Unit Inspected:

Unit POC: Email address: @us.army.mil

This document (Staff Inspection Plan (SIP)) is an inspection and assistance guide for units and Division/Installation Staff Inspectors. Division/Installation Staff agencies use the SIP to conduct Inspections/Assistant Visits as part of the Organizational Inspection Program (OIP). Interested parties and responsible agents for implementation and compliance should read the corresponding regulatory guidance (see references below) for a thorough understanding of applicable areas and sub-areas. SIPs are available on the Division Inspector General Sharepoint website. Proponents update SIPs as changes occur in regulatory guidance (e.g., updates, supplementation). All SIP changes are routed through the Installation Inspector General via phone and/or email for review and posting to Sharepoint.
  1. Mission:The Division/Installation activities execute the OIP IAW FR Reg 1-201 to assist units and verify compliance with appropriate Army, 1st ID and other supplemental regulatory guidance. Additionally, these activities conduct regulatory periodic inspections IAW published SIPs.
  2. Primary CI Standard: To ensure maintenance, training, accountability, and general administration is being conducted to standard IAW Applicable regulatory guidance.
  3. References:

() 10 CFR Part 20.1902 (Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulations)

() AR 25-400-2 (The Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS))

() AR 34-4 (Army Standardization Policy)

() AR 350-1 (Army Training Leader Development)

() DA Pam 710-2-1(Using Unit Supply Systems (Manual Procedures)

() DA Pam 750-1 (Commanders' Maintenance Handbook)

() DA Pam 750-3 (Soldiers' Guide for Field Maintenance Operations)

() DA Pam 750-8 (The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual)

() FM 3-11 (Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and ChemicalDefense Operations)

() FR Reg 1-201 (Organizational Inspection Program)

() FR Reg350-1 (Fort Riley Training Directive)

() FR Reg 725-1(Requisition and Issue of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Equipment Supplies, and Materiel)

() TB 43-0216 (Safety and Hazard Warnings for Operation and Maintenance of TACOM Equipment)

  1. Key Inspection Areas (Areas bold and underlined not to standard will result in a MAJOR deficiency.):
  2. Brigade.


a)() Does unit CBRN Officer/NCO know how to request CBRN Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) for deployment? FR Reg 725-1, para 5d(6) and para 6



a)() Has unit conducted Mask Confidence Exercise annually? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3d(8)


b)() Has the BDE/BN conducted MOPP proficiency training? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3d(3)


c)() Has the BDE/BN conducted annual weapon familiarization in MOPP 4? FR Reg 350-1, para5-3d(6)


d)() Does the BDE/BN conduct evaluation on subordinate units’ CBRN training (i.e., Task/Condition/Standard: Go/No Go checklist)? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3c(1)



a)() Does the BDE/BN conduct inspections/assistance visits of subordinate units’ CBRN program within 90 days of change of command and annually thereafter? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-4i(4) and FR Reg 1-201, para 2-7h and 2-7m


b)() Is the CBRN Officer/NCO tracking subordinate unit CBRN personnel? FM 3-11, Appendix A, para 8b, b(2), c, c(2)


c)() Are assigned Chemical Corps personnel working in the appropriate MTOE position performing CBRN duties? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3d(1)


d)() Is the unit’s CBRN SOP current and contain the necessary information required by higher headquarters? AR 34-4, para 7a-e


e)() Does the unit maintain a copy of the next higher headquarters CBRN SOP? AR 34-4,para 7a-c


4)Records Management.

a)() Are all records identified and classified under ARIMS (to include unclassified and classified records up to secret, both paper and electronic)? AR 25-400-2, para 6-2a


(1)Publications List:

(a)() AR 350-1 Army Training Leader Development

(b)() AR 40-63 Ophthalmic Service (Optical Insert Program)

(c)() AR 700-138 Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainability

(d)() AR 710-2 Supply Policy below the National Level

(e)() AR 735-5 Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability

(f)() CTA 8-100: Army Medical Department, Expendable/Durable Items

(g)() CTA 50-900: Clothing and Individual Equipment

(h)() CTA 50-970: Expendable/Durable Items (Except Medical, Class V, Repair Parts and Heraldic Items)

(i)() DA PAM 750-8 The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) User Manual

(j)() FORSCOM Reg 700-3: Ammunition Basic Load

(k)() FM 3-11.4 MTTP for CBRN Protection

(l)() FM 3-11.5 MTTP for CBRN Decontamination

(m)() FM 10-16: General Fabric Repair

(n)() FR Pam 55-1: Transportation Policies and Procedures

(o)() FR Reg 11-9 Ionizing Radiation Protection Program

(p)() FR Reg 350-1 Fort Riley Training Directive

(q)() FR Reg 725-1 Requisition and Issue of CBRN Defense Equipment, Supplies, and Material

(r)() MWO 3-4240-346-20-1 Modification Work Order M40, M40A1, and M42A2 Protective Masks

(s)() SB 3-30-2 Chemical and Biological Filter elements; serviceability listings

(t)() SB 10-523: Size Tariff for Clothing, Equipment and Footwear

(u)() SB 11-6: Communications Electronics Batteries Supply and Management Data

(v)() STP 21-1-SMCT Warrior Skill Level 1

(w)() TB 43-180: Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) for Calibration and Repair Requirements for the Maintenance of Army Material

(x) () TC 3-8: Chemical Training

(y)() TC 3-11-55 Joint Services Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST)

(z)() TM 3-4230-228-10: Operator’s Manual for Decontamination Apparatus: Power Driven, Lightweight, M17

(aa)() TM 3-4230-235-10: Operator’s Manual for Decontamination Kit, Individual Equipment: M295

(bb)() TM 3-4240-280-10: Operators Manual for Mask Chemical-Biological: Aircraft, ABC-M24 and Accessories and Mask, Chemical-Biological, Tank M25A1 and Accessories

(cc)() TM 3-4240-280-20&P: Unit Maintenance Manual for Mask, Chemical-Biological: Aircraft, ABC-M24 Mask, CB, Aircraft w/Change 1

(dd) () TM 3-4240-343-20&P: Unit Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List) for Chemical Biological Mask: Combat Vehicle M42 — NSN 4240-01-258-0064; Small — 4240-01-258-0065; Medium — 4240-01-258-0066; Large; Chemical Biological Mask: Combat Vehicle — 4240-01-413-4100; Small — 4240-01-413-4101; Medium — 4240-01-413-4102, and Large — TM 09205A-20&P/2

(ee)() TM 3-4240-346-10 Operators Manual for M40A1 and M42A2 Protective Masks

(ff)() TM 3-4240-346-20&P Unit Maintenance Manual M40A1 and M42A2 Protective Mask

(gg)() TM 3-6665-307-10 Chemical Agent Detector Kit, M256 M256A1, Reprinted w/Basic C1 & 3

(hh)() TM 3-6665-320-10 M256 Training Chemical Agent Detector Tickets Simulator

(ii)() TM 3-6665-311-10 Paper, Chemical Agent Detector M9

(jj)() TM 3-6665-321-12&P Operators Manual M22 ACADA CHG 2

(kk)() TM 3-6665-335-10 Operators Manual Detector, Chemical Agent, Automatic: JCAD, M4

(ll)() TM 3-6665-343-10 Operators Manual Improved Chemical Agent Monitor

(mm)() TM 3-6665-343-23&P: Unit and Direct Support Maintenance Manual for Improved Chemical Agent Monitor, (ICAM)

(nn)() TM 3-6680-316-10: Operators Manual for Tester Airflow, Gas-Particulate

(oo)() TM 10-227: Fitting of Army Uniforms & Footwear

(pp)() TM 10-8415-209-10: Operators Manual, Individual Chemical Protective Clothing

(qq)() TM 10-8415-220-10 Operators Manual for JSLIST

(rr)() TM 11-6665-236-12 Operator and Unit Maintenance Manual Radiac Set AN PDR 75

(ss)() TM 11-6665-251-10 Radiac Set AN VDR 2

(tt)() TM 11-6665-364-12 Operators Manual Radiac Set AN UDR 13

(uu)() TM 11-6665-365-12&P Operators Manual AN PDR 77

(vv)() TM 38-250: Preparing of Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipment

(ww)() TM 43-0001-26-1 Chemical Defense Equipment CNG 1-4


  1. Battalion.


a)() Does unit CBRN Officer/NCO know how to request CBRN Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) for deployment? FR Reg 725-1, para 5d(6) and 6


b)() Are accurate CDE reports submitted to higher headquarters and signed by theBN/CO Commanders with a copy kept at BN/CO level? FR Reg 725-1, para 8b(2)



a)() Has unit conducted Mask Confidence Exercise annually? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3d(8)


b)() Has the BDE/BN conducted MOPP proficiency training? FR Reg 350-1,para 5-3d(3)


c)() Has the BDE/BN conducted annual weapon familiarization in MOPP 4? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3d(6)


d)() Does the BDE/BN conduct evaluations on subordinate units’ CBRN training (i.e., Task/Condition/Standard: Go/No Go checklist)? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3c(1)



a)() Does the BDE/BN conduct inspections/assistance visits of subordinate units’ CBRN program within 90 days of change of command and annually thereafter? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-4i(4) and FR Reg 1-201, para 2-7h and 2-7m


b)() Is the CBRN Officer/NCO tracking subordinate unit CBRN personnel? FM 3-11, Appendix A, para8b, b(2), c, c(2)


c)() Are assigned Chemical Corps personnel working in the appropriate MTOE position performing CBRN duties? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3d(1)


d)() Is the unit’s CBRN SOP current and does it contain the necessary information required by higher headquarters? AR 34-4, para 7a-e


e)() Does the unit maintain a copy of the next higher headquarters CBRN SOP? AR 34-4, para 7a-c


4)Records Management.

a)() Are all records identified and classified under ARIMS (to include unclassified and classified records up to secret, both paper and electronic)? AR 25-400-2, para 6-2a


(1)Publications List:

(a)() AR 350-1 Army Training Leader Development

(b)() AR 40-63 Ophthalmic Service (Optical Insert Program)

(c)() AR 700-138 Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainability

(d)() AR 710-2 Supply Policy below the National Level

(e)() AR 735-5 Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability

(f)() CTA 8-100: Army Medical Department, Expendable/Durable Items

(g)() CTA 50-900: Clothing and Individual Equipment

(h)() CTA 50-970: Expendable/Durable Items (Except Medical, Class V, Repair Parts and Heraldic Items)

(i)() DA PAM 750-8 The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) User Manual

(j)() FORSCOM Reg 700-3: Ammunition Basic Load

(k)() FM 3-11.4 MTTP for CBRN Protection

(l)() FM 3-11.5 MTTP for CBRN Decontamination

(m)() FM 10-16: General Fabric Repair

(n)() FR Pam 55-1: Transportation Policies and Procedures

(o)() FR Reg 11-9 Ionizing Radiation Protection Program

(p)() FR Reg 350-1 Fort Riley Training Directive

(q)() FR Reg 725-1 Requisition and Issue of CBRN Defense Equipment, Supplies, and Material

(r)() MWO 3-4240-346-20-1 Modification Work Order M40, M40A1, and M42A2 Protective Masks

(s)() SB 3-30-2 Chemical and Biological Filter elements; serviceability listings

(t)() SB 10-523: Size Tariff for Clothing, Equipment and Footwear

(u)() SB 11-6: Communications Electronics Batteries Supply and Management Data

(v)() STP 21-1-SMCT Warrior Skill Level 1

(w)() TB 43-180: Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) for Calibration and Repair Requirements for the Maintenance of Army Material

(x) () TC 3-8: Chemical Training

(y)() TC 3-11-55 Joint Services Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST)

(z)() TM 3-4230-228-10: Operator’s Manual for Decontamination Apparatus: Power Driven, Lightweight, M17

(aa)() TM 3-4230-235-10: Operator’s Manual for Decontamination Kit, Individual Equipment: M295

(bb)() TM 3-4240-280-10: Operators Manual for Mask Chemical-Biological: Aircraft, ABC-M24 and Accessories and Mask, Chemical-Biological, Tank M25A1 and Accessories

(cc)() TM 3-4240-280-20&P: Unit Maintenance Manual for Mask, Chemical-Biological: Aircraft, ABC-M24 Mask, CB, Aircraft w/Change 1

(dd) () TM 3-4240-343-20&P: Unit Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List) for Chemical Biological Mask: Combat Vehicle M42 — NSN 4240-01-258-0064; Small — 4240-01-258-0065; Medium — 4240-01-258-0066; Large; Chemical Biological Mask: Combat Vehicle — 4240-01-413-4100; Small — 4240-01-413-4101; Medium — 4240-01-413-4102, and Large — TM 09205A-20&P/2

(ee)() TM 3-4240-346-10 Operators Manual for M40A1 and M42A2 Protective Masks

(ff)() TM 3-4240-346-20&P Unit Maintenance Manual M40A1 and M42A2 Protective Mask

(gg)() TM 3-6665-307-10 Chemical Agent Detector Kit, M256 M256A1, Reprinted w/Basic C1 & 3

(hh)() TM 3-6665-320-10 M256 Training Chemical Agent Detector Tickets Simulator

(ii)() TM 3-6665-311-10 Paper, Chemical Agent Detector M9

(jj)() TM 3-6665-321-12&P Operators Manual M22 ACADA CHG 2

(kk)() TM 3-6665-335-10 Operators Manual Detector, Chemical Agent, Automatic: JCAD, M4

(ll)() TM 3-6665-343-10 Operators Manual Improved Chemical Agent Monitor

(mm)() TM 3-6665-343-23&P: Unit and Direct Support Maintenance Manual for Improved Chemical Agent Monitor, (ICAM)

(nn)() TM 3-6680-316-10: Operators Manual for Tester Airflow, Gas-Particulate

(oo)() TM 10-227: Fitting of Army Uniforms & Footwear

(pp)() TM 10-8415-209-10: Operators Manual, Individual Chemical Protective Clothing

(qq)() TM 10-8415-220-10 Operators Manual for JSLIST

(rr)() TM 11-6665-236-12 Operator and Unit Maintenance Manual Radiac Set AN PDR 75

(ss)() TM 11-6665-251-10 Radiac Set AN VDR 2

(tt)() TM 11-6665-364-12 Operators Manual Radiac Set AN UDR 13

(uu)() TM 11-6665-365-12&P Operators Manual AN PDR 77

(vv)() TM 38-250: Preparing of Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipment

(ww)() TM 43-0001-26-1 Chemical Defense Equipment CNG 1-4


  1. Company.


a)() Does unit CBRN Officer/NCO know how to request CBRN Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) for deployment? FR Reg 725-1, para 5d(6) and 6


b)() Are accurate CDE reports submitted to higher headquarters and signed by the BN/CO Commanders with a copy kept at BN/CO level? FR Reg 725-1, para 8b(2)


c)() Are there shortages of MTOE required CBRN equipment? DA Pam 710-2-1, para 6-1


d)() If CBRN equipment shortages exist, are items on a valid requisition with document number? FR Reg 725-1, para 8b(3)(a) and DA Pam 710-2-1, para 6-1


e)() Does the Company have appropriate CBRN stocks on-hand for training? FR 725-1, para 9d


2)Equipment Accountability:

a)() Are hand receipts (DA Form 2062) prepared and updated as needed when issuing equipment out of the CBRN room? DA Pam 710-2-1, para 5-3


3)Unit Level Maintenance Management:

a)() Is the Company conducting operator and unit level PMCS as required by the TM-10/20 within the scheduled service interval? DA Pam 750-1, para 5-1


b)() Are the maintenance faults and/or parts installed displayed on the DA Form 5988-E? DA Pam 750-8, para 3-10a(1) & (2)


c)() Is the Company ensuring all DS level services and calibrations (M41 PATS, AN/VDR2, etc.) are scheduled and performed? DA Pam 750-8, para 3-7b, fig 3-9


d)() Are maintenance records (i.e., DA Forms 2404, 5988-E) kept on file for each piece of equipment? DA Pam 750-8, para 3-10ab


e)() Is SAMS-E updated with all equipment and information on the DA Form 5988-E? DA PAM 750-8, para 3-10d(2)



a)() Are personnel trained to operate the MTOE assigned CBRN defense equipment? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3d(2)


b)() Is CBRN training at the Company integrated, monitored, and documented? (Provide copy of training schedules and sign in rosters.) AR 350-1, para 4-15 and FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3d



a)() Does unit properly fit new Soldiers for protective masks within 30 days of their arrival? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3d(5)


b)() Does the Company include a CBRN Threat Brief as part of Soldier in-processing (i.e., have Soldier read brief and sign roster)? FR Reg 350-1, para 5-3d(5)


c)() If the unit’s CBRN officer or NCO are not a 74B or 74D MOS, has the officer or NCO attended the CBRN Defense Course? AR 350-1, para 4-15c(2)


d)() Is the unit’s CBRN SOP currentand does it contain the necessary information required by higher headquarters? AR 34-4, para 7a-e


e)() Does the unit maintain a copy of the next higher headquarters CBRN SOP? AR 34-4, para. 7a-c


f)() Does unit have optical inserts program to track/monitor personnel requiring optical inserts for protective masks? FR Reg 350-1, para5-4e


g)() Does the unit maintain sizing data on assigned personnel, protective masks, over garments, boots and gloves? FR Reg725-1, para 5d(6)


h)() Are the required signs and forms posted in areas where radioactive equipment is stored/maintained: 10 CFR Part 20.1902 (e) and TB 43-0216, para. 6–9d & 6-9e

(a)() “Caution: Radioactive Materials”

(b)() “No Smoking, Eating, Drinking, Applying Cosmetics, Chewing, or Pregnant Females Allowed in the Radioactive Material Area”

(c)() NRC Form 3 (Notice to Employees)

(d)() Energy Reorganization Act of 1974; Public Law 93-438, Sections 1 and 206

(e)() The primary and secondary Local (unit level) Radiation Safety Officer’s (RSO) and Garrison’s RSO’s name, phone number, and location.

(f)() A copy of Title 10 CFR Part 19, Part 20, and Part 21, and a copy of NRC license. (Note: In lieu of posting the Title 10 and NRC license on a bulletin board, a notice can be posted directing persons to contact the Garrison RSO.)


6)Records Management.

a)() Are all records identified and classified under ARIMS (to include unclassified and classified records up to secret, both paper and electronic)? AR 25-400-2, para 6-2a



a)() Are publications available either electronic, hard copy, or on order? DA Pam 750-3, para 3-5b and FR Reg 725-1, Appendix A, Section 1

(1)Publications List:

(a)() AR 350-1 Army Training Leader Development

(b)() AR 40-63 Ophthalmic Service (Optical Insert Program)

(c)() AR 700-138 Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainability

(d)() AR 710-2 Supply Policy below the National Level

(e)() AR 735-5 Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability

(f)() CTA 8-100: Army Medical Department, Expendable/Durable Items

(g)() CTA 50-900: Clothing and Individual Equipment

(h)() CTA 50-970: Expendable/Durable Items (Except Medical, Class V, Repair Parts and Heraldic Items)

(i)() DA PAM 750-8 The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) User Manual

(j)() FORSCOM Reg 700-3: Ammunition Basic Load

(k)() FM 3-11.4 MTTP for CBRN Protection

(l)() FM 3-11.5 MTTP for CBRN Decontamination

(m)() FM 10-16: General Fabric Repair

(n)() FR Pam 55-1: Transportation Policies and Procedures

(o)() FR Reg 11-9 Ionizing Radiation Protection Program

(p)() FR Reg 350-1 Fort Riley Training Directive

(q)() FR Reg725-1Requisition and Issue of CBRN Defense Equipment, Supplies, and Material

(r)() MWO 3-4240-346-20-1 Modification Work Order M40, M40A1, and M42A2 Protective Masks

(s)() SB 3-30-2 Chemical and Biological Filter elements; serviceability listings

(t)() SB 10-523: Size Tariff for Clothing, Equipment and Footwear

(u)() SB 11-6: Communications Electronics Batteries Supply and Management Data

(v)() STP 21-1-SMCT Warrior Skill Level 1

(w)() TB 43-180: Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) for Calibration and Repair Requirements for the Maintenance of Army Material

(x)() TC 3-8: Chemical Training

(y)() TC 3-11-55 Joint Services Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST)