Synthesis and Analysis Essay
Due 5-13 Hard Copy and
Choose one essay topic. Write a 5-6 paragraph essay using the texts listed on the back.
Synthesize information from multiple pieces of literature and analyze…
1: …the theme of three of the texts. What is the theme and how is it developed?
2: …the setting of three of the texts. Where do these stories take place? Why is setting so important? Why did the author set the story in this place? Explain.
3: …the point of view from which three of these works are told. Who is telling the story/expressing the poem? How does the point of view affect the story? Why did you think the author chose this point of view? Explain.
4:…three characters from the pieces we have read. Give examples of direct and indirect characterization for each. What purposes do these characters serve? Are they dynamic or static? Flat or round? Explain.
5: …the opinion of war presented by three of the pieces.
6:…how three of the pieces work to send a social or political message. (Example: “Shooting an Elephant” is sending the message that colonialism is wrong. “A Vindication of the Rights of Women” sends a message of equality.)
7: …the writing style displayed by the authors of three of these works. Remember that style is NOT about what is written, but how it is written. You should discuss the author’s choices in sentence structure, punctuation, dialogue, word choice, word order, figurative language, sensory detail, etc. Why does the author write this way? Explain.
- Outline due 5-8
- Rough Draft with significant changes marked due with final 5-13
- Final Copy due 5-13
- submit your essay in both printed form in class, and on midnight 5-13
These texts may be used on this essay:
Wollstonecraft, Mary. “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.” Prentice Hall: The British Tradition.
“Woman’s Wrongs, and How to Redress Them.” Massachusetts Ploughman and New England Journal of Agriculture. November 30, 1850.
Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. 1813
Woolf, Virginia. “The New Dress” 1924.
Owen, Wilfred. “Dulce et Decorum”
Owen, Wilfred. “Anthem for Doomed Youth.” Prentice Hall: The British Tradition.
Brooke, Rupert. “The Soldier” Prentice Hall: The British Tradition.
Tennyson, Alfred. “The Charge of the Light Brigade”
Credence Clearwater Revival. “Fortunate Son.” 1969.
Desai, Anita. “A Devoted Son.” Prentice Hall: The British Tradition.
Orwell, George. “Shooting an Elephant.” Prentice Hall: The British Tradition.
Lessing, Doris. “No Witchcraft for Sale.” Prentice Hall: The British Tradition.
“To Serve Man.” The Twilight Zone. Prod. Rod Serling.
Synthesis means gathering information and ideas from multiple sources.
*Figure out how different pieces fit together.
*Show how they are connected in your essay.
Analysis means stating why and what it means!
* Do very little summary
* This type of essay is called “Analysis” for a reason! For every quote or point or example that you give in your body paragraphs, you must then analyze/explain its significance! You can’t just list a bunch of information, then not say or explain anything about why you put that information into the essay.
* Spend most of the paragraphs stating why and what it means
* This illustrates…* This is why…* This proves…
* This means that…* This symbolizes…* This is important because…
* Topic Sentence- make a statement that can be argued
* Quotes and Examples- Support your topic with a quote or example from the text
* Explanation- Explain the why and what it means of how your quote/example supports the topic
- Write in THIRD PERSON VOICE – do not use the “I” voice at all!
- Embed QUOTES from the piece of literature in your essay – at least one per body paragraph!
- Make your explanation is at least twice as long as the quote
- Use words, sentence structures, and a tone that is academic, intelligent, and business-like.
- Give background information on your pieces. You should include: title; author; time of publication; & basic overview of the plot and characters.
- Wrap up your Intro by writing your THESIS, which in this case, must be a response to one of the options provided. You will need to prove that your thesis is valid during your body paragraphs.
TIPS FOR THE BODY PARAGRAPHS (minimum 3 body paragraphs; present a different argument or point along with supporting facts/quotes/scene info in each body p.):
- Your job in the body paragraphs will be to explain and support and “prove” that your thesis about the pieces of literature is a good one, with which others should agree.
- You should use at least one supporting quote in each body paragraph. We will review in class how to embed such quotes.
- Remember the general rules of a paragraph: topic sentence, 3-5 supporting sentences (in which you use specific examples, details, & an embedded quote from the play/movie), & a wrap-up sentence which helps you transition to your next body paragraph.
- Connect back in some way to the actual essay question, and your thesis.
- Make at least one, or a couple, final and powerful or interesting connections, observations, or points.
- Conclude strongly by pointing out how the piece of literature still has meaning in today’s world; or by pointing out an important lesson, warning, or reminder; or by making your reader really think about or do something.
*REMEMBER! Write the entire essay WITHOUT using 1st-person “I” or 2nd-person “You”!!!!!!
Synthesis and Analysis Essay
Turn in a hard copy and one to
Due 5-13
Staple in this order:
Rubric, Final, Rough Draft
60 pts total
______/ 50 Final Paper- See Writing Rubric
_____/20 Ideas & Content
_____/10 Organization
_____/10 Voice and Word Choice
_____/10 Sentence Fluency and Conventions
______/ 5Significant changes from Rough Draft
This can be shown in a number of ways:
- Use the track changes feature on Word
- Hand-write them on a rough draft
- Write a bulleted list of the changes you made
Process Graded Ahead of Time
5 pts
Outline Due 5-8