Holiday FUN !!

A record number of 72 residents and guests were treated to a sumptuous buffet and bar catered by Caliente Resort and hosted by Craig with Nelson assisting. Numerous toys were collected to be donated to a local church. Our very own elves, accompanied by Rudolph, performed a Rockettes’ style dance routine. Even Dan got into the act with a little twerking. Everyone received a raffle prize, ranging from California wine, gift certificates to local restaurants, and breakfast for two at Caliente. Colin won a prize for being the only one bold enough to admit he was wearing red skivvies (as verified by Dan).

Thanks to Craig, Nelson, Dan, Carolyn and our other neighbors who helped arrange and stage this fun and festive party.

Thank You

Some of our neighbors would like to thank all of those who decorated their homes so beautifully to celebrate the Christmas season. A special thank you to the family living on the corner of Lake Heron Drive and Lake Floyd Drive who have brightened up our entire community with their spectacular lighting and decorations. Great job!!

It’s All About Me

In 2002, we moved into Lake Heron. We heard superb remarks about the development. After attending H.O.A. Board meetings, we began to realize how efficient and effective our H.O.A. Board and committees were operating.

However, in the beginning, we received notices from the A.C.C. ( architectural control committee). We were upset at first, but realized rules needed to be followed to keep our neighborhood attractive and uniform. We finally read the Lake Heron residents documents so we could be informed of the requirements. We now have gained respect for the A.C.C. committee. Kudos to those serving or have served previously on this VOLUNTEER committee.

All they are asking us is to complete the A.C.C. form BEFORE engaging in a project on the exterior of our homes. Also, when asked, please comply with their request for an improvement to your property. Our Lake Heron guidelines need to be followed.

Oh, my guess this isn’t ALL ABOUT ME. It’s all about US and keeping our neighborhood spectacular, as it always has been.

Thank you.

It’s All About US

As we are creating our annual New Year’s Resolutions, please give some thought to returning to the Golden Rule. Regardless of the group of people we interact with, there are expectations and roles within the group. As residents of Lake Heron, we are responsible to each other to uphold the value of our properties for the benefit of all residents – whether owner or renter. Take a moment to reflect on whether you are the resident who…

-leaves their trash receptacles out

-allows their pets to stray, making messes you are responsible for

-illegally parks your vehicle, causing a safety hazard for others

-creates an unsafe/unwelcomed environment at the pool area

-are loud or otherwise obtrusive on neighbors’ rights

-make unapproved changes to the exterior of your property that impacts neighbors

Make 2018 the year that we all get to know one another better and are the epitome of a community.

It's That Time of Year Again.....

We’re in the flu season again, but this year things are a bit different than in past years. The influenza virus is already ubiquitous across the U.S., as are cases of the flu, and some fatalities have occurred. Also, the current vaccine is proving to be efficacious only about 10% of the time( I would still recommend getting the vaccine since some protection is better that none). Lastly, the major virus circulating this year, the so called “H3N2” strain, is particularly dangerous. Persons at highest risk for complications of the flu are the very young and old. Many of us qualify for the latter category. All of this means that the utmost precautions should be taken. Besides being vaccinated, wash your hands frequently, and when this is not possible, use alcohol based hand sanitizer(I would recommend that you carry this with you) The reason for hand washing is that we usually inoculate ourselves with the virus by touching our nose, mouth or eyes after we have the virus on our hands. Think of things like door knobs, or sink handles, which many persons may have touched, including those with the flu. Further, if someone is obviously ill with fever and cough, try to minimize your contact with them. Incidentally, it is a popular myth that cold weather makes us more susceptible to illnesses like flu. During cold weather we tend to congregate indoors, often with windows closed. Since flu virus can be spread by aerosol(due to coughing and sneezing), being in unventilated, closed areas can concentrate virus and increase the chances of infection. What else? Consider the difference between the common cold and the flu; the former is usually characterized by mild sore throat, nasal congestion, and runny nose, whereas the latter, by high fever and cough. If you think you might have the flu, see your doctor, since prescription medications are available that can mitigate symptoms and shorten the illness. Hope this helps.
~Bram Smith, MD

Board Workshop

The board of directors recently held a training workshop, one of several planned for 2018. The subject explored was – “Who is Lake Heron, and what does it aspire to be?” The board was guided by Michael Flanagan, a resident of Lake Heron, and professional organizational specialist.

The first step was to create a Vision Statement. A vision statement is a core belief to guide the board’s decisions and the future direction of the community. By communicating this vision to the owners, and even to potential owners, we establish what, and who, we are and strive to be.

Vision Statement “Lake Heron is a welcoming, caring, vibrant, and well managed community we call home.”

Based on this vision of who we want to be the board then discussed a mission statement. A mission statement is a more specific instruction of what is the board’s responsibility. The board adopted this mission statement.

Mission Statement “The Board of Directors is entrusted with the stewardship of resources to maintain the Lake Heron community as a highly desirable place to live.”

The next board workshop will be on January 27th at 10:00AM to discuss how to apply our vision statement to engagement with new residents.

When to Irrigate in the Winter

Research by the University of Florida indicates that grass doesn’t need to be watered as often in the cooler months. This is true even for St. Augustine varieties which are known for needing lots of water. The university recommends ½ to ¾ an inch every two weeks as sufficient. You can adjust your timer to water for only 10 minutes each week during the winter months. Don’t turn your timer off, just reduce the time it runs.

Residents can also tell when their lawn needs water by observing the blades of grass. When blades fold in half lengthwise they are starved for water. When grass leaves appear to be blue-gray in color they need water. When you walk across your lawn and leave foot prints that don’t spring back within several minutes – your lawn needs water.

~Submitted by Ruth Copeland, Grounds Irrigation

A Few Tips From Green Bandit

Our lawn service, Green Bandit, provides more services than just lawn care.

1) Once a year they trim palm trees that are 15 feet or less in height.

2) Tree branches can be trimmed if they can be reached with a pole saw from the ground, generally up to 10 feet.

3) Dead branches or plants can be removed.

4) Bougainville can be cut back.

5) Green Bandit does not edge rock borders, but will edge smooth concrete edging.

6) Green Bandit will trim overgrowth above the fence behind the houses on the north side of Snowy Egret.

7) The RV Park is kept trimmed.

8) If you have a plant or shrub you do not want trimmed tie an orange plastic tape to the top of the shrub.

Tape is available from Ruth Copeland at 948-0854.

We have extensive frost damage from the recent two nights of freezing temperatures. Don’t rush to cut back your plants, or ask Green Bandit to trim them. Wait until March or April to prune out dead portions.

~Submitted by Ruth Copeland

Strawberry Guacamole

1 pint strawberries
2 avocado
2 tsp. diced red onion
3 T. chopped cilantro
Juice of 1 lime
1/2 tsp. Salt

Hull and slice the strawberries and set in a bowl. Cut the avocados in half, remove the pit, and slice. Scoop the flesh out with a spoon and add to the strawberries. Stir in the red onion, cilantro, lime, and salt, and ENJOY.

Garbage and Recycling

If you recycle, youCAN NOTuse any bags.

YouMUSTuse a dedicated container (tub or can).

The truck crews will pass by any container that has plastic bags.

We see more and more bags being left out for curbside pick up, and those bags are being ignored.

Your recycle container should have a “Recycle Sticker” on it.

The stickers can be obtained by calling 727-856-4539.

Reminder – When Home or Away

You can still get The Banner and keep up with Lake Heron news by accessing the Lake Heron website.

Access to Lake Heron Web Page

1) Type into your internet search page “”

2)Locate “Association Pages” in the contents list in the left border

3)Lake Heron’s number is 4350. Put your mouse in the number list and scroll down to 4350 and click on it.

4)[Note the change in user name] A box will appear that requires a user name and password. For user name type in “lakeheron” [no spaces]. For password type in “member2012” [no spaces].

5)If you have correctly entered the user name and password you will have access to all the features of our web page.

On our web page you’ll find copies of The Banner, Board Minutes, Directors and committee Chairpersons. Our standardized forms in printable copies are on the web page.

For Club House Reservations,EmailEd Martinell

If you are a new owner and did not receive a copy of the covenants

(Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Deed Restrictions)

and a New Residents Guide please contact the

President of the Board for a copy.