Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 1 (2002)

A parametric study of an offshore concrete pile under combined loading conditions using

finite element method

J.A. Eicher , H. Guan1 and D. S. Jeng
School of Engineering, Griffith University Gold Coast Campus, QLD9726, Australia
1 Corresponding author, E-mail:
Received 11 Sep 2001; revised 28 Apr 2002; accepted 1 May 2002.


Offshore piles are commonly used as foundation elements of various offshore structures, especially large structures such as Tension Leg Platforms (TLP). The stress distribution within such a large structure is a dominant factor in the design procedure of an offshore pile. To provide a more accurate and effective design, a finite element model is employed herein to determine the stresses and displacements in a concrete pile under combined structural and wave loadings. The vertical structural load is essentially a static load, while the lateral wave loading fluctuates in time domain and is directly affected by the incident wave angle. The parametric study will consist of varying certain parameters of the pile to study the effects of the stress distribution under various combinations of structural and wave loadings.


Offshore foundations, concrete pile, finite element analysis, wave load, wave-structure interaction.

1. Introduction

Concrete piles are common structural foundation elements used to support offshore structures such as bridges, oil-rigs, and floating airports. The use of offshore structures is still a fairly new technique and there is still much research to be done in this field. The loading of an offshore structure consists of two components: vertical structural loads and lateral wave loads. The combinations of these two loading components have a significant impact on how the pile reacts and the way the stresses are distributed throughout the pile.

Wave forces on the offshore structures are the major contribution to the total forces experienced by such structures, particularly in rough weather. The calculation of the wave loads on vertical cylinders is always of major concern to ocean engineers, especially recently when such studies are motivated by the need to build solid offshore structures in connection with oil and natural gas productions. The effects of various wave patterns on offshore piles have been investigated by numerous researchers in the past [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. In addition, structural engineers have also conducted research on offshore piles, considering pile capacity [6] and the effects of the structural loads on offshore piles. However, little study on the effects of the combined wave and varying structural loads on the pile has been found in the literature.

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the combined loads on an offshore concrete pile and the effects of varying the pile parameters. The stress distributions within the offshore concrete pile will be estimated. The change in the stress distribution and displacement due to varying structural loads will also be studied through a parametric study.

2. Structural and Wave Loading

2.1 Dynamic Wave Pressure

Water depth and wave period are two essential wave parameters, which must be considered in the design of any coastal structure. When the relative water depth (water depth/wave length, d/L) is less than 0.5, it is classified as a shallow water wave [7]. In this paper, the three-dimensional short-crested waves are considered for the dynamic wave loading. Short-crested waves are created by winds blowing over the surface of the water and have a finite lateral extent. Zhu [4] concluded that a short-crested wave exerts a smaller dynamic force than a plane wave with the same wave number in the same direction of propagation. However, as the wave number of short-crested waves perpendicular to the propagation of the plane waves increases, the total wave load increases. The first-order solution of the short-crested wave loading proposed by Zhu [4] is used to calculate the wave load acting on the offshore concrete pile. The dynamic wave pressure at any point on the surface of the pile is given as [4]


where pd is the dynamic wave pressure acting on the pile, a is the radius of the pile, is the angle around the circumference of the pile where the wave load is being calculated, and z is the vertical depth from the surface of the water to the point where the wave load is being calculated. In Equation (1), is the unit weight of water, A is the amplitude of the waves being considered, k (=2p/L, L is the wavelength) is the wave number, and d is the total depth of water. Fig. 1 shows some of these variables. Also in Equation (1), i is equal to , is the wave frequency, and t is the second of the wave period that the wave load is being calculated.

Fig. 1 Definition of variables.

In Equation (1), parameters , and are defined as follows [4]



where (4a)


in which J represents the Bessel function of the first kind and H represents the Hankel function. In Equation (3), the wave number in the x- and y-directions, kx and ky, can be expressed as

and (5)

where is the incident wave angle.

2.2 Static Water Pressure

The pressure that normal hydrostatic water exerts on a vertical surface can be found easily, varying only with the depth of the water. The pressure can be calculated as follows [7]:


where ps is the static water pressure.

2.3 Vertical Structural Load

The structural load is a vertical pressure load and is determined by using structural/water pressure ratios. The structural loads applied to the pile range from a ratio of zero, i.e. without structural load, to 10 times the static water pressure. Fig. 2 shows all the loads acting together on the pile.

Fig. 2 Loading on the offshore pile

3. Numerical Study

The finite element analysis software, STRAND7 [8], is used in this study. The pile is modelled using 20-node brick elements except for the inner ring where 15-node wedge elements are used. A fixed support condition is provided at the points where the pile is embedded into the ocean bed. For the concrete pile, the Young’s modulus is 28,600 MPa and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2.

3.1 Convergence of Model

Before finalising the model, a convergence study is performed under the structural and the static wave pressure to determine the most appropriate mesh size to use. Based on the results from the convergence study, the calculated loads are then applied and the analyses are performed to find the resulting stress and strain distributions as well as the resulting displacements.

Two series of convergence studies are performed. The first convergence test is to refine the mesh vertically above and below the surface water level. The second convergence test is to refine the mesh on the cross-section of the pile. In total, fifteen different models are used for the tests, including three variations of the mesh in the vertical direction on the surface water level (Models X, Y, and Z), and for each of these three models, five variations of mesh on the cross-section (4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 rings). The details of the different mesh schemes are shown in Fig. 3. It should be noted that due to the nature of a 20-node brick, the side nodes of each brick element form an intermediate ring.

(a) control pile model and vertical mesh refinement at surface water level

(b) mesh refinement through cross-section

Fig. 3 Pile models used for convergence study

The typical results of the convergence study are presented in Fig. 4. Fig. 4a presents the distribution of the von Mises stress at point A (refer to Fig. 5) versus the number of rings for Models X, Y, and Z. As can be seen in Fig. 4a, the solution starts to converge when the 6-ring model is adopted, with the change in slope between the 8, 10, and 12 ring models being very small. Fig. 4b shows the vertical displacement at point A versus Models X, Y, and Z for all number of ring models. It can be noted that the convergence is achieved when Model Y is used.

(a) von Mises stress at point A. / (b) vertical displacement at point A.

Fig. 4 Results of the convergence study

Based on the convergence study, Model Y with six rings is selected to simulate the control pile. This mesh has 1320 bricks and 5505 nodes. The numerical analysis is then carried out to include the static water pressure, the dynamic wave loads, as well as the varying structural loads.

3.2 Effects of Combined Loading Conditions

After applying the loading conditions to the final model that is selected, the three-dimensional finite element analyses are performed. The results of these analyses show a significant difference in the stress distribution due to the different combination of the loads. Fig. 5a shows the stress distribution of the centre surface of the pile due to the structural load of 10 times the static water pressure. Under such loading conditions, the stress distribution is found to be symmetrical about the vertical central axis of the pile. The stress distribution due to the same structural load together with the dynamic wave loads, which is at the time two of a ten-second wave period (see Fig. 5b), illustrates how the stress concentrations change around the base of the pile. It should be noted that the location of the highest stress concentration varies over the period of a wave.

3.3 Ratio of Structural and Wave Loads

One of the major concerns of this study is to examine the effects of the combined loading on the offshore pile. To examine the effects of increased structural loads on the overall behavior of the pile, the total displacement of and the von Mises stress in the pile versus the ratio of structural load to static water pressure at the base of the pile are presented in Fig. 6. These results are taken at the same point A as shown in Fig. 5. Again, these results are generated from the analyses performed at time zero of a wave period of 10 seconds. Also, a wave height of one meter is considered. The ratio of structural to water pressure ranges from zero, with the pile having no structural load, to a structural load of 10 times the static water pressure at the base of the pile. Fig. 6 clearly indicates that the total displacements, as well as the stresses, increase linearly with the increasing structural load. The total displacement is the displacement resultant due to the components in the x-, y-, and z- directions. The total displacement increases at a slope of approximately 1/100 and the von Mises stress increases at a slope of approximately 3/100.

(a) combined structural load and (b) combined structural load and

static water pressure dynamic water pressure

Fig. 5 Contour of stress distribution due to combined structural load and (a) static water pressure and (b) dynamic wave pressure

Fig. 6 Variation of von Mises stress and displacement under different structural and wave load ratios

To have a better understanding of the behavior over the entire height of the pile, Fig. 7 demonstrates the resulting total displacement and the von Mises stress under varying structural and wave load ratios. The results are taken at ten different locations with the same x- and y- coordinates on the surface of the pile. The locations are at intervals of two meters, beginning two meters above the base of the pile. The results are shown at time 0 of the 10-second control wave period. As seen in Fig. 7(a), the displacement basically increases linearly with the height of the pile, but there is a slight curvature to the relationship below the water surface at z/h equal to 0.5. With a structural load to static water pressure ratio of zero, the displacement is actually greater along the entire height of the pile than that when a vertical load of 0.5 times the static water pressure is applied. Increasing the ratio from 0.5 to 1, the total displacement then begins to exceed the total displacement with zero structural load at just over 2/3 the pile height. Increasing the ratio again to 2, the total displacement exceeds that with zero structural load over the entire height of the pile. Continuing to increase the ratio up to 10, the displacement increases at equal increments at each of the ten locations. At the top of the pile, the displacement increases at approximately 0.0223 mm per unit increase of the ratio.

Similar results were taken for the von Mises stress, as shown in Fig. 7b. Similar to the displacement results, the von Mises stress is shown to be smaller up to a certain height when the ratio of the structural load to static water pressure increases up to 4 than when there is a zero structural load. At a ratio of 4, the height at which the stress begins to exceed a ratio of zero is about 4 meters. Also, the stress in the top half of the pile is significantly smaller up to a ratio of 4, this indicates that the wave loading is the more critical loading condition. However, after the ratio increases above four, the structural load then causes the stress in the top half of the pile to increase, therefore becoming more critical than at the base of the pile. The curves indicate that the stress remains constant above the surface water level up to just below the top of the pile, where the stress begins to significantly increase at ratios greater than 4.

(a) change in total displacement. / (b) change in von Mises stress.

Fig. 7 Results of increasing the structural to water pressure ratio at increasing heights on the pile.

Fig. 8 Resulting deformation of the piles as the structural load to water pressure ratio increases. Displacement scale of 5%.