Great Bentley Parish Council
4 April2015
Present / Cllr J. Hills (Chair), Cllr B. Herbert, Cllr K. Plummer, Cllr C. Warder,Cllr L. Edwards,Cllr G. Wright, Cllr P. Balbirnie and Cllr L. McWilliams.
Also in attendance wereten (10)members of the public.
Public Questions / None
04.15.163 / Apologies for absence: Cllr R. Taylor (conflicting engagement).
04.15.164 / Minutes of the last meeting: Cllr McWilliamsproposed the minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2015. Cllr Edwardsseconded the proposal and the minutes were agreed as a true record of proceedings.
04.15.165 / Declarations of Interest:
Cllr McWilliams, item 04.15.167e.
04.15.166 / Information & Reports: None.
04.15.166a / County and District Councillors Reports:
a)County Councillor – Cllr A. Goggin:Referred to the “Community AgentsEssex” a new service creating a countywide network of agents and volunteers who will support older people and their informal carers to find independent living solutions.
Cllr Goggin noted that he will attend LHP meeting on 8 April and will support the Forge Lane application. He was pleased to announce that ECC keep street lights lit until 1am. He reported that all the parishes have indicated that they donot wish to pay for TDC to providestreetlights. He also reported that the Scouts funding application will be part funded.
b)District Councillor - Cllr McWilliams:Confirmed that The Women’s Cycle Tour will be coming through Gt Bentley in 2015. She has submitted a Best Kept Village application. Cllr McWilliams is working on developing a mental health hub in Tendring.
04.15.167 / Other Reports:
a)PCSO; The Chairman read out PCSO Cox’s report. The Clerk was asked to invite her to attend a Parish Council meeting.
b)TDALC; No report this month
c)Transport; Nothing to report this month
d)Footpaths; Mr Golifer summarized his previously circulated report. The Clerk was asked to write a polite letter to Mr Irwin regarding F/P 20 saying that this has been a problem for a number of years.
e)Caretaker; Mr McWilliams report was noted. Fly-Tipping is a problem. Cllr McWilliamspointed out that this TDC department currently has a staffing issue.
f)Village Events for GBPC; Nothing to report. The Clerk agreed to have the Web Diary operational by the next monthly meeting.
04.15.168 / Correspondence:
a)ECFRS Consultation Document:Noted.
b)Proposed High Barns Wind Turbine:The Chairman read out Mr Gibbonsletter and noted its contents. Cllr McWilliams commented explaining the process GBPC went through in dealing with this particular application. A number of Councillors in turn commented agreeing with the view that GBPC had given this matter proper consideration.
c)#Fieldfinders Campaign Request:Noted. Members were invited to respondindividually if they wish.
d)Notice of an updated defibrillator: Noted.It was agreed to locate the old one in the Village Hall. Mr Harry agreed to deal with this matter.
e)FoG Garage Sale request:Agreed.
f)Temporary Road Closure Notice:Noted.
g)VE Day 70th Anniversary:Secretary of State’s letter was noted.
h)Superfast Essex Parish Engagement Event: Noted.
i)Essex Highways Enquiry Ref. 2393321: Noted.The Clerk was asked to report and copy the reference to Mrs Smith.
j)Proposed Bus Shelter: Two letters of objection from Mr Howlett and Mr McNicoll were noted.There was a suggestion that if the funding is secured that the new shelter should have no sides as that would obscure sightline from the neighbouringresidential driveway.
k)Late Item: An objection from Mr Self to the previously agreed double kerbing of a length of Southside was noted. The Clerk was asked to
-Respond explaining the consultation process.
-Write to all affected residents inform them of the process.
04.15.169 / Parish Clerk Report:
The Clerk summarised his previously circulated report (attached as Appendix A) and invited questions
04.15.170 / Finance Report:
A revised copy of the monthly expenditure report (attached as Appendix B) containing a late invoice was tabled. The expenditure report was proposed by Cllr Warder, seconded by Cllr Herbertand approved.
04.15.171 / Village Green Working Party:
Cllr Herbertthe Chairman of the Working Party presented a verbal report.
-Noting the Dog bin by the Cinder Track (Footpath No. 20) has been replaced.
-He asked the Clerk to obtain six dog fouling signs for future use.
-Asked for approval to trim trees on the Green in the vicinity of Moors Close. Agreed.
-Noted that a contractor has been instructed to apply fertilizer on the Green
-Cllr McWilliams’ mentioned the large pothole outside the Church. Highways advised that this is on private property.
04.15.172 / NPPC Dignity Code:Cllr Edwards proposed that the Parish Council adopts the Code. Cllr Balbirnie seconded the motion. It was unanimously RESOLVED: That the Parish Council agree to adopt the NPPC Dignity Code.
04.15.173 / Forge Lane Drainage: The Chairman asked if this could be included as an agenda item next month.
04.15.174 / Station Car Park CIF Application: The Clerk agreed to forward the website link to members of the Greens Working Partyfor their consideration.
04.15.175 / Station Road Double Kerbing: This matter was dealt with as part it agenda item 04.15.168f earlier in the meeting.
04.15.176 / Village Access Road Signs:Cllr McWilliams explained that it had previously been agreed to use the proceeds of the Queens Jubilee celebrations to fund new road signs and that this matter remains outstanding.
04.15.177 / Preferred Contractors List:The Clerk agreed to use list of contractors and criteria provided by Cllr Wright to form a preferred contractors list.
Future Agenda Items: None.
Public Questions /
  1. A representative from Good Neighbours gave a presentation explaining the aims of Good Neighbours.
  2. The Clerk agreed to report the pothole opposite the Pharmacy that was overlooked when the recent repairs were made.
  3. Clarification was sought on the Station Fields application. Apparently, the applicant failed to provide a Traffic Statement and has been asked by TDC to do so.Cllr McWilliams has requested that this application is dealt by Committee.
  4. It was confirmed that High Barns Turbine applicant has the right to appeal the decision.
  5. Mr Mick Dorling clarified the history of the bus stop on Thorrington Road. The Clerk was asked to include this as an agenda item at the nextmeeting. Relocation of the bus stops.
  6. Mr Ken Drewreported that he had placed an advertisement in the Parish Magazine regarding the level crossing survey. He has a team of 8-9 to assist to survey the operation of the level crossing. It is proposed to survey for 3 days over a one week period.
  7. Mr Peter Harry noted that some of the trees along Moors Close are sited on private property.
  8. GBPC was thanked for its efforts and way it supported GB Stop to resist the High Barns Turbine planning application.



2 April 2015

  1. Bus Shelter on Thorrington Road:

Further to the March monthly meeting of the Parish Council, as requested I submitted a bid to the Tendring Highways Panel for a bus shelter on Thorrington Road opposite Sturrick Lane. No response has been received to date.

  1. Station Car Park:

A report of an abandoned vehicle in the Car Park was received. Although no registered owner, it was removed from the car park before arrangements to have it towed-away were made.

  1. Rail Level Crossing – Service Level Agreement

Further to the last meeting, I contacted Network Rail to obtain a copy of the service level agreement. I was given an enquiry reference but haven’t received a response to date.

  1. Car Park NNDR:

The assumption was that the Parish Council would have to pay NNDR for the Car Park in 2015/16 after enjoying a rate free period. Notification has now been received that we will enjoy a further twelve months small business rate relief resulting in no NNDR demand.

  1. Street Lighting Contract:

I am currently negotiating a fixed rate contract with E.ON, which I am informed will be more economical thank the current Deemed Contract rate that is applicable.

  1. Local Highways Panel Application (LHP):

On receipt of notice of the 31 March 2015 deadline for LHP applications, I prepared and submitted an application for drainage on Forge Lane. This would address the flooding issues experienced during periods of heavy rain. The application will hopefully be considered at the LHP meeting on 8 April and we should learn of the outcome soon after that date.

Kevin Harkin

Clerk to Great Bentley Parish Council



Great Bentley Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 April 2015

Present: Cllr J. Hills (Chair), Cllr B. Herbert, Cllr L. Edwards, Cllr C. Warder, Cllr L. McWilliams, Cllr G. Wright, Cllr K. Plummer and Cllr P. Balbirnie.

Also in attendance ten (10) members of public.

Public Questions: None.

04.15.67Apologies for absence: Cllr R. Taylor (conflicting engagement).

04.15.68Declarations of Interest: None offered.

04.15.69Minutes of Last Meeting: The minutes of meeting held on 5 March 2015 were proposed by Cllr McWilliams, seconded by Cllr Edwards and agreed as a true record of proceedings.

04.15.70Planning Applications: To consider planning applications, the summary details of which are set out in the table below.

Planning Reference No. & Email Link / Application Details / Address/ Location / Comments
15/00306/FUL / Proposed addition to house. / 36 Birch Avenue, Gt Bentley / Concern about car park spaces. Don’t want to see any loss of off road parking.
15/00337/FUL / Replacement porch with wc and extension to existing boxroom to form new bedroom / 10 St Mary’s Road, Gt Bentley / No comment and no objection
15/00339/FUL / Replacement porch with wc and extension to existing boxroom to form new bedroom / 8 St Mary’s Road, Gt Bentley / No comment and no objection.
15/00390/TCA / Tree of heaven – Reduce by 1.5m back to previous pruning points. / Hamilton House, The Green, Gt Bentley / Check timing of last pruning with TDC Tree Officer. If okay, no comment or objection
15/00131/OUT / To develop up to 165 housing units of various sizes. / Land at The Street, Lt Clacton / Noted


The two email messages received from Mr Martyn Reed of Lt Clacton complaining about wide scale housing development proposals across Tendring were noted. The Clerk was asked to respond informing that the Parish Council has considered the request and is unable to support it on this occasion.

04.15.72Planning Matters for Report:

The Chairman reported that ADP Ltd had contacted the Council and requested an informal meeting to discuss a forthcoming proposal for a housing development at Admirals Farm (Water Pumping Station). The meeting took place immediately prior to this meeting. The minutes of that meeting are attached as an appendix to these minutes.

Public Questions: None.


Minutes of an informal meeting between Parish Councillor’s and ADP Ltd

Aim of Meeting / To discuss outline proposals for a housing development on the site of the Pumping Station at Admirals Farm.
Date: / 6.45pm on 2 April 2015
Present: / David Rose, ADP Ltd, Brian Morgan, ADP Ltd.
Cllrs J Hills (Chair), McWilliams, Balbirnie, Plummer, Edwards and Herbert. Cllr Warder arrived at 7.05pm.

The Chair opened the meeting explaining that it had been convened at the request of ADP Ltd to discuss an outline planning application for 75 houses on the site of the old water pumping station now a part of Admirals Farm.

The Chair declared an interest in this matter and asked that it be noted. He indicated that he has a working relationship with ADP Ltd and that he had introduced Cllr G. Wright to ADP.

Brian Morgan explained that serious concerns have been expressed about the outline planning application named Station Field and that it is ADP’s view that the a housing development proposal on the pumping station site is likely to fit better and be easier accommodated in the Village than other options currently being considered.

He went on to note the severe housing development pressures in Tendring in general and especially some rural locations. It is generally accepted that there will be a formal requirement for many more new houses (possibly 12,000) than had previously been planned. It is likely that Great Bentley will have to accommodate some of this development.

Mr Morgan acknowledged Great Bentley’s unique character, saying that the Village Green had remained to a large extent visually unchanged for centuries. An analysis undertaken by ADP identified that screening any housing development would be a key issue.

One of the increasingly significant issues in the Village is traffic congestion along Plough Road. A housing development to the north of the Village will have a less adverse impact on this issue than say the Station Field proposal. In addition, this proposal is for 75 houses, which is half the number of the Station Field proposal and it will be at one third of the density.

Cllr Warder arrived at the meeting.

The meeting then broke into two separate discussions with questions and views made by individuals. The point was made that councillor’s do not wish to see inappropriate development or development that will stymie the Village in the future.

Mr Morgan indicated that an outline planning application may possibly be submitted in the next month or so. The meeting closed at 7.13pm.