Parent Handbook

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church

21206 Timberlake Rd.

Lynchburg, VA 24502


Table of Contents……

Pg .1 Philosophy of LOGOS

Pg. 2 Center Descriptions

Pg. 3 Bones of LOGOS

Pg. 4 Policy/Procedures

Pg. 5 Fees

Pg. 6 Schedule/Meal Themes

Pg. 7 Curriculum Themes

Contact Information:

Beth Groover 434-665-1548

Shonda Roberts 318-715-1825

Suzanne Raine 434-944-4837



Beth Groover Family Time Coordinator/General

Shonda Roberts Worship Arts Coordinator

Suzanne Raine Greeter/Attendance Keeper/Floater


Communicator: Jennifer Beeker

Worship Arts: Shonda Roberts/Clare Terry

Bible Study: Barbara McKee/Sherryl Hankins

Recreation: Wendy Moon/Leslie Loucks

Family Time: Beth Groover

Meal Coordinator: Betsy Smith

Child Care: Stacey Hildebrand

Table Captains Nancy Broman – first 4 weeks

Mertle Akers – 8 weeks

Judy Williams – 8 weeks

Pastor Liaison: Dave Roberts

Email address for CONNECT!

What is the CONNECT! Ministry?????

Growing Christian relationships is the purpose of CONNECT!

CONNECT! Ministry is modeled after the LOGOS program which is a biblically based program with a mission of equipping faith communities and families to create lifelong disciples of all ages through intergenerational relationships. LOGOS was developed in 1957 by Dr. Dale K. Milligan and has been known as Youth Club Program and then LOGOS. We chose this program because of its successful longevity, its philosophy of developing intergenerational relationships, and because of the belief that nurturing people, especially youth and children, into this relationship of faith is the most important thing the church ever does.


·  It builds excitement about being at church

·  It promotes activities that ensure a well-rounded adolescent

·  It explores your child’s gifts and talents

·  It provides a great opportunity to develop intergenerational relationships

·  It emphasizes inclusive recreation the promotes health and wellness

·  It teaches your child how to become a leader in the worship service

·  It provides an outlet for your child to participate in a nurturing and non-competitive environment

·  It supports your child as he/she explores their faith and begins to understand what it means to be a child of God

Fuller Youth Institute tells us, “parents continue to be the single greatest influence on their children’s faith.” (, which is why LOGOS is an excellent arena for parents and their children and youth to build strong, Christian relationships. You are being encouraged to make this a priority in your busy schedules.


Center Descriptions

CONNECT! balanced ministry is experienced through Bible study, Recreation, Family Time and Worship Arts on a regular basis. The four parts are inseparable. They work together within the context provided by the life of the congregation and most especially weekly worship.

Bible Study: Relationships must be informed (learning about God), refined, renewed and kept fresh. Bible Study provides this arena. Bible Study is critical to CONNECT! because God wants us to know God and to discover whose we are. It is where we learn about the stories of God's relationship with people and their relationships with one another. We study Biblical concepts such as life, death, sin, resurrection, peace, justice and righteousness, and define the nature and terms of Christian relationships. Bible Study will occur in the Middle School Sunday School room.

Worship Arts: Relationships need to be rooted in each person's own relationship with God which is renewed and nurtured weekly in worship. Worship Arts and weekly congregational worship provide for this arena. God created us to worship God, so worship is our primary responsibility as Christians. "Worship is to the Body of Christ what breathing is to the human body. Without it, the body dies." (The Rev. Dr. Dale K. Milligan). CONNECT! is committed to the preparation of children to be worship leaders on a regular basis. Children become an integral part of worship as it becomes an integral part of the fabric and language of their souls. Worship Arts will occur in the sanctuary.

Recreation: Relationships need time for persons to delight together in fun. Recreation provides this arena. Part of what it means to be created in the image of God is having the capacity to give and receive personal revelation. We cannot play without revealing who we are. The challenge in Recreation is learning how to treat each other as children of God even at difficult moments. We play for theological reasons in CONNECT! as well as for fun. Revelation happens for both children and adults. Recreation also provides the opportunity for many adults of the congregation to come and share their hobbies, talents and special interests with the young people. In doing so, revelation takes place and relationships are formed. Recreation will occur in the fellowship hall.

Family Time: Relationships need to experience a communion of spirit. Family Time provides this arena.

Christ is uniquely known and experienced in the breaking of bread. CONNECT! Family Time is more than a time to eat. It is a time when children and adults join each other around tables. These table families care for and about each other as they share food, fun, and conversation around the table each week. There is a sacramental dimension to eating together. As Jesus is known to his disciples in the breaking of bread, so are we known to each other when we eat together. Family Time will occur in the fellowship hall.


GenOn Ministries Bones of Effective LOGOS Ministry

In 50 years of accumulated ministry experience, GenOn Ministries has learned that using the LOGOS Bones for structure builds a strong and effective ministry. While there is flexibility in the bones and how they are kept in place in a given congregation, breaking any of these Bones will greatly limit the effectiveness of LOGOS.

The 9 Bones of LOGOS are:

1.  Christ-Centered

Everything we say and do in LOGOS is guided by the example of Jesus Christ.

2. Authentic Relationships

Everyone strives to intentionally model relationships that reflect the way Christ would think, care and decide about other people.

3. Called to Serve

The Process of Call is used to staff LOGOS.

4. Congregational Worship

Everyone participates in weekly congregational worship, and young people have adequate opportunity to lead in worship.

5. Four Parts Every Time

Young people participate in all four parts of LOGOS every time they meet.

6. Clergy Support

There is ongoing clergy leadership and participation.

7. Youth Intentionally

Including children and youth in the life of the church completes the family of God. When youth are visible, active and engaged in the church, children want to grow up to be like them.

8. Weekly Bridge

LOGOS provides the most benefits in a weekly format that bridges the relational gap between weekly congregational worship times, and gives Christian focus to everyday life.

9. Family Investment

LOGOS is supported by parental involvement each week, fees paid by participating families with scholarships available, commitment to an annual parent’s meeting at the beginning of each year.


Policies and Procedures

The primary policy of this program is that we treat each person involved as “a child of God.” If we follow that mandate, all other issues should fall into place; however, we know that sometimes situations are not as clear as that call. We have set up some general guidelines that may help our process run smoother.

Here are some general guidelines:

·  All children will be encouraged to participate in all activities.

·  If there is an upset child and the activity leader has tried to settle the child with TLC, call Suzanne Raine.

·  Children should NEVER be left alone. A partner should accompany a child to the restroom but may remain at the door.

·  If a child has remained home from school or has developed a fever over 100, they should remain at home to rest and heal.

·  Children are welcome to invite guests with at least 24 hr. notice. The parent of the child needs to fill out a guest form and send it with them. The Family Time Coordinator (Beth Groover) should be notified.

·  If a parent would like to join us for Family Time (meal), they are welcome! Please call the Meal Coordinator (Betsy Smith @ 434-841-7434 or ) so that we are prepared with enough food. The meal fee is $3.00.

·  CONFIDENTIALITY is of utmost important when working with the children of our church and building relationships with them and their families. Discussions of children’s behaviors and of their comments during discussions should be kept within the CONNECT! Walls. Relationships are built on trust and that begins with us.

·  Should inclement weather occur, cancellation will be made by 12:00 noon.


If a child is behaving in a manner that is not respectful of the rights of others, the child should be reminded privately of the proper behavior. If the incorrect behavior persists, the child can spend some time with our hugger (Suzanne Raine) until the child is ready to return to class with a more respectful behavior.

We are children of God and deserve to be treated that way!

St. Andrew Covenant for participants:

I have a right to be happy and to be treated with kindness.

I have a right to be myself.

I have a right to be safe.

I have right to hear and to be heard.

I have a right to learn about myself.

Tuition for the CONNECT! Ministry



There will be a charge for this program to assist in covering meal costs and a small materials’ fee. If this creates a hardship on any family, please speak with Pastor Dave Roberts who will be managing a small assistance fund. No other personnel will be aware of this assistance.

Cost: $35.00 ($3.00/meal for 8 weeks = $24; $5 membership; $6 materials)

1st Child: $35.00

2nd Child: $30.00

Additional children will pay for meals only: $24.00

Visitors: $3.00 for meal

If a child begins participating after the start of the 8-week session, the fee will be pro-rated.

Please make checks payable to: Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church and note CONNECT! in the memo.

Arrangement for Visitors:

We encourage your child to invite a friend to join us at CONNECT! Please inform Beth Groover ( or 434-665-1548) know at least 24 hrs. prior to our gathering. The parent must complete a form that contains both contact and health information. Your child’s guest should remain with your child for the evening and is expected to participate in all programming and follow our policies. After 2 visits by the same child, the guest is encouraged to register as a member of CONNECT! The registration fee will be pro-rated.


CONNECT! will gather on Wednesdays from 5:15 – 7:15 beginning on Jan. 18 and will continue through March 8th. Should we have weather cancellations, we may extend the winter session.

Church doors will open at 5:00.

All children should be picked up by 7:15.

All children will should be dropped off and picked up in the fellowship hall

All children will need to be checked in AND out by an approved care taker.


5:00 – 5:15 Children arrive in the fellowship hall

Activity provided

5:15 – 6:00 Family Time (meal)

6:00 – 6:20 Early Elementary: Bible Study

Older Elementary: Recreation

6:25 – 6:45 Early Elementary: Recreation

Older Elementary: Bible Study

6:50 – 7:10 Worship Arts

7:10 – 7:15 Dismissal

Meal Themes:

Jan. 18 Fiesta: Food Tacos Puah Circle

Jan. 25 Sports Night – hotdogs/chili Morning Bible Study

Feb. 1 Super Hero Night – pizza Evening Bible Study

Feb. 8 Brinner – wear pajamas (breakfast for dinner) Morning Bible Study

Feb. 15 Valentines – Spaghetti Grace Circle

Feb. 22 Picnic Night – eat on floor – sandwiches

March 1 Crazy Hat Night (Dr. Seuss) – green eggs and ham

March 8 Party Theme- wrap up – cake – streamers/party decorations


Curriculum Themes:

Lower Elementary

Jan. 18, 25 Made in the Image of God

Feb. 1, 8 Kingdom of God Living

Feb. 15, 22 The Process of Relationships

March 1, 8 Revelation: dark and light

Upper Elementary

Jan. 18 Theme 1: You Are a Worshiper

Jan. 25 Theme 2: Gathering around the Word

Feb. 1 Theme 3: Proclaiming the Word .

Feb. 8 Theme 4: The Church Year: Part I

Feb. 15 Theme 5: Responding to the Word

Feb. 22 Theme 6: The Sealing of the Word

March 1 Theme 7: The Church Year: Part II

March 8 Theme 8: Bearing and Following the Word into the World

I am a child of God,

You are a child of God,

And we both deserve to be treated that way!
