A policy summary for governors/directors

Source: St Cyres School

SMTand Governors copy of CWW Policy
All pupils in St Cyres School are entitled to receive
  • A planned and co-ordinated programme of careers education from Years 7- Year 13, appropriate to their needs
  • Access to individual careers guidance
  • Equality of opportunity
  • Access to reliable and up-to-date information
  • Help and guidance at the transition times of 14+, 16+ and 18+
  • Direct experience of the world of work

Staffing for 2002-03

Years 7-9Delivered by Form Tutors

Years 10-11June Jensen, Chris Ellis, Emrys Jones and M.Brennan

Years 12-13Delivered by Form Tutors

Resources areas

We have a designated Careers Room 9201) which is timetabled for use y other teachers

There is a designated interview room for use by Careers Wales careers advisers.

There are also careers resources areas in the Dinas Powys library for the lower school and a higher education section in the 6th form library.

The department has 4 computers, its own internet link and uses the computer network room

Work experience

It is school policy to provide work experience to all pupils in Year 10 and on a voluntary basis to Year 12. It is compulsory for Technology A/S students to have a placement.

Careers Wales

The careers adviser assigned to the school meets with the Head of Careers regularly to plan the programme and annually agrees the Partnership Agreement.

Support is given in many areas including:

  • Personal interviews in Years 11,12 and 13
  • Group talks in Years 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13
  • Work experience preparation
  • Annual review of CWW
  • Pupil destination data

Financial support

Capitation - £620INSET – As requested

Timetable provision

Year 8Part of PSE which is delivered once per fortnight

Year 9A module of 5 lessons as part of PSE during the Spring Term, dealing with option choices

Year 10/11One lesson per fortnight

Year 12/13One tutorial lesson per week that combines PSE careers and HE information

Lesson content

Year 7 / Reviewing and recording achievements, self awareness and self evaluation. Researching all the jobs in a school
Year 8 / Reviewing and recording achievements, self awareness and self evaluation. Researching the types of work family and friends do and what skills are needed
Year 9 / Reviewing and recording achievements, self awareness and self evaluation and awareness of skills necessary for work. Option choices and ‘Which Way Now’ video and booklet and Job File. Participate in careers related team activity
Year 10 / Self assessment – taking part in Personality test and aptitude test – reviewing results and relating to future jobs. Assessing academic ability. Using KUDOS computer programme, information in the careers room and newspapers to discover compatible jobs and find out more job information. Labour market information activities. Work experience preparation. Group talks by careers advisers and on finance by local bank
Year 11 / Community/citizenship activity – planning a town, role of local government. Talks by careers adviser on work and training. Visit by local FE college to talk about their courses. Talk by school staff on A/S and staying at school. CVs and applications. Talk by inland revenue
Year 12 / Outside speakers introducing a wide range of occupations and labour market information. Reviewing and recording achievements and target setting. Introduction and research in HE (‘Planning for HE and work’ booklet
Year 13 / Further information on HE (‘I’m on the Way’ booklet) and filling in UCAS form. Reviewing and recording achievements and target setting. Preparation for work, updating CVs. LMI and taking a year out – gap year