A. Profile of the respondents
1.Year of birth:
2.Sex: Male Female
3.Education: Grade school Vocational school PolytechnicsUniversity
4.Your present employment status:
Govt. employee Private employee Agriculture/forestry entrepreneur Other entrepreneur Pensioner Other (please specify)......
5.What is the total area of forest estates you own (including together with your spouse or family members)? ……………ha.
6.Total area of your forest estate is in timber production purpose: ………………….ha. None
7.Total area which is retained for conservation purpose (authority decision concerning METSO-program or nature conservation law): …………………….ha. None Don’t know
8.Do you use wood from your forest in heating your household or business?
Yes No
If your answer is ‘yes’, then please inform us how much wood you used for energy purpose from your forest in the last year (2009). Please note that 1 loose cubic meter of chips=0.4 cubic meter of solid wood.
…………solid cubic meters Don’t know
B. Energy wood selling and opinions to energy wood market in Finland
9.Do you sell wood from your forest specifically for energy production purpose?
If your answer is ‘yes’, then please inform us how much wood you sold for energy production purpose from your forest in the last year (2009). Please note that 1 loose cubic meter of chips=0,4 cubic meter of solid wood
. ………solid cubic meters Don’t know
Also, please answer in which form you sold wood from your forest for energy production purpose.
Billets Wood chipsRound woodOther (please specify) …………
10.What do you think about the present competition between the supply of energy wood and pulp wood in Finland?
Very high competition High competition Low competition Very low competition Don’t know
11.What do you think about the price of present energy wood in comparison to pulpwoodin Finland?
Very high High On same level Low Very low Don’t know
12.What is the most important factor you will consider while selling energy wood?
Price of energy wood Environmental benefitsContribution to national interests (economy, energy security, etc.)
13.Would you increase harvesting and selling of wood from your forest estate if there is a stable market for energy wood besides paper & pulpwood market in Finland?
Yes, very much Yes, little Not at all Don’t know
14.What are the greatest obstacles in increasing harvest and wood mobilization for bioenergy from your forest estate?
Legal and administrative issues Technical (e.g. logistics) challenges Price of energy wood
15.Do you think that government should reduce the above obstacles to stimulate wood mobilization for bioenergy production in Finland?
Yes No Don’t know
C. Certification of forest-based bioenergy production
16.Is your forest estate certified by the PEFC forest certification system in Finland?
Yes, whole forest estate Yes, some parts only No Don’t know
17.Are you aware of the Standard 2.5 in the PEFC forest certification system, which provides guidance on harvesting biomass from forests for bioenergy production?
Yes No
18.Do you think the above Standard 2.5 is useful to ensure the quality of harvesting of biomass from forests for bioenergy production? (Please see the attached standard at the end of this questionnaire to answer this question).
Very useful Useful Less useful Not useful at all Don’t know
19.What do you think should be the most important qualities of a useful forest-based bioenergy certification scheme?
It should be practical and easy to follow It should improve the market for energy wood It should improve preservationof biodiversity in forests
20.Do you think that forest bioenergy certification can increase environmentally friendly forest management practices in Finland?
Definitely agree Agree Disagree Definitely disagree Don’t know
21.Can forest bioenergy certification improve forest owners’ marketing possibilities of energy wood?
Definitely agree Agree Disagree Definitely disagree Don’t know
22.Do you think there is a growing awareness of forest bioenergy certification in Finland?
Yes No Don’t know
23.Which organisation or authority do you think is the most appropriate to deliver information on forest-based bioenergy certification in Finland?
Private Forest Owners’ AssociationsRegionalForestryCentresRegionalCouncilForest industry Research and education institutes (e.g. university)
24.Which do you think is the most appropriate method of delivering information on forest bioenergy certification to private forest owners in Finland?
Radio TV Newspapers and magazines Personal information letters Internet