Issue: 12/14/2010
Supplier Request Temporary Material Substitution
General Information1. Date
2. Supplier Number
3. Supplier Name
4. Supplier Representative
5. Phone Number
6. Part Number
7. Next Assembly
8. Program
9. Original Material
10. Original Material Spec.
11. Proposed Substitution
12. Proposed Specification
13. Effective From Date
14. Effective To Date (*90 days max.)
15. Purchase Contract Number
16. Purchase Contract Line Number
17. Quantity
18. Serial Number’s (as applicable)
19. Reason
*Note: If the product can not be manufactured and delivered within 90 days, an explanation supporting why is required within the “Reason” above.
The supplier in conjunction with the Boeing Mesa Procurement Agent, initiates the Request for Material Substitution action. The supplier and the Boeing Mesa Procurement Agent will determine the impact that the Material Substitution will have on operations at Boeing Mesa. The impact will be determined with consideration as to on hand inventory, production needs and lead time for original Material. Information above that is not required by Form M9670, will be included with the Reason on Form M9670.
The Supplier shall not accomplish any work containing proposed substitution prior to receiving Final Disposition on Form M9670 from Boeing Mesa Procurement Agent.
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