“A Prosperous Slave”
CD No._____ also H-65 & K-64
Time: 10/ 17/ 2010 - Sun. 6:30 pm
Text: Genesis 39: 1-6 -
We find in this passage a young man by the name of Joseph. He was 17 years old according to chapter 37; when he was sold as a slave. Here was a young man who was going to be second in command in Egypt in a few short years. But before he went to the palace, God was going to allow some trials to come his way in order to shape his life for that position.
Now, we will not be sold as a slave in our maturing process as a Christian, but we will have trials in our lives. I think this story has some important truths to make us respond the way we need to in order for our trials to be beneficialto us and God.
I. Let Us Notice Joseph’s Response
A.Joseph Accepted His Position As A Slave
V.1-And Joseph was brought down to Egypt; and Potiphar, an officer
of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands of Ishmeelites, which had brought him down thither.
V.1-reveals where he was sold as a slave and the following verses reveal how he responded.
- The Reason That He Accepted His Position As A Slave
Joseph knew this was a God allowed trial.
Joseph knew this was a God allowed trial, instead of being chastened because he knew that he had been living in the will of God.
If you are saved and in the will of God and you are in a trial, God has to be allowing it.
- The Result From Adapting To His Position As A Slave
Joseph kept a positive attitude, because he knew that his trial was a God sent trial.
Satan loves to work on our minds. Satan loves to instill doubtabout our trials. He knows that if we develop a wrong attitude, we will never develop and be promoted in God’s service.
Question: Are you going to accept the position that God has placed you in?
Joseph Accepted His Position As A Slave
- Joseph Adapted To His Position As A Slave
Philippians 4:11- For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
Paul learned, and Joseph learned to be content, in whatsoever statethat they were in.
If we resist and resent, instead of adapting to our trials until God accomplishes what he wants in our lives, we are going to live a miserable life, plus not letting God accomplish what he wants in our lives.
Since God was allowing him to be a slave, he was going to be the best slave that he could be.
Joseph had made up his mind that he was going to be the best servant that Potiphar had. He was going to please his master,” Mr. Potiphar. ”
Joseph succeeded: Joseph got more done, and what he done, he done right.
We can’t resist and resent, we have got to yield to the divine potter who has a plan for our life. God is the potter, we are the clay.
Joseph’s Response
II. The Lord’s Response
- The Lord’s Awareness Was Known In Joseph’s Life
V.2 a-And the Lord was with Joseph-
We need to remember that if the Lord allows us to go through a trial; He will be there with us.
Joseph had lost his position, possessions, friends and material comforts, but he had not lost the presenceof God.
Hebrews 13:5- I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
The Lord was with Daniel in the Lion’s den.
The Lord was with the 3 Hebrew childrenin the fiery furnace.
Here, we find the Lord with Joseph in his trial.
Joseph’s brothers had betrayed him, but the Lord was with him.
Important to know: God’spresence can make a prison, a palace.
Verse 3says that Joseph, even though he was a slave, was a prosperous man. He was a prosperous man because the Lord was with him.
Remember: If the Lord is allowing you to go through a trail, and if you respond the right way, you will be aware of his presence.
The Lord’s Awareness Was Known In Joseph’s Life
- The Lord’s Ability Was Known In Joseph’s Life
V.3-And his master sawthat the Lord was with him, and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand.
Because Joseph had the right attitude and adapted to the trial, God blessed every thing that Joseph done. Potipharwas able to see thatthe Lord was with him.
I am sure that Joseph would have given all the credit to the Lord, if asked. But notice that the Bible mentions, Potiphar seeing.
Potipharknew that no one could be this wise, and cause every thing Joseph touched to prosper, unless there was a higher power.
Not only do we want to notice:
Joseph’s Response
Lord’s Response
III. Potiphar’s Response
- The Testimony Potiphar Witnessed
3a- again- And his master[Potiphar]saw that the Lord was with him.
Not only will we be aware of God’s presence, but the world will notice by our attitude and how we handle our trials that the Lord is with us.
Daniel 4:25 The King said, lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.
- The Trust Potiphar Displayed
1. We See The Promotion From His Trust
V.4And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and
he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into
his hand. 5.And it came to pass from the time that he had made
him overseer in his house and all that he had, that the Lord blessed
the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the Lord
was upon all that he had in the house, and in the field.
Potiphar promoted Joseph because of his attitude, and Potiphar trusted
Joseph because of his attitude, and God blessed the work of Joseph’s
hands, which resulted in Potiphar being blessed.
2. We See The Peace From His Trust
V.6-And he left all that he had in Joseph’s hands; and he knew not
aught he had, save the bread which he did eat.
Potiphar didn’t worryabout anything because of his trust in
Potiphar was able to trustJosephbecause Josephtrusted the Lord
with his life. This made Joseph do his best in the midst of his
Conclusion: > Next page
- Joseph did his best in the circumstances that he was in.
- Joseph would later be in authority over Egypt, but first Joseph had to learn how to obey, when he was under authority.
- Joseph didn’t resist or resent, he adapted to the situation that he was in, and done the best that he could do.
- Because of that, Joseph was a good witness in his circumstances.
- The most important thing that we need to remember is that God got all the credit.
- We also need to remember that God was preparingJoseph for greater things in his life.
- Joseph would one day be placed in a exaltedposition, but before God uses anyone in a exaltedposition, God puts his servants in a lowlyposition. Remember: God’s way up, is down!
- Last thing to remember, our reaction to adversity will determine whether our troubles will bless us or curse us. Oftentimes it is not our troubles that undo us; rather, it is our unwisereaction to the troubles that ruin our lives.
- In closing, we find 3 responses in our text:
We Found Joseph’s Response
We Found The Lord’s Response
We Found Potifers Response
Question: How are you going to respond to your trials? If you are in a trial of some kind right now in the present tense, how are you responding right now?