Thursday, June 1st is the last SENIOR LUNCHEON of the season – and it is FREE

11:15am on 6/1 - the final meal – FREE – the tab is being picked up by the Abington Rotary! On the menu is: pizza, salad, bread stick and fruit cup. A reservation is required in order to be served lunch. Call the Council on Aging 781-982-2145 or 2146 by May 26th. It’s quite OK to invite friends who don’t normally attend. We welcome everyone! There will be a great send-off, with a banana split ICE CREAM PARTY, at approximately 11:45am. The Ice Cream Party Food/

is a beloved annual event, sponsored by the Abington Rotary Club ice cream

(Liaison, Harold Sims) andserved by High School students who belong graphic here

to the Rotary’s counterpart, the Interact Club (Advisor, Joe Leavell). All are welcome to enjoy banana splits at no charge, at approximately 11:45, even if you do not sign-up for lunch.

We are able to provide Senior Nutrition (Meals on Wheels and Thursday Senior Luncheon) thanks to an arrangement with the School lunch program. We thank the Council on Aging’s Rita Estey, School Liaison Marianne Crooks, Kitchen Staffers Kay Cotter, Liz Norling, and Esther Paquette – and our trusty Custodian Stan Shura. P.S. Yes, The Meals on Wheels program is year-round.


We are so fortunate that the Council on Aging van is still with us. In May, the van suffered a fire. We thank the Fire Dept. for response and the Highway Dept. for performing a miracle repair of the van – pronto. We commend Van Driver Jean LaCamera for getting 3 passengers off the van and out of harm’s way.

Sunday, June 18th HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all gentlemen In 1909, Mrs. John B. Dodd of Washington proposed the idea of a Father’s Day. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father William Smart, a Civil War veteran who was widowed and left to raise a newborn and 5 children by himself. As an adult, Mrs. Dodd wished to recognize the strength and selflessness her father had shown. Father’s Day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday in June. Enjoy!

COA SENIOR WALKING CLUB: “The WOW GROUP” (It means Walking On Wednesday - name suggested by Kay Cotter) Walkers of all skills - meet in the corner of the Library parking lot near l’il bridge, walk the beautiful new Reilly Track, (made of spongy material, easy on the feet). See you on the 2nd and 4th Wed. each month, 9:30am. This is a very informal group. Call volunteer Peggy Whalen, Walking Club Coordinator, for more information 781-878-0448.

Pg. 2


The “Coming Abington Senior Center” SIGN has been placed! Drive by and see it on Plymouth Street!


F.Y.I.There will be no yard sale fundraiser this Sept. (too much, too heavy work) - maybe another year?


Bemis Drug now carries Senior Center Fundraising “wares” (such as tickets, any raffles, Ale House certificates, etc.) for your convenience. Thank you Bill Cox for this! Bemis is a good friend to our Seniors!


Retirement: Father Allen Butler recently retired from St. Bridget’s Church. Father thoughtfully used his retirement as an opportunity to further the dream of Abington Seniors - by asking that folks divert gifts to the Senior Center Fund.


BEAN SUPPER report will be in the next newsletter.

ABINGTON ALE HOUSE Restaurant is a great business neighbor & friend to Abington Seniors!

$10Gift Certificates are for sale, for $10 each. The Senior Center Fund profits the whole $10 on each certificate sold, up to $5,000.Certificates make beautiful gifts for any and all occasions. Think Father’sDay (sons, in-laws & grandsons too) also birthdays, graduations, showers, etc. Available at the C.O.A. Office & also at Bemis Drug in Abington.


NEW RAFFLE – gorgeous handmade GARDEN STONE inlaid with stained glass – crafted by Arlene Moore. $5 for each “opportunity” to make it your own. Tickets are available at the Council on Aging or at Bemis.


The Senior Center Fund is to be the recipient of a spectacular fundraiser: The Christmas House Tour,Sunday, December 10, 2006- mark calendars! For those who do not know, 5 highly decorated Abington homes will be shown on the Tour. This is a fantastic event to look forward to, which all adults would enjoy. Ticket sales begin in September - $25 in advance.

COIN DRIVE–Coffee cans full of pennies & silver are appearing at the Council on Aging! Our goal is $500.

(We could arrange to pick up - call the COA)


and it will be e-mailed separately as attachment


Annual Membership Joanne Curtis Virginia Lacoss

Special donations to the Senior Center Fund (** includes membership also)

In memory of Corrinne Barton, by Barbara Proffitt

In memory of Abington Senior Phil Curtis (finally at rest), by the Council on Aging

In memory of Jean Force & William Parker, by Margaret Parker & John J. Force

In memory of Anna Greene, by Joe & Pat Greene

In memory of “Peg” Kelley, by Georgette MacDonald

In memory of Mary Kerwin, by Barbara Tower

In memory of Richard Whitman, by Marge & Harry Conover, Jr.

In memory of Richard Whitman, by Leo Federici

Linda J. Smith

Dominica “Mae” Spada

In honor of our children and grandchildren, by David & Judith Belcher

“Clubs” may reflect one donation, a pledge, or a total of previous donations

$100 CLUB (monthly) In memory of Vic & Mary Malinowski, by Mike Malinowski

(monthly) In memory of Sal Mari, by Janice & Louis Mari

(monthly) In memory of sons John & Paul and Dad Sam, by Anne T. Nelson

(monthly) In memory of Dusty, by Connie Rhodes

In memory of Mary Brusin, a life-long friend, by Lois Bryan

Mary and Bob Donlan

In memory of James E. Doughty, by Jane Doughty

In memory of William and Tasia Palmer, by Marshall J. Palmer

In memory of John Vitali, by Carmela “Millie” Vitali (1st year anniversary)

In memory of John Vitali, by Terri and Joe Mini

$500 CLUB

In memory of Donald R. Eldridge, by Karney Eldridge and Family

In honor of Rev. Allan L.W. Butler’s retirement:

John/June Berlinguet Helen Cheverie Marie Cobbett Mary J. Cooke

Robert Creighton Edward/Mary Franey Michael/Barbara Franey Regina King Alberta McLaughlin Frances/Paul Moriarty Families of Blanchard Funeral Chapel The Quealy Family David/Theresa Raymond John/Ann Reilly

Joan Ridge Roger/Judy Roy Florence Severin

Richard/Maureen Wall Peggy Whalen Marion Wilson

Abington Senior Center Fund

Make Check payable to “SENIOR CENTER FUND”. Bring or mail to:

Senior Center Fund, c/o Council on Aging, 500 Gliniewicz Way, Abington MA 02351

Your name ______

Address ______

Special Donation In memory of ______

In honor of ______

Send acknowledgment to __________

Page 5 is

“Your Council on Aging continuing SERVICES/PROGRAMS”

It will be e-mailed separately as attachment

pg 6

OUTREACH and S.H.I.N.E. Norma Clark, RNRetired 781-982-2145 or 2146 (not Wed.)

Medicare Drug Plan (Part D) - is closed for now. Next open enrollment is later this year, Nov. 15 – Dec. 31, 2006. Hopefully, we are all enjoying the benefits of Medicare Part D Prescription Plans. I would love to hear how Part D is working for you – good or bad!

There are other matters beside Part D – we still want to help with Food Stamps, Medicaid, etc. Give us a call any day except Wednesday to talk things over.

Thinking of Retiring? Consider your options for Social Security. To retire, you must have earned 40 credits. See below to determine your full retirement age.

Year of Birth Full Retirement Age

1937 or earlier 65

1938 65 and 2 months

1939 65 and 4 months

1940 65 and 6 months

1941 65 and 8 months

1942 65 and 10 months

1943-1954 66



ABOUT TRIPS The Council on Aging does not run trips, endorse trips, nor insure trips. We simply inform.

Senior Association TRIPS for age 50+ Contact Joanne MacNeill, 781-871-1815

Mon. July 17 Lobsterbake Bull & Claw in Maine, visit Lighthouse Depot, scenic ride $60

Mon. Sept 18 “American as Apple Pie” – wagon ride through the orchards, tour of pie production, lunch

@ East Hill Farm, free 4” apple pie to take home $56

RITA’s TRIPS – Contact Rita Webster at 781-982-9102 for these trips:

June 23 Block Island, RI – scenic ferry, narrated tour, luncheon, shopping $72

Aug 9-11 Waterville Valley beautiful accommodations, summer theatre West Side Story, Lake

Winnipesaukee Cruise, Castle in the Clouds $309 per person/dbl occupancy

Sept 30- Myrtle Beach – 60 miles of beautiful beach, 3 fabulous shows, breakfast and dinner daily,

Oct. 6 visit to Charleston - $649 per person/dbl occupancy

Connie’s Trips “ABINGTON FELLOW TRAVELERS” Connie Rhodes 781-878-4941

July 6 Newport Playhouse – buffet, comedy play “Lie, Cheat & Genuflect”, cabaret $75

Aug. 2-3 Maine Coast Adventure – Camden Maine - stay at the Country Inn, backyard lobster bake,

visit 59th Maine lobster Festival, tour the breathtaking Maine coast. Bring camera $239 pp/dbl

Sept. 13 Boston Movie Tour - visit Boston locations made famous via popular TV shows and movies.

Behind the scenes tidbits and complete luncheon at Cheers, Beacon Hill Boston $65


A SOCIAL CLUB FOR SENIORS – (not to be confused with the Abington Council on Aging)

Abington Senior Citizens Association, a private social club for Abington folks who have passed their 59th birthday. Meets the 2nd Monday each month, VFW, Noon. Dues: $7 to join, $5/year. Join at meetings.

Pg. 7

Contest - State House Holiday Card - Contest

This annual contest is open to those age 62 or over.

Theme: “Celebrating the winter holiday at the State

House in your favorite era.” Entries can be accepted

from any artist, in any medium. Size must be between

5x8” to 18x24”. The deadline is July 14, 2006. Mail or

deliver: Dolores McGray, Comm. Museum at Columbia

Point, 220 Morrissey Blvd., Boston MA 02125


June Birthdays of Council on Aging Volunteers

June 15 Lorraine Leventuk (COA Board, Senior Ctr.

Committee, Building Committee Chairperson)


MOVIES – shown at Abington Public Library in the

morning at 10:15am on1st and 3rd Tuesdays.

Tu June 6 “Fun with Dick and Jane” comedy

Tu June 20 “The Family Stone” romantic comedy

(Tuesday, July 4 – no movie due to the holiday)

No signup needed – just show up - movie

bring friends! Thank you “Friends graphic

of the Library” for the DVD player! Here


Line Dancing Fridays 1 - 2:30pm, St. Bridget’s Hall.

Changes:6/2 at St. Bridget’s, but time change 10-11:30

6/9Last Class of the season, St. Bridget’s from 1-2:30pm.

Thanks Barbara Reeves for leading Abington classes.

Come Sept. classes resume and Announcing a new

class on Thursdays – “Basic Steps of Line Dancing”,

12 wks of basics. Line Dancing - great fitness & fun!


Thank you Mary Cooke & Bill Kendall, Council on

Aging Fuel Assistance volunteers of many years. 76

new applicants filed for fuel assistance Nov - May.


Meetings related to Seniors –

always open to the public

Council on Aging Board June 21 at 9am, Town Hall

Senior Center Committee June 21 10am, Town Hall

S.C. Building Committee Mon. June 19, 7pm Town Hall

Pg. 8

Circuit Breaker TAX RELIEF - 781-982-2145 to connect and find out if you’re eligible. Volunteer Bud Wheaton says, “So many Seniors are eligible for circuit breaker $$ and do not even know it!” Some met with Bud via the COA & received circuit breaker $$ for ’05 and the previous tax years.

When Car Troubles Hit & you get a high repair estimate, Mark Jamieson is willing to talk to your mechanic and serve as intermediary,a “second opinion”, so to speak. He will not be doing the work. Call the COA and we’ll connect you with Mr. Jamieson. No charge.

Local SUPPORT GROUPS - Open to the public – no charge

Parkinson’s DiseaseSupport Group - Kingston Library – monthly, last Wed, 2pm

Better BreathersSupport Group - Brockton Hospital assembly room - monthly, last Tues, 2pm - 3:15pm

(A support group for people with chronic breathing problems.)

AlzheimersSupport Group - Colony House, Abington–monthly, 4th Monday, 5pm-6pm

Bereavement SupportGroupmeets once per month at Abington Library on the1st Thursday at 6:30pm

Call Amy Somers-Quealy 781-878-2112 to talk more about the group.

RAFFLE - Senior Center Fundraiser: Gorgeous handmade Stained Glass Garden Stone Crafted by Arlene Moore - $5 per “opportunity” to take it home for your garden or give as an extra - special gift. $5.

e-mail COA Director & Editor of Senior Informer, Linda E.

Abington website includes lots of Council on Aging information! (thank you to Paul Cahill)