
  1. A pass from A1 to A4 bounces off the leg of A4 and the official calls a violation for the ball hitting the leg. Is the official correct?
  1. A player enters the court wearing a brace on their shoulder with protective padding covering it. The officials do not let the player play as a result of wearing the brace. Are the officials correct?
  1. During a freethrow, defensive player B1 steps into the restricted area early. Shooter A1 steps over the freethrow line after releasing the ball but before it hits the ring. The officials call a double violation and award the ball to the team entitled as a result of the alternating possession arrow. Are the officials correct?
  1. Offensive player A1 sets a screen directly behind player B1, just short of contact. A1 has his feet set and is in his cylinder. B1 contacts A1 and both players fall to the floor. The officials call a team control foul on A1. Are the officials correct?
  1. In an attempt to catch a pass, the ball hits A1’s hands and A1 fumbles the ball. A1 then picks up the ball with both hands and begins a dribble. The officials call illegal dribble and award the ball to team B. Are the officials correct?
  1. After completion of a timeout, a substitute comes out of the huddle onto the playing court, having reported to the table but without being beckoned onto the court by the officials. The officials do not allow the substitution. Are the officials correct?
  1. Player A1 has received one technical foul. With 8:00 minutes left in the game, A1 is assessed with an unsportsmanlike foul. The officials disqualify player A1 as a result of the two fouls. Are the officials correct?
  1. A is awarded a throw in because of an alternating possession. A1 has the ball out of bounds and teammate A2 is called for anillegal screen. Does team A lose their right to the next alternating possession?
  1. B1 is within one metre of A1 who is holding the ball. B1 is not actively guarding A1. Should the official initiate a 5 second closely guarded count?
  1. On a field goal try by A-1, the ball is bouncing directly above the ring when B-1 touches the ring. The official rules basket interference. Is the official correct?
  1. A-1’s front court throw-in is deflected into the back court by A-2, who is in the front court. A-1 is the first to touch the ball in back court. The official rules this a back court violation. Is the official correct?
  1. With 0:00.2remaining on the game clock, A-1’s throw-in is tapped toward team B’s basket by A-2. While the ball is in flight, time expires. The try is successful. The official counts the basket. Is the official correct?
  1. A-1’s throw in is caught by A-2, who is airborne from the front court. A-2 lands in the back court. The official rules that this is a legal play. Is the official correct?
  2. A-1 from the back court throws the ball towards the front court. B-1,who is in the Team A’s frontcourt, bats the ball into the team A back court. A-1 catches the ball and theofficial starts a new 8 second count. Is the official correct?
  1. Before A-1’s final free throw is released, B-1 enters the lane followed by A-2. Both were in a marked lane space. The try is unsuccessful. The official penalizes only the first violation. Is the official correct?
  1. B4 has established a legal guarding position in front of A4 who is dribbling the ball. B4 is moving backward when A4 contacts B4 on the torso. Because defender B4 was moving when the contact occurred, the official calls a foul on B4. Is the official correct?
  1. Does the dribble end when the ball comes to rest in one or both hands, or touches both hands of the dribbler?
  1. A1 is in the act of shooting when A2 fouls B4. The ball is then released and enters the basket. Shall the goal count?
  1. A3 and B1 are holding the ball simultaneously. A3 has part of his body out of bounds. The official calls a violation on A3 and awards team B with a throw in. Is the official correct?
  1. Dribbler A2 comes to a two foot stop, A2 then attempts a pass to A4. The pass is not touched by any other player on the court. A2 then picks up her own pass. The official calls a double dribble. Is the official correct?
  1. A4 is called for a disqualifying foul and must leave the game and the gym. Before leaving the court A4 verbally insults the official. The official then assessesa Bench Technical foul to the Team A coach. Is the official correct?
  1. Coach A requests a time out and it is granted by the official. At the end of the timeout Coach A requests another time out. Should the official grant the time out?
  1. A1 is dribbling the ball in the back court and the shot clock is erroneously reset. The official is 5 seconds into their 8 second count when they blow the whistle. The official corrects the shot clock, gives Team A the throw in at the point of interruption and a new 8 seconds count. Is the official correct?
  1. Before releasing the ball to begin a dribble A1 lifts his pivot foot. The official call a travelling violation. Is the official correct?
  1. After a shot by team A the ball hits the rim and is above it. B2 hits the backboard attempting to knock the ball away causing the basket to vibrate. The official decides that B2's action had no effect upon the flight of the ball and allows the play to continue. Is this permissible by rule?
  1. Is the 3 point line part of the two point area?
  1. A4 is assessed a technical foul. The coach then requests to have A4 substituted. After the official beckons A6 onto the floor for A4, A4 verbally argues with the official. The official then charges A4 with a 2nd technical foul and disqualifies him for the rest of the game. Is the official correct?
  1. With 16 seconds on the shot clock, A1 attempts a pass to a teammate in the frontcourt. The ball hits the rim and is then controlled by A2. The shot clock operator does not reset the shot clockafter the ball hits the rim. Is this correct?
  1. B1 is charged with a technical foul for verbally objecting to an official's call. Shall any Team A player or entering sub attempt the resulting one free throw?
  1. A3 is awarded 2 free throws. While the ball is dead following the first free throw, A2 is assessed a technical foul. Substitute A12 now requests to enter the game to replace A2. Shall A12 be allowed entry at this time?
  1. While holding the ball, post player A4 is being legally guarded by defender B4. Must B4 allowsufficient room for A4 to turn or pivot?
  1. A2 is awarded one free throw. After the ball is placed at the disposal of free thrower A2, Team B requests a time out. A2’s final free throw is successful. Shall Team B be granted a time out before the resulting Team B throw-in?
  1. While A5 is dribbling the ball in the backcourt, A1 remains in Team B’s restricted area for more than 3 seconds. Shall a 3 second violation be called on A1?
  1. On the final free throw by A5, the ball hits the ring and bounces directly above it, when the ball is tapped away from the basket. Shall two points be awarded to Team A for basket interference?
  1. The Assistant Coach of Team B requests a time-out. At the next time-out opportunity, shall Team B's time-out be granted?
  1. A5 is dribbling the ball for 3 seconds in Team A’s back court when a double foul is committed by A4 and B4 in Team A’s front court. When play resumes, shall Team A be awarded a throw-in at the nearest spot to where the double fouls occurred?
  1. With exactly 2:00 minutes remaining in the extra period, A5 is called for a 3 second violation. Team B is then granted a time out. When play resumes, shall the resulting Team B throw-in be administered in the front court at the throw-in line opposite the Scorer’s table?
  1. A1 is injured and the game is stopped. A1 cannot continue to play immediately. Coach B requests a timeout. At the end of the timeout, A1 asks to stay in the game. Shall this request be granted?
  1. A1 in the act of shooting for a field goal is fouled by B1 simultaneously with the game clock signal sounding to end the first period. A1 is awarded two free throws. Does the ensuing interval of play begin once the free throws have been completed?
  1. A1 jumps in an attempt to shoot for a field goal. The shot is legally blocked by B1. Both players return to the floor with one hand firmly on the ball. The official calls a traveling violation against A1. Is the official correct?
  1. A1 releases the ball on a shot from the 3-point area. The ball on its upward flight is touched by an offensive player who is within Team A’s 2-point area. The ball continues its flight and enters the basket. Team A is credited with 3 points. Is this correct?
  1. With 1:52 left in the 4th period, A1 is dribbling the ball in his frontcourt. B2 taps the ball into Team A’s backcourt. A3 retrieves the ball and begins his dribble. B4 taps the ball out of bounds in Team A’s backcourt with 6 seconds remaining on the shot clock. Team A is then granted a timeout. After the timeout, the shot clock is reset to 14 seconds prior to the ensuing frontcourt throw-in by Team A. Is this correct?
  1. With 2:09 showing on the game clock in the 4th period, Coach A approaches the table and requests his first timeout of the second half. Play continues and with 1:58 showing on the game clock, the ball goes out of bounds. Team A is now granted a timeout. As the timeout ends, the official advises Coach A that his team has only one timeout remaining in the period. Is the official correct?
  2. A1, while holding the ball, loses his balance and falls to the floor. The official calls a traveling violation. Is the official correct?
  1. A1 is straddling the centre line when he receives a pass from A2, who is in his backcourt. A1 then passes the ball back to A2, who is still in his backcourt. The official calls a backcourt violation. Is the official correct?
  1. A1 has control of the ball in his frontcourt. B2 is injured and the officials stop the game with 4 seconds left on the shot clock. When play resumes, should the shot clock be reset to 14 seconds?
  2. Defender B1 commits an unsportsmanlike foul against shooter A1 during a successful field goal attempt. A1 is then charged with a technical foul for directing profanity towards B1. The official counts the basket and rules that the foul penalties cancel each other. Is the official correct?
  3. A1, while moving quickly, receives a pass with one foot on the floor. In a continuous motion A-1 jumps off that foot and lands on both feet simultaneously. Shall A-1 be permitted to pivot?
  1. Team A has been in control of the ball for 15 seconds. A1 tries to pass the ball to A2 near the front court end line and the ball moves across the boundary line. B1 jumps from the playing court over the boundary line and catches the ball with both hands and passes the ball to the playing court where it is caught by A2. The shot clock is reset when B2 catches the ball. Is this correct?
  1. A1 steals a pass by B1 near the centerline and A1 has no defenders in front of him as he is dribbling to the opponent’s basket. Finishing his fast break A1 starts his act of shooting when B1 contacts his arm from behind in an attempt to block the shot. Officials call an unsportsmanlike foul on B1. Is this correct?
