1. SYSTEM UNDER TEST RISK. The Surface-to-Surface Missile (SSM)-X missile experienced Mk 50 booster Thruster Vector Assembly (TVA) uncommanded oscillations during flight Minor).

This is a concise description of the problem or issuewritten in the past tense. The reader should clearly understand the problem with the SUT. The problem stated here should match the problem mentioned in the mission-relation and conclusion paragraphs. Use Severe, Major 1, 2, 3 and Minor characterizations. See example above.

a. Primary Critical Operational Issue (COI): E1, Air Warfare (AW).

b. Other Affected COI(s): E-2, Surface Warfare.

c. Previously Identified: Example 1: OT-B1 on 15 November 2011. This SUT Risk links to SoS Deficiency No. 1463-001. Example 2: No. This SUT Risk links to SoS Deficiency No. 1463-001. If this risk was discovered during any test period other than the current test period, include the date the issue was identified (shown in example 1). If this risk was discovered during the current test period, write the word “no” (shown in example 2). Also include any other SUT or SoS sheet numbers (from ANY program) that link the issues. If there are no links, don’t write anything.

d. This is a derived requirement and the resource sponsor concurs with this requirement.

If the requirement type is derived, include the above sentence in subparagraph 1.d. Nonconcurrence by the resource sponsor should be addressed up the chain of command as soon as possible. Nonconcurrence will normally result in the identified issue being addressed as an operational consideration, not as a risk. If the requirement type is specified (verbatim from the requirements document), delete this subparagraph.

2. TEST CONDITIONS, RESULTS, AND ANALYSIS. The SSM-X’s capability to acquire, track, and intercept various targets was assessed during seven at-sea live-firing events from DD Month YYYY to DD Month YYYY. Test telemetry data revealed uncommanded Mk 50 booster TVA nozzle oscillations in five of seven missile-firing events. Typical uncommanded TVA oscillations are shown in figure TEIN-XXX-1.

Figure XXXX-00X-1. Typical TVA Uncommanded Oscillations

The uncommanded TVA nozzle oscillations varied from a “nervous nozzle” behavior observed in previous missile firings to several other instances of actual nozzle position divergence from the Autopilot (AP) commanded nozzle position and a single case of a growing oscillation in the Booster andPitchover (BPO) AP during the last 2 seconds of boost flight. The BPO AP oscillation had not been observed on any other missile flight tests. While the oscillations slightly degraded boost phase missile performance, mission success was not impacted. Posttest rootcause analysis indicated foreign matter/debris within the nozzle position feedback potentiometers as a probable cause for the divergence between actual and commanded positions but did not explain the BPO AP oscillations. The BPO AP oscillations were large and grew to near the limits of the AP capability to maintain controlled flight during and after booster separation. Failure analysis of the BPO AP oscillations is ongoing.

This paragraph combinesparts 1, 2, and 3 of the 6PP structure, written in the past tense. Provide the information establishing the test conditions in one or two sentences; focus on thetesting being conducted when the problem was discovered. Specifically, describe thevignette, mission, or task/subtask being performed. Use the test plan to help framewhat was being accomplished. The specific test conditions thataffected the end result apply. These conditions bound the problem and support repeatability. Again, state what was being assessed and how the assessment was performed, as well as any pertinent conditions for the test. What is being assessed is very closely related to the problem called out in paragraph 1. Analyze and assess the data. The analysis information presented here forms the basis for paragraph 2 and should logically flow into the mission relation. Use the data and results presented to explain the impact on the operator, mission, or task/subtask. What do the data indicate? The assessmentcould include a comparison to legacy systems. Include an assessmentof how any workarounds used by the operator mitigated the problem and the resulting impact on mission accomplishment both before and after application of the workaround.

3. MISSION RELATION. During surface-to-air engagements, uncommanded TVA oscillations during the latter stages of boosted flight could lead to instability of the AP, uncontrolled flight, or large angles of attack and body roll rates at booster separation resulting in slightly degraded boost phase missile performance but no impact to mission success.

The "so what." The mission relation must build on the data, results, analysis, and assessmentpresented in paragraph 2. This paragraph describes the impact to the Fleet, operator, or task/subtaskofthe problem described in paragraph 1. The mission relation also describes the ultimate impact to the mission. This is part 4 (mission relation in future tense) of the 6PP structure. The mission relation should be one sentence (no more than two) and, while not mandatory, is highly recommended to follow the boilerplate example below. See example above.

Mission Relation Boilerplate Example:

During [task/subtask], the [problem] will cause [impact to system/operator/task completion] resulting in [impact to mission].

4. CONCLUSION. The SSM-X Mk 50 booster TVA uncommanded oscillations is a Minorrisk.

This is part 5 (conclusion in present tense) of the 6PP structure. It is one simple sentence where the subject is the problem (the same problem as stated in paragraphs 1 and 3) and the predicate is the level of the risk (Severe, Major (1, 2, or 3), or Minor).

5. RECOMMENDATION. Choose one: [Correct prior to IOT&E. (Use for Severe, Major 1, and significant Major 2 risks)] [Correct as soon as possible. (Use for Major 3 and all remaining Major 2 risks)] [Correct to achieve full mission capability. (Use for all Minor risks)]

This is part 6 (recommendation in present tense) of the 6PP structure. Use the recommended choices unless a case-specific recommendation is needed. An example where a conditionalcategory not listed in the template would be required might be for a submarine or submarine system with a problem that only mattered if under the ice cap, the recommendation conditionmay be “prior to sending the submarine/system under ice.”

Risk No. (Insert TEIN here)-XXX(001,002,etc.) RevX(1, 2, as required)


Risk No. (Insert TEIN here)-XXX(001,002,etc.) RevX(1, 2, as required)