
A. period between 1941 – 1963 when US population more than doubled ____1. Levittowns

B. involved a US spy plane shot down over the USSR in the 1950s ____2. Sputnik

C. US spy organization ____3. McCarthyism

D. It separated East and West Berlin ____4. Iron Curtain

E. The turning point in the Pacific during WWII ____5. Battle of the Bulge

F. Marked the entrance of the US into WWII ____6. Beatniks

G. First manmade satellite to orbit the earth – it was Soviet ____7. U-2 Incident

H. House committee to investigate communist activity in the US ____8. CIA

I. Churchill’s phrase for the separation of the Communist east and the ____9. Berlin Airlift

Democractic west ____10. Battle of Midway

J. the last German offensive in Europe during WWII – failed ____11 .Pearl Harbor

the Allies response to Stalin’s attempt to cut off West Berlin ____12. Berlin Wall

L. the idea that a strike against the US would invite a retaliation of such ____13. Appeasement

tremendous force, that an initial strike would be foolish ____14. D-Day

M. cookie cutter housing communities built after WWII ____15. Fascism

N. Method of using false accussation to play on fears of communism ____16. Holocaust

O. Giving in to a dictator hoping he will not make any more demands ____17. Lend-Lease Policy

P. systematic killing of the Jews by Hitler and the German army – genocide ____18. NATO

Q. Non-conformists of th 1950s lead by Jack Karuouac ____19. Baby Boom

R. defensive alliance formed by the US, GB and their allies to combat USSR ____20. Containment

S. Normandy Invasion of France to retake Europe from the Germans ____21. Braceros

T. Radical nationalism with racism and jingoism combined ____22.Non-Aggression Pact

U. Mexican farm workers who entered the US during WWII to help ____23. Manhattan Project

V. George Kennan’s policy the US adopted to stop the spread of communism ____24. Suburbs

W. Suicide pilots of Japan ____25. Red Scare

X. Agreement between Hitler and Stalin to avoid war and split Poland ____26. Kamikaze

Y. Areas surrounding the city ____27. Massive Retaliation

Z. designed to develop an atomic bomb ____28. Marshall Plan

AA. FDR’s plan to get supplies to the Allies without breaking Neutrality laws ____29. Truman Doctrine

BB. fear of communism that led to hearings and blacklists ____30. HUAC

CC. massive aid program to help rebuild Europe after WWII also to help them

resist communism

DD. Idea that the US would aid any country resisting communism, especially

Turkey and Greece

Matching: People

A. US tank commander in N. Africa with Montgomery ____1. Franklin Roosevelt

B. German dictator during WWII ____2. Joseph Stalin

C. Navajo marines who served as radio operators in WWII ____3. Robert Oppenheimer

D. President of US during most of WWII ____4. Adolf Hitler

E. Leader of USSR during WWII ____5. Tojo Hideki

F. Leader of the Manhattan Project to develop atomic bomb ____6. Winston Churchill

G. US President that dropped the atomic bomb on Japan ____7. Benito Mussolini

H. Leader of all Allied forces in Europe during WWII ____8. Douglas McArthur

I. German general known as the “Desert Fox” ____9. Harry Truman

J. Japanese prime minister during WWII ____10. Erwin Rommel

K. Leader of all Allied forces in the Pacific during WWII ____11. Dwight Eisenhower

L. A woman who worked in the factory making planes and ____12. Code talkers

ships while her boyfriend served as a Marine ____13. William Levitt

M. British prime minister during WWII ____14. George Kennan

N. Mass produced houses after WWII making them more ____15. Joseph McCarthy

affordable and thus, creating the suburbs. ____16. George Patton

O. Italian dictator during WWII ____17. Benjamin Montgomery

P. US Admiral in charge of US fleet in the Pacific ____18. John Foster Dulles

Q. US diplomat that drafted the containment policy for US ____19. Jack Karuouac

R. the King of Rock-n-Roll ____20. A. Phillip Randolph

S. Famous baseball player of the 1950s ____21. Rosie the Riveter

T. author of ‘massive retaliation’ policy – US Sec. of State ____22. Elvis Presley

U. organized a civil rights march in the 1940s ____23. Mickey Mantle

V. wrote On the Road which became the Beatnik bible ____24. Chester Nimitz

W. British general in N. Africa, defeated Rommel there

X. headed the communist ‘witch hunt’ after WWII