PLS1Instructional Mentoring for Equitable Learning
The New Teacher Center (NTC) is a one-of-a-kind national resource dedicated to accelerating new teacher development and impacting student achievement by supporting the design and implementation of high-quality teacher induction programs.
With over 20 years of experience advancing the practice of new teachers, NTC works with educational leaders and policy makers to address the need for induction programs that retain new teachers by improving their effectiveness. Typically, the newest teachers are placed in the most difficult classes in the neediest schools. Not surprisingly, more than a third of these new teachers leave the profession within the first three years. Schools that invest in a major restructuring of induction practice can help beginning teachers quickly develop into skilled, effective, and caring professionals who impact students’ lives and become the teacher leaders of tomorrow.
Professional Learning Series
The Professional Learning Series for Mentors is designed for school and district-based mentors. As a result of this series, participants are able to mentor for instruction that meets the academic, social, and emotional learning needs of students. Mentors and program leaders use NTC's online tools and data system to assess progress at an individual and at a program level for continuous improvement.
Online Mentor Forums
Mentor Forums, which provide mentors with a venue to develop their skills and their understanding of adult learning, constitute a key component of professional development. The forums expand mentors’ understanding of important mentor skills and concepts, such as building trust: observing, collecting, and sharing classroom data; conversations analyzing student work, differentiating instruction; lesson planning; and formative assessment. Forums provide a professional learning environment where mentors can reflect on their own practice with support from their colleagues.
- Explore the purpose of instructional mentoring and the opportunity it provides to create equitable conditions for student learning.
- Examine the components of the instructional coaching cycle and the roles that knowing students, standards, and tasks play when planning effective instruction.
- Identify components of Optimal Learning Environment (OLE) and articulate the skills and knowledge teachers need in order to create OLE for all students.
- Utilize foundational mentoring tools, protocols, and language to support coaching conversations that accelerate teacher practices and student learning.
- Creating Optimal Learning Environments
- Impact of Mentoring
- Knowing Students
- Entry Points to Effective Planning
- Examine the Standards to Plan for Effective Instruction
- Building Trust through the Collaborative Assessment Log
- Aligning Tasks to Standards
- Modeling Mentoring Conversations on Planning
- Practice Planning Conversations
- Case of Practice: Applying Our Learning
- Getting Started with Mentoring
Patty Muir
Montana OPI Accreditation Program Director
Montana New Teacher Induction Project
Event Registration and Information
October 19-20, 2017
Sidney, Montana
8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. each day
Lunch is provided
Renewal credit is available
Forum 1
November 16, 2017, 3:45-5 p.m.
Forum 2
January 15, 2018, 3:45-5 p.m.
October 1, 2017
Sidney High School Library
Please see attached flyer
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