A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held August 7th, 2007 in Council Chambers at 50 North 4th Avenue Canton, Illinois.
Mayor Heinze asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present – Aldermen Eric Schenck, Joe Berardi, Larry Sarff, Craig West, Kevin Meade, Jason Strandberg, Sonya Lewis. Absent – None. Alderman Carl resigned in June and passed away in late July, 2007.
Others in attendance – Mayor Rodney W. Heinze, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Kathy Luker, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Acting Police Chief for the night was Detective Dan Taylor, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Public Works Director Cliff O’Brien, Wastewater Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt, Maurer Stutz Inc. engineer Keith Plavec, Video Services by Joe Ginger. In the audience was newly appointed Alderman David Nidiffer and wife Joy, David Maurer and Joe Stutz from Maurer Stutz Inc., from Layne Christensen Greg Sloane, daughters of former Alderman Les Carl, Renee and Rhonda, Clark & Linda Wilson, Jackie Schenck, News Media of Daily Ledger John Froehling, Journal Star Jennie Freeman, Democrat Wendy Martin, WBYS Mark Bixler, and the Public Works Employees.
MINUTES OF JULY 17, 2007 COUNCIL MEETING. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Sarff, the minutes of July 17, 2007 be accepted and placed on file. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
MINUTES OF JULY 24, 2007 MECHANICAL COMMITTEE MEETING. Motion and second by Aldermen Schneck/Lewis, the minutes of July 24, 2007 be accepted an placed on file. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Public Safety & Traffic.
Council Action
Streets & Garbage.
Council Action
Lake, Buildings & Grounds.
Council Action
Master Plan from WIU of Canton Lake. Motion and second by Aldermen Lewis/Schenck, to approve the Master Plan presented by WIU in the amount of $7,138.00 for the total cost. Discussion. Alderman Berardi asked if the Park District Greenway Trails and the Comprehensive Plan will be part of this? Mayor Heinze said this is for the Plan to be approved and all of what you have mentioned will be part of this plan. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Meade, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Public Works, Water & Sewer.
Council Action
Spreader Truck Conversion Bids. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Strandberg, to allow the bidding process for the conversion of one 1996 IH Spreader Truck. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Meade, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Clarifier Rehab Specifications. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Schenck, the approval for Maurer Stutz Inc. to generate specifications bid package for the complete reconditioning of one Secondary Clarifier at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Paid from the Capitol Bond Expense budget of 2007-2008.) Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Meade, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Citizens Input from George Hall – trucking sludge to Landfill. Mayor Heinze reported that George will not be attending the meeting as his grand children came to visit.
Alderman Appointment. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Strandberg, the appointment of David Nidiffer from Ward 3 to replace former Alderman Les Carl who passed away in July be confirmed. (This will be for the remaining portion of no more that two years.) Discussion. Mayor Heinze said he had talked with around 10 good candidates. David Nidiffer had been an Alderman before. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Meade, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Committee Assignment.
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Larry Sarff Chair
Craig West
Kevin Meade
David Nidiffer
Legal & Ordinance – Craig West Chair
Larry Sarff
Kevin Meade
David Nidiffer
Community & Industrial Development David Nidiffer Chair
Larry Sarff
Craig West
Kevin Meade
Finance Kevin Meade Chair
Larry Sarff
Craig West
David Nidiffer
Public Works, Water & Sewer Jason Strandberg Chair
Sonya Lewis
Eric Schenck
Joseph Berardi
Streets & Garbage Jason Strandberg Chair
Sonya Lewis
Eric Schenck
Joseph Berardi.
Lake, Buildings & Grounds Sonya Lewis Chair
Joseph Berardi
Eric Schenck
Jason Strandberg
Public Safety & Traffic Eric Schenck Chair
Joseph Berardi
Sonya Lewis
Jason Strandberg
National Night Out. Mayor Heinze told about the National Night Out. Tonight residents throughout Canton are being invited to join forces with over 35 million people in more than 11,000 communities nationwide for the “24th Annual National Night Out” crime prevention event. This is Canton’s inaugural event. National Night Out, which occurs annually on the first Tuesday in August, is designed to heighten crime, drug and violence prevention awareness; generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime efforts; promote police-community partnerships; and strengthen neighborhood unity.
From 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. residents in neighborhoods throughout Canton are asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police. The Canton Police Department and the Canton Area Chamber of Commerce are hosting a “Party on the Square” in Jones Park. Please join them for the festivities and send a powerful message that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back against crime! Let criminals know that Canton is united and dedicated to building a safer, more caring community.
Presentation of Plaques. Mayor Heinze presented a plaque to Clark Wilson who retired in July as the Zoning Officer. Clark began his career with the City of Canton as a garbage man. He started at the bottom and worked his way to Zoning Officer. Clark helped tremendously in the Brownfield of the former IH. He was the one person who knew how to get the funding. Mayor Heinze said this gives me a great deal of pleasure in giving you this plaque. Clark responded by thanking former mayor Donald Edwards and Public Works Director Cliff O’Brien.
A plaque was also presented to Renee Carl in memory of Les Carl’s term on the city council from Ward 3. Senator Dave Koehler had a resolution read from the floor of the House on former Alderman Les Carl.
Discussion of Liquor Ordinance changes. Matt Pemble spoke about his building at 725 West Locust that use to have a liquor license under the name of Tripps. The City only allows 9 liquor license and they have all been given out. Matt said his real estate has been lowered by his property value that was taken away by not having a tavern license.
Kacy Conley spoke about wanting to open up an needing a liquor license to do so. By the restrictions of numbers of license issued, this restricts our chances. We need to have the Tavern liquor licenses increased to 10, and we are asking for that tonight.
Mayor Heinze said if this is approved it goes to the Liquor Commission for a meeting and then the request is referred to Council for their approval to amend the ordinance.
Alderman Lewis said to Kacy that earlier when applying for a license the request was for a Supper Club license. Kacy said the sale of alcohol is what is done there, and we don’t want to be a restaurant. Talking with the community, they want to come there. Why only 9 license? Mayor Heinze answered, Class A Tavern License states 9, Class E Package Liquor states 3, and the rest of the liquor license establishments have no limit.
Alderman Lewis asked, when here before didn’t you take a Class B license? City Attorney Chrissie Peterson commented that if a 10th license becomes available, others could also apply.
Alderman Strandberg commented that he always appreciates the community expressing concerns of the city’s ordinances. Wondering also on some of the ordinances if still good for our community, and we need to look and see what is best for our city.
Alderman Sarff said he did not have a problem bringing this up on the mayor’s communication, but I feel we are circumventing the system.
Ranney Collector Well Report from Layne Christensen Company. Greg Sloane with Reynolds, Inc. presented the following: Greg said that they had completed their Collector Well Hydrogeological Investigation. Greg explained what monitoring wells were installed at the Canton property and the testing procedure. Greg said that the results looked favorable for the proposed 5 million gallon per day capacity. He said that actually it appears that the aquifer may be able of producing 6 million gallons per day under average conditions. Greg explained that the water level in the aquifer fluctuates with the water level in the river. He said that they modeled various conditions including average water level, low water level, high water level and these levels in warmer and colder months. Greg said that during a low water level period and colder temperatures, the capacity of the aquifer as modeled would be in the 4.6 million gallon per day range. He said that the lower capacity is because water does not move as easily through the aquifer during colder climates as it does during warmer climates.
Greg said that the preliminary design of a collector well would consist of a 16 foot inside diameter circular concrete structure that would extent approximately 64 feet into the ground and 10 feet out of the ground. He said that approximately 200 feet of stainless steel screens would be installed in four directions to collect the water and bring it back to the concrete structure. Greg said that the larger diameter structure is due to the fact that the property only has a sand and gravel layer of approximately 10 feet deep. He said that is because of the shallowness of this layer, the larger diameter structure will allow for future laterals to be installed at the same elevation. Greg said that both Jacksonville and Galesburg have collector wells and their original laterals were installed for about 50 years, however, they were not stainless steel, which should allow for a longer life.
Keith Plavec and Greg Sloane discussed that the preliminary cost estimate at this time is in the range of $3.2 million.
Maurer Stutz Inc. Water & Sewer presentation. Maurer Stutz Inc. engineer Keith Plavec for the Water & Wastewater Projects. Keith gave the following presentation.
Original Wastewater
Sludge Handling Study
Kilroy Lift Station Design and Permitting
Kilroy Life Station Bidding and Construction
West Side WWTP Sludge Removal
West Side WWTP Design and Permitting
West Side WWTP Bidding and Construction
Bradley Corners Lift Station Improvements
Sanitary Sewer Collection System Improvements
Original Wastewater Bonding Project Status
Sludge Handling Study
Contract with City Signed: May 2005
Project Completed: September 2005
Original Wastewater Bonding Project Status
Kilroy Lift Station Design and Permitting
Contract with City Signed: March 2005
Project Completed: April 2006
Original Schedule for Completion – February 2006
Kilroy Lift Station Bidding and Construction
Contract was Bid on June 7, 2006
Contract was Awarded to Leander Construction on June 20, 2006
Anticipated Final Completion Date is August 15, 2007
Original Schedule Final Completion – February 2007
West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility
Original West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility was Constructed in 1939 at a cost of $800,000.
West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility is Currently Designed to Treat an Average Design Flow of 3.43 mgd and a Peak Design Flow of 8.34 mgd. Current Average Flow is 2.91 mgd.
Original Wastewater Bonding Project Status
West Side WWTP Sludge Removal
Contract was Bid on February 10, 2006
Contract was Awarded on February 22, 2006
Contract Final Completion Date was March 21, 2007
Original Schedule Final Completion – November 2006
West Side WWTP Design and Permitting
Contract with City signed March 21, 2006
May 11, 2006 – Submitted request for MPDES Permit Modification (ADF-3.43 mgd to 4.99 mgd)
July 31, 2007 – Received phone call from IEPA in regards to NPDES Permit Modification is approved (Extended Aeration System, Raw Sewage Pumps, Sludge Pumps, etc,)
Several projects can be completed without NPDES Permit Modification (Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation))
Original Schedule for Design and Permitting Completion was August 2007.
Original Wastewater Bonding Project Status
West Side WWTP Bidding and Construction
Most of this work cannot begin until the NPDES Permit Modification is approved by IEPA.
Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation
Anticipate bidding this project in September 2007
Anticipate Rehabilitation completed by December 2007
Digester Structure Repairs
Anticipate bidding this project in September 2007
Anticipate completion by November 2007
Excess Flow Basin Disinfection
Anticipate construction either fall of 2007 or Spring of 2008
Original Wastewater Bonding Status
Bradley Corners Lift Station Improvements
Currently working with City on determining if underground station is in a condition to rehabilitate or if a new above ground station should be considered. This is at 20th Avenue
No critical path originally set for this improvement.
Anticipate a decision made on a direction to go in August 2007
Depending upon decision made, project would be awarded by Oct 2007
Project completed by Spring of 2008
Original Wastewater Bonding Project Status
Sanitary Sewer Collection System Improvements
Budgeted approximately $1,000,000 for these improvements.
No critical path originally set for this improvement.
Projects obtaining funding from these dollars:
Avenue C Storm Sewer Installation and Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation and Lining (2007)
Kilroy Sewershed Improvements
Assist with Televising an Cleaning of Sanitary and Combined Sewers (2006)
Begin Sanitary Sewer Manhole Inspections (2006).
Develop Plans and Specifications for Sewer Projects between 6th and 7th Avenue an 10th and 11th Avenue (2006)
Develop Contract Documents for Televising and Cleaning entire Combined Sewer Shed (2007)
Other Wastewater Projects
Long Term Control Plan (2007)
Plan submitted to IEPA by November 9, 2008
Capacity, Management, Operation and Maintenance (CMOM) Plan 2007
Plan submitted to IEPA by November 9, 2007
Wastewater bonding Projects
Estimated Project Cost to Complete Recommended Wastewater Improvements is $12.7 million (Based on Wastewater Study from February 2004)
Original Water Bonding Projects
Raw Water Transmission Main Design and Permitting
Raw Water Transmission Main Bidding and Construction
Raw Water Supply Design and Permitting
Raw Water Supply Bidding and Construction
Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation/Expansion Design and Permitting
Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation/Expansion Bidding & Construction
Finished Water Transmission Main Design and Permitting
Finished Water Storage Tank Design, Permitting and Construction
Original Water Bonding Project Status
Raw Water Transmission Main Design and Permitting
Contract with City Signed: March 16, 2005
Pre-Easement Agreement Obtained – March 2006
Triplicate Permit Application Submittal – May 2006
COE linked Transmission Main and Raw Water Supply Projects Together
Submittal of Additional Information to COE – July 2007
Indiana Bat Survey
Bald Eagle Survey
Botanical Survey (3 plans total)
Easement Agreements Completed and Sent to Property Owners – August 2007 (14 total)
Original Schedule for Design and Permitting Completion – November 2006
Anticipated Completion – December 2007 (Depends on Permitting!!)
Original Water Bonding Project Status
Raw Water Transmission Main Bidding and Construction
Anticipate Bidding this Project in January 2008 (Depends on Permitting!!)
Anticipate Completion of Construction by January 2010
Original Completion of Construction – August 2008
Original Water Bonding Project Status
Raw Water Supply Design and Permitting
Contract with City Signed: July 2005
Original Concept was River Intake
Triplicate Permit Application Submittal – May 2006
COE linked Transmission Main and Raw Water Supply Projects Together
Archaeological Concerns with River Intake
Submittal of Additional Information to COE-July 2007
Indiana Bat Survey
Bald Eagle Survey
Botanical Survey (3 plans total)
Waiting on Archaeological Report from Dixon Mounds Personnel to send to COE
Original Water Bonding Project Status
Raw Water Supply Design and Permitting
Radial Collector Well Investigation – February 2007
to July 2007
Results Presented at Tonight’s Meeting
Original Schedule for Design and Permitting Completion – Feb 07
Anticipated Completion – December 2007 (Depends on Raw Water Source and Permitting!!)
Original Water Bonding Project Status
Raw Water Supply Bidding and Construction
Bidding of Project Depends upon Raw Water Source
River Intake-Bid Project in January 2008 (Depends on Permitting!!)
Radial Collector Well-One Company in U.S. that Completed this Work (Waive Bidding Requirements and Complete as a Design/Build Project)
Completion of Construction (Depends on Permitting!!)
River Intake – July 2009
Radial Collector Well – July 2009 (Currently 1-year backlog)
Original Completion of Construction – May 2008
Water Treatment Plant
Dam and Water Plant were Constructed in 1939 at a Cost of $610,000
Dam has been Raised Twice to increase Storage Capacity
Two Deep Wells were Installed in 1989 (drought)
Average Pumped Water is 2.1 mgd (since 1998)
Original Water Bonding Project Status
Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation/Expansion Design and Permitting
Contract with City Signed: March 21, 2006
Currently working with City on Designing and Permitting Several
1.2 MG Clearwell
Line Slaker
Additional Treatment Unit (Accelator)