APRIL21, 2011

A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on April 21, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.

Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees;DeVore, Heaton, Moos,Thomas and Truax and Mayor Moser. Absent: Trustees Gustafson and Attorney Anson. Mayor Moser announced the addition of 1a – Review Minutes of March 17th and 5a – Resolution No. 2011-03 Postponing Ozone Testing.

Item 1a -Review of the Minutes of the March 17th meeting. TrusteeHeaton moved to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Truax. Motion carried 4 -0.

Item 2 – Fence variance requests: 434 Park Avenue and 142 Settlers Drive. Shawn Hoff of 434 Park Avenue appeared before the Board requesting permission to place his fence on the right-of-way along Fifth Street. There is no existing sidewalk there, so he would like to come in seven feet from the curb rather than the required three feet. Mr. Hoff would like to install a six foot wood fence. Mr. Hoff’s property line is on the north side of his house. Gary said there is a seventy-five foot right-of-way on Fifth Street. Concluding discussion and questions, Trustee Moos moved to grant a Revocable Fence Permit to come in three feet from the curb, seconded by Trustee Truax. Motion carried 5– 0.

The Board also received a written request from Amy Pittington, residing at 142 Settlers Drive, to install a 110 volt electric fence on her existing fence to keep her dog contained. Concluding review and discussion, Trustee Moos moved to deny the variance request, seconded by Trustee DeVore. Motion carried 5 – 0.

Item 3 –Discussion regarding trails in town. At the last meeting there was some discussion to start looking at the trail segment between Hawkstone and Eaton CommonsSubdivisions and a request was made to review any studies that had been done in the past. Gary presented a copy of the 2004 Parks and Recreation Plan with the section regarding trails to the Board for their review. Concluding discussion the Board requested Gary contact Gary Schmunk, who owns the property where a possible trail would be located, and find out if he would be amenable to allowing the trail through his land, and report back with his findings.

Item 4 –Discussion on Town’s involvement with the North Front Range MPO - Scott. Mayor Moser opened the discussion with concerns about benefits, or the lack thereof, of the Town being a member of the North Front Range MPO. Gary reportedthe Town has been a member since about 2006 or 2007 and paying about $3,000 per year. Gary informed the Board that Cliff Davidson, representing the NFRMPO, will be at the May meeting with an update on what is currently going on and available for questions. Concluding a lengthy discussion, Trustee Moos moved to table the discussion until after meeting with Mr. Davidson, seconded by Trustee Truax. Motion carried5 – 0.

Item 5 –Library Board Recommendation. The Board received a letter from the Eaton Library Board of Trustees requesting approval of appointment of David Sloan to fill a five year term left by the vacant seat of Dean Jordan on the Library Board. Trustee Thomas moved to approve the appointment of David Sloan, seconded by Trustee Heaton. Motion carried 5 – 0.

Item 5a –Resolution No. 2011-03 – Request Postponing Ozone Testing. Mayor Moser stated this resolution came about as a result of the discussion at the March meeting regarding opposition to the ozone testing program in the North Front Range area. Trustee Thomas stated she will abstain from voting because she has a relative who works for an emission testing facility. Concluding discussion Trustee DeVore moved to adopt Resolution No. 2011-03, seconded by Trustee Moos. Motion carried 4 – 1 abstention.

Item 6– Citizen Comments/Questions. None.

Item 7 –Reports. Gary reported the landscaping process has begun around the Town Hall. Trustee Heaton reported he received complaints regarding a pit bull issue in the Hawkstone Subdivision and wondered about working on banning pit bulls from the town and review the Animal Control Ordinance? Gary advised the board that the police department is aware of the issue and are dealing with it and will put this issue on the May agenda.

Item 8– Adjourn.Asthere was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m.

Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk