injuries to my coach as soon as possible. If I am injured, I will follow the instructions given to me by both my coach and the athletic trainer.
  18. I must take fundraising seriously and understand that I have to carry my weight as a player. I will work hard to reach our team fundraising goals and not depend on others to do it for me.
  19. As a team player, I will always focus on effort, team and attitude, not wins and losses. I will win with humility and lose with dignity. I will celebrate every great play and brush off lost points.
  20. I will make sure that I have fun and enjoy the game!

Player name______Signature______

As a parent of a Springbrook High School volleyball player, the following is expected of me:

  1. I will be a supportive parent and be positive about my child’s playing experience. I will also support their teammates, coaches and parents inside and outside the gym. I understand that only positive comments about a player or a competitor should be posted on public websites including Facebook and Twitter.
  2. I will not criticize the officials or the opposing team’s players, parents or coaches.
  3. I understand that there will be losses and that they are part of the learning experience.
  4. I will try my best to get my child to practices, games and tournaments on time when I need to drive him/her. I will pick my child up on time when practices/games are over.
  5. I understand that one of the lessons taught in high school volleyball is commitment to a team. I will make every effort to be sure that my child is at practices, games, and fundraising events whenever possible.
  6. I will encourage my child to resolve any issues on his/her own before I get involved. I understand this is part of the growth process. When I need to communicate concerns to the coaches, I understand that I should not do this during practices, and not immediately before or after games. (Meetings can be scheduled with coaches.)
  7. I am aware that poor eating habits can develop at this age and I will make every effort to provide my child with nutritional meals and snacks.
  8. I understand that not every player will receive equal playing time and that those decisions will be made by the coaches.
  9. I will support my child in the team’s fundraising efforts to the best of my ability. I understand that this is his/her responsibility, and I will follow up with my child to be sure he/she is doing their part.

Parent name______Signature______