2010 – 2014
Head Office: P.O.BOX 230-406O7 UKWALA, KENYA
TEL. +254 728 068 496,
Liaison Office: P.O.BOX 7685-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya
Matibabu Foundation has been at the forefront of combating disease and poverty in its service to Western Kenya for the past five years. As it grew in size and complexity, it became necessary to have medium term plans to actualize its Vision and Mission. Thus the strategic planning idea was borne.
The process has been long and arduous; but the reward is this document- our blueprint for success. This strategic plan provides us with direction and long term guidance; and helps us succeed by providing a basis for developing tactical and operational plans, supporting employee satisfaction, and most importantly, providing our community with high quality services and improved health outcomes.
This document is not cast in stone, but is living and active, in anticipation of changes in the environment. Therefore, we must be flexible and innovative in our efforts, without losing focus on our goal…“To be a model of integrating preventive and promotive health services with comprehensive care treatment and support through strong programming and networking”.
To achieve this, we will rely as always on the creativity and commitment of our most valued assets- our employees and the community we serve.
Long live Matibabu Foundation! Long live Kenya!
Gail Wagner, MD
President of Matibabu Foundation
Matibabu Foundation has grown from a small organization managing medical camps from 2003 to the present where we are running many health programs with a combined budget of about $800,000 annually. As the organization grew more complex, the structures, systems, policies and procedures needed to be streamlined to realize the organizations objectives. In order to facilitate this process, a framework needed to be developed and we were privileged to have John Snow Inc. (JSI) through their Technical Assistance – New Partners Initiative (TA-NPI) project come on board to help us do an internal self assessment and environmental scan to crystallize our mission and vision in a strategic planning process.
The Appreciative Inquiry Approach employed in this process helped us to assess our strengths, opportunities, aspirations and results (SOAR), consequently affirming our excellence in community driven approaches, integrated services, in-depth community reach and sustainable partnerships with both internal and external stakeholders. In the same vein, our comparative advantages included our indigenous knowledge and cultural sensitivity, responsiveness to people’s needs and aspirations within the community and key health stakeholders and provision of cost effective services through leveraging health resources.
Against the backdrop, MF-K found a basis for more coherent ways of engaging in health activities aimed at improving health and development outcomes in western Kenya which are currently unacceptable.
With this document of intent, it is my humblest appeal and hope that people and organizations of goodwill that share in this noble vision and mission will extend their invaluable support in any form appropriate to them.
Daniel Ogola
Country Director; Matibabu Foundation - Kenya
The thinking and actions that nurtured the development of this Strategic Plan has been highly consultative, participatory and home grown. It is therefore befitting to recognize the various individuals, groups and organizations that have participated in this process thus far. First and foremost, our heartfelt thanks to the Women, Children, Youth and Men of western Kenya whose quest for quality health care inspired the development of this Plan.
Special Thanks to the Board of Directors of Matibabu Foundation Kenya and Tiba Foundation USA who made this work worthwhile through their individual and institutional support at all stages of the SP development process. Special mention of Gail Wagner, Peter Sherris and Arthur Combs for their constructive critical insightinto the process
We wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation, JSI through their TA –NPI project who from the onset of this process have been keen to ensure we had a workable document. Their dedication in terms of their most invaluable time, keen intellect and input, proof reading skills and wide consultation during the process was unrivalled. Shelemo Shawula, Sarah Murungi, Meg Kinghorn, Paul Mbanga and the rest of TA-NPI Team…we owe you an intellectual debt.
MF-K recognizes the valuable feedback from all stakeholders, our partner agencies including TheDistrict Health Medical Team (DHMT) Ugenya and Siaya Districts, professionals from the larger Ugenya Community as well as The Provincial Administration Team in the District who willingly gave information towardsdevelopment of this plan. Kudos to Elizabeth Onyango, former Siaya District Medical Officer of Health (DMOH) and Caroline Onchoka, District Commissioner, Ugenya.
Erokamano to all MF-K staff under the leadership of Dan Ogola for their unwavering support throughout this process. Finally,to The Strategic Planning Core Team including Fred Okango, Liza Abuje (SP Author), Benedict Osieyo, Chris Owang’, Berryl Dolla, Grace Okungu and Caroline Odandi, without forgetting Tony Okola who ably led the process to this end… we say Shukran!
Ahsanteni Sana!
1.Introduction...... 6-8
Historical Background, context, where the process started, Purpose of SP.... 6 - 8
2.Vision, Mission, Core Competencies...... 8
3.Core Values and Comparative Advantage...... 9
4.Stakeholder Analysis...... 10
5.Matibabu Foundatin-Kenya Strategic Plan (2010-2014)...... 11-13
5 year strategic goal …………………….……...…………………………………….11
Strategic direction 1……………………………………………………………………11
Strategic direction 2……………………………………………………………………12
Strategic direction 3……………………………………………………………………13
6. Strategic Map………………………………………………………………………………..14
7. Strategic Implementation Plan…………………………………………………...……15-17
8. Strategic M & E Plan………………………………………………………..………….18-20
9. Strategic Plan Budget………………………………………………………………………21
Historical Background
The existence of Matibabu Foundation Kenya (MF-K) is a case of continuous need based transformation. The organization was originally founded in 2001 as Community Support Group (CSG) in Kibera by a young man, Daniel Ogola, having been inspired to address the joblessness, poverty and disease that muted the productivity of women and youth in the expansive slum of Nairobi. The genesis of Kibera’s problems however is the high rate of rural to urban migration of jobless youth mainly from Nyanza and WesternProvinces of Kenya. This reality instigated Daniel Ogolato join hands with Patrick Amenya, Christopher Owang’, Benta Amenya, Benedict Osieyo, Paul Njihia and Dr. Gail Wagner to expand CSG’s activities to Ugenya, NyanzaProvince in 2003. To strengthen capacity and broaden community coverage, the Community Support Groups were transformed into Matibabu Foundation – Kenya, a Non Governmental Organization registered with the NGO Board, under section 10 of the NGO Co-ordination Act, certificate number OP.218/051/2006/007/3892 dated 15thMarch 2006.
The Context
The vicious cycle of ill health begetting poverty and poverty begetting ill health in the program area defines the context of this Strategic Plan. Ugenya falls within the greater Siaya District, which has trailed behind nationally in most health indicators. Women and children bear the heaviest burden of malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB, malnutrition and other preventable diseases. Maternal and infant mortality rates are among the highest in the country.
High poverty level worsens the already fragile health situation. In this community 60% of women and children live below the poverty line. HIV/AIDS prevalence in the area has not only eroded the asset base of most families but also shuttered hopes for many, especially the youthful families. Against the backdrop of poor health infrastructure, MF-K in collaboration with its partners is faced with the challenge of providing quality, affordable and sustainable health services to an underserved clientele with limited ability to pay for health services.
Where the process started
In the past, Matibabu Foundation Kenya (MF-K) relied heavily on support from well-wishers and volunteer staff to run its operations. Clinic-based healthcare services were sponsored by doctors and nurses from the USA. Additionally, the team from USA regularly conducted medical/ surgical camps alongside MF-K staff. In 2007 the organization won a 3-year United States Government (USG) grant through USPresident's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief(PEPFAR) program to implement HIV/AIDS activities in Ugenya. This shifted ground for the organization compelling urgent need for a formalized strategic framework. The Executive Committee of MF-K initiated a process of reorganizing the organization to meet demands placed upon it by the new responsibilities.
Through support from local volunteer technical advisors; Prof. Gerald Yonga, Prof. Walter Jaoko, Dr. Mildred Mudany, SWOT analysis was conducted for the organization. In the course of events Matibabu Foundation joined the John Snow Incorporated (JSI)’s New Partners Initiatives – Technical Assistance Project that seeks to develop capacities of CDC grantees under the PEPFAR program. The Technical Assistance to New Partners’ Initiatives (TA-NPI) conducted Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) and Technical Capacity Assessment (TCA) that revealed some institutional and technical capacity gaps in the organization that required urgent attention. Overall, both management and governance required strengthening through improving of policies and procedures to make the organization more compliant and accountable to its partners and the community served. MF-K has since strengthened its systems, structures, policies and procedures and are proud to effectively plan for its five year future.
The Purpose of the Strategic Plan
The overarching purpose of this Strategic Plan is to provide a clear roadmap for the operations of MF-K for the next five years (2010-2014). The plan shall help us realize our vision and mission of contributing to the overall improvement of health and development of the marginalized and poor communities of Ugenya and its environs. In particular, the Plan focuses on the health of women, youth and children as the most vulnerable groups. The document defines the strategic direction for the organization and delineates the strategic objectives together with implementation and assessment frameworks. The Strategic Plan aims also to provide a platform for engaging partners who share in the vision and mission of our organization.
Our Vision
We envision a healthy, productive and prosperous society in Western Kenya with community members that are self-reliant and able to determine their own destiny.
Our Mission
To empower communities to take charge of their health, improve access to quality integrated health services and strengthen linkages to other essential services.
Our Core Competencies
- Community driven approaches– MF-K has developed participatory processes of engagingthe community in identifying and jointly addressing their health needs. We have youth engagement and outreach clubs, women centers and children’s clubs that reach out to our target groups of women, children, youth and People Living with HIV/AIDS.
- Integrated continuum of services – MF-K has established a model of offering high quality integrated health services to the community. Our services integrate community health programs with facility based health programs including community outreach and referrals, Community Voluntary Counseling and Testing (CVCT), laboratory, pharmacy, clinical, nursing and periodic surgical/medical services.
- Leveraging strategic partnerships. – We have formed functional partnerships with the Government of Kenya, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Tiba Foundation (USA), African Medical Research Foundation (AMREF) and other key health stakeholders to expand access to quality and cost-effective health services.
- In-depth community reach – Having engaged the community over time,MF-K has gained trust, confidence and deeper understanding of the local people. Based within the community, we know them and they know us.
Our Core Values
The organization has over the years developed beliefs and values that have become integral to its operations. These core values are as follows:
- Respect for human dignity -The community and staff are our most valuable assets. We are committed to understanding their needs, giving attention to their priorities, being accountable to them at all times and fostering a rights-based approach to social justice and equity.
- Partnerships and Dynamism - At MF-K we actively involve the community, staff and other partners in embracing transformational change, commitment to continual improvement, sharing of best practices and leveraging of resources.
- Commitment and Professionalism –MF-K is committed to the personal, professional and career development of employees. We are proud of what we do and are dedicated to our organization. We uphold quality of service, teamwork and professionalism by practicing transparency, integrity in all actions, mutual and self-respect, good time management and technical competence.
Our Comparative Advantage
- Synergistic Relationships– We enjoy a rich network of like minded partners that are responsive to community needs and aspirations. In particular we are in an intimate relationship with the community given our community approaches and valuesystems. Our strong medical volunteerism program in partnership with Kaiser Permanente and Tiba Foundation stands out in the provision of specialized medical/ surgical services to the remote villages of Western Kenya. MF-K has a cordial relationship with an array of development partners including CDC, Tiba Foundation, AMREF, MEDS, JSI, Care Kenya and The Ministry of Health (MOH).
- Cost effective and efficient services– We offer affordable services; while they may not be necessarily the cheapest, they are considered more effective. We use mechanisms that enhance efficient use of the scarce resources that we mobilize for the greater benefit to the community.
1 Extending health services with the people
Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder / Level / Interests and Expectations / Potential Impact / Engagement Strategies / Potential Role / Engagement ActivitiesIndividuals/
Community members / Community /
- Accessibility to quality health care
- Continuous availability of drugs
- Scale-up services to include in-patient facility
- Meaningful involvement.
- Participation in health and development programs.
- Service demand and utilization.
- Community dialogue
- Planning
- Resource Mobilization.
Organizations / National /
- Poverty eradication
- Knowledge management
- Consultative programming
- Scale up within the district and beyond
- MF-K should expand beyond health.
- Networking
- Partnerships
- Partners
- Collaborators
- Consumers
- Funders
- Stakeholder forums
- Strengthen Joint Planning, Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation (PIME)
- Referrals
Government Units / National /
- Community Health Workers (CHWs) sustainability
- Expansion beyond Ugenya
- Strengthen PPP& Community IGAs
- Good leadership & zero-tolerance to corruption
- Improved health & poverty eradication
- Technological advancement
- OVC & widows programs
- Advocacy
- Public Private
- Capacity Devt
- Human rights
- Regulators
- Partners
- Funders
- Consumers
- Health System
Staff / Community /
- Improved health & poverty eradication
- Technological advancement
- Increased democratic space
- Improved quality of education
- OVC & widows programs
- Expandhuman
- Capacity development
- Service delivery
- Consumption
- Staff devt.
- Staff retention
- Need based recruitment.
Private Sector / National /
- Affordable living standards & accessible heath care
- Low rate of inflation
- Affordable and quality education
- Corporate Social Responsibility
International Organizations / International /
- Sustainability of programs
- Scale up of operations for wider reach
- Community involvement in planning & implementation.
1 Extending health services with the people
MATIBABU FOUNDATION-Kenya’s Strategic Plan – 2010 to 2014
5-year Strategic Goal
To be a model of integratingpreventive and promotive health serviceswith comprehensive care treatment and support through strong programming and networking
Strategic Directions
The strategy outlines MF-K’s approach into three broad thematic areas that include:
- Improve the quality, affordability and accessibility of healthcare in the community
- Promote and encourage preventive health services through adaptable and sustainable community health programs
- Strengthen institutional and financial capacity to guarantee sustainable organizational success
We have three times as many clients accessing quality affordable community-based health programs through strengthened health systems.
Strategic Objectives
- To establish a level 4 hospital with satellite clinics to improve health service delivery.
- To strengthen health systemsthrough partnerships for quality health service delivery
- To promote community health through facility based research
Ongoing programs
Through its health facilities in Ukwala and Nzoia,MF-K’s clinical program comprise special routine consultancy, laboratory, nursing and pharmacy services that address about 15,000 cases every year. Our programs emphasize on maternal and child health services, cervical cancer screening and TB.
In partnership with PEPFAR and the Government ofKenya, we run a comprehensive HIV management program in Ugenya District. In order to improve access to specialized medical and surgical services MF-K on a periodic basis partners with Tiba foundation USA to provide specialist doctors, equipment and supplies.
We have innovative community approaches that fully engage the community at every stage of the program cycle.
Strategic Objectives
- To build the capacity of the community to sustainpromotive and preventive health programs.
- To develop and document innovative community approaches to addressing community health issues.
- To establish a network management system that promotes strategic partnerships and leverages resources to meet the comprehensive needs of the community
Ongoing programs