Senate Resolution 200809.05

A Resolution Regarding the Chaining of Bicycles on

Access Ramps at the University of Louisville

Written By: Amber Carrier, GSC

Sponsored By: Krista Woltermann


With the economic and energy situation that currently exists in the area, students are using alternative modes of transportation just as much, if not more, than ever. One of these alternative modes of transportation is bicycling to campus. However, because of an overabundance of bicycles on campus, many racks are being filled early in the day, and students are chaining them to lamp posts, hand rails, and other immovable objects in lieu of finding another bicycle rack. While finding another bicycle rack can take time, chaining bicycles to handrails along building access ramps interferes with the ability of persons with visual or motor impairments to enter the buildings safely and may lead to injury.


The preamble of the SGA constitution states that SGA exists to:

-  “to promote and protect student rights and responsibilities”

-  “to provide official channels through which student opinions may be expressed”

-  “to promote full cooperation among students, administration, faculty, and staff”

-  “to improve student physical, social, and cultural welfare”

-  “to safeguard the academic and individual freedoms of the students of the University of Louisville”

-  “to improve the status of students in the University community” and

-  “to promote diversity and fairness on campus and in the Student Government Association”;


According to the University of Louisville Student Code of Conduct the University has inherent authority to take any actions deemed necessary to protect the safety of its students;


According to the University of Louisville Student Code of Conduct Section 8 prohibited actions by students include the following:
- “a. Intentionally or recklessly causing physical harm to any person on University premises or at University-sponsored activities, or intentionally or recklessly causing reasonable apprehension of such harm.”

-  “f. Intentionally or recklessly misusing or damaging fire or other safety equipment.”

-  “p. Failure to comply with the directions of University officials, including campus police officers acting in the performance of their duties.”

-  “q. Violation of any government laws or ordinances, or of any University rules, regulations, or policies as approved by the officers of the University. “;


Section 4.8.3 of the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) states that a minimum clear width of access on a ramp must be 36 inches, and according to section 4.26.4 handrails must be free of any sharp or abrasive elements;


According to the University of Louisville Disability Resource Center Website, “The University of Louisville is committed to providing equal opportunity for persons with disabilities. This commitment includes complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.” And “ The University of Louisville strives to maintain a barrier-free, welcoming environment for everybody.”


The SGA Senate recommends that additional bicycle racks be placed on campus in areas of high traffic, so as to avoid the need to chain bicycles to access ramps. The Services Vice President of SGA will contact the Vice President of Business Affairs to communicate this need of the student body and shall follow up on any decisions made regarding the addition and placement of bicycle racks;


The SGA Senate recommends that the Department of Public Safety issue clear guidelines and rules as to what areas are appropriate for chaining bicycles. These guidelines should be enforceable and distributed to the student body in a combination of methods most likely to reach a maximal number of students, faculty, and staff (email, posting signs, etc.);


The Service Vice President of the Student Government Association shall explore methods of informing the student body of the dangers that chaining to access ramps poses to those with motor or visual impairments. The SGA Student Senate will aid in this effort to facilitate communication with the entire university. A concerted effort to inform the university body shall be made no later than March 1, 2009. The SGA liaisons to the Faculty and Staff Senate bodies shall also be made aware of this resolution and urged to consider adopting a similar resolution to inform faculty and staff of access ramp safety;


That a copy of this resolution, upon passage, shall be sent to Wayne Hall of DPS, Vice President Larry Owsley, the Disability Resource Center, the Faculty Senate, the Staff Senate, and the University Provost.

Rudy Spencer, President Mike Dennis, Executive Vice-President

Ahmed Awadallah, Academic Vice-President Dani Smith, Services Vice-President