Serial Killer NotesA serial killer is a person who murders usually ______over a period of more than ______with a "cooling off" period between each murder, whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification
General Serial Killer Profile:
When do they first kill?
Typology of Serial Killers:
Visionary - kill because of______- generally psychotic
Mission orientated - rid society of certain ______eg. prostitutes, runaway kids, racial group etc
Hedonistic - "______” seekers" & ______killers
Power/Control orientated - pleasure is not sexual but ______- often killing when the victim abandons hope of survival and acquiesces
Lust Killers (kill for sexual gratification)
Thrill Killers (kill for the thrill of killing)
Gain Killers
Contract Killers
Black Widows
Lethal Caretakers
Cost Cutters
Four Stages of Crime: Serial Killers
MacDonald Triad:
1. 2. 3.
Another “Triad”
1. 2. 3.
The Crime
– Kill husbands, lovers, or relatives for financial gain
– Almost always women
– Almost 90% use poison to kill their victims
– Diana Lumbrera (killed her 6 children for insurance)
– Nanny Hazel Doss (killed 4 husbands, 2 sisters, 1 mother)
– Lydia Trueblood (killed 4 husbands, 1 child, brother in-law)
– Amy Gilligan (killed 5 husbands, several patients)
Hedonists - Gain Killers
Cost Cutters
– Kill to save money
– Joseph Briggen
• Killed 12 ranch hands when their pay was due
• Fed the people to his prize-wining pigs
– Georg Grossman
• Killed over 50 people, put the meat into his hotdogs
– Joe Ball
Joe Ball
Operated during the late 1930s
• Killed at least 5, probably 14, waitresses at his
tavern (The Sociable Inn) in Texas
• Threw them into a pit with 5 alligators in the
back of the tavern
Lethal Caretakers - Profit
The Crime
– Kill patients for profit
– Usually women
– Dorthea Puente killed 7 elderly to cash social security checks
– Antoinette Scieri killed 12 elderly patients so that she could take their assets
– Anna Hahn poisoned 5 elderly men she cared for to get their insurance
Power Seekers
• Kill to exert power over strangers
• Examples
– Ted Bundy
– David Berkowitz
– Angelo Buono
– Edward Kemper
Angels of Death
The Crime
– Usually women
– Kill patients for feelings of power and control
– Genene Jones - As a nurse, she killed between 11 and 46 babies by injecting them with a muscle relaxant
– Terri Rachals killed 9 patients through injections of potassium chloride
– David Harvey is an example of a male angel of death
– Gwendolyn Graham and Catherine Wood
Gwendolyn Graham and
Catherine Wood
• Killed 5 patients in Alpine Manor
(a nursing home)
• Initial plan was to spell MURDER with
the first letter in the last name of each victim
• Graham did all the killing and Wood kept watch
Henry Landu
• Romanced more than 300 women out of their
money during the early 1900s in France
• Ran personal ads to meet his women
• Married and killed 10 of them
• Put their bodies in an oven to dispose of them
Lethal Caretakers
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
The Crime
– Kill or hurt others in order to be admired for curing them or
to get sympathy for the death of a loved one
– Mostly females
– Beverly Allitt injected insulin and potassium into 26
children (4 died, 9 had irreparable brain damage) over a 58-
day period
– Martha Woods - 27 respiratory attacks in 9 children resulted
in 7 being killed (3 were her own children
Types of Serial Killers
Revenge Killers
Kill for revenge
– Martha Wise: Killed 3 family members opposing her marriage
– Ellen Etheridge: Killed 4 of her 8 step-children because she was jealous of their relationship with her husband
– Martha Johnson
• Had 4 fights with her husband
• After each fight, suffocated a child as revenge
• Suffocated by laying on top of them (she weighed 250 pounds)
Types of Serial Killers
Antisocial Personalities
– Pattern of irresponsible or harmful behavior
– Lack of conscience
– Ignore social rules and laws
– Impulsive
– Fail to learn from punishment
– Gang Members
– Criminals who kill for no reason
Serial Killers- Typologies
- The Stable Killer
- The Transient Killer
- The Organized Killer
- The Disorganized Killer
Crime Scene
Killer Type
Crime Characteristic Disorganized Organized
Bodydisfigured hidden
Sex after death before death
unsuccessful successful
Weapons finds at scenebrings
Viciousness torture quick
Sophistication low high (learns each time)
Crime Characteristic Disorganized Organized
Totem not taken taken
Follows crime in news no yes
Victimhigh risk low risk
Gets to crime by walking, bus drives
Characteristic Disorganized Organized
Residence close to crime farther
IQ less intelligent intelligent
Employment menial or normal
Appearance unattractive attractive
Self-image feels inferior feels superior
Social loner outgoing
Characteristic Disorganized Organized
Romance lives alone affairs, short
Anger keeps inside acts out, bully,
class clown
Birth order low high
Habits nighttime daytime
Childhood discipline harsh lax or
Killer Profile
Serial killer type
Characteristic Disorganized Organized
Family alcoholism,
mental illness
Father’s work unstable stable
Four Stages of Crime: Serial Killers
üPre-crime Stage
üActual commission of crime
üDisposal of body
üPost-crime behavior
Assessment :Organized or Disorganized
Risk and Victimization
Investigation & Forensic Techniques (Keppel:1989)
Solvability of serial killer crime depends on:
•quality of police interviews with witnesses
•circumstances that lead to the initial contact with the murderer
•circumstances that established probable cause to search & seize physical evidence
•quality of scene crime investigation
•quality of scientific analysis of physical evidence
How To Know
If You Are A
Serial Killer
Ryan Lee
CMPE 003
June 9, 2006
SID #: 1054601
The Creation of A Serial Killer
- Most serial killers have dysfunctional backgrounds. Frequently they are physically, sexually or psychologically abused as children.
- There can be a close correlation between their childhood abuse and their crimes.
- It is often impossible to know exactly what happened in any individual's childhood, so some killers may deny having been abused, while others may falsely claim they were abused in an attempt to gain sympathy or tell psychologists what they want to hear.
- The element of fantasy in serial killer's development cannot be overemphasized.
- They often begin fantasizing about murder during or even before adolescence.
- Their fantasy lives are very rich and they daydream compulsively about domination, submission and murder, usually with very specific elements to the fantasy that will eventually be apparent in their real crimes.
- Others enjoy reading stories of sadism, packed with rape, torture and murder.
- Some serial killers display one or more of what are known as the “MacDonald Triad" of warning signs in childhood. These are:
Fire starting, invariably just for the thrill of destroying things.
Cruelty to animals (related to “zoosadism"). Most children can be cruel to animals, such as pulling the legs off of spiders, but future serial killers often kill larger animals, like dogs and cats, and frequently for their solitary enjoyment rather than to impress peers.・
Bedwetting beyond the age when children normally grow out of such behavior.
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