Powerpoint Project Grading Rubric

1 - 3 / 4 - 6 / 7 - 9 / 10 / Total
Organization and Flow / Cannot use the project as a learning tool because there are not good links from one page or topic to the next. / Difficult to use the project because the organization is poor, or because links are not present where they should be or do not work as intended. / Presents information in a logical sequence. Links are clear. It is usually easy to navigate back to the top and to related content within the report. / Presents information in logical, interesting sequence. Links are intuitively clear. It is easy to navigate back to the top and to related content within the report.
Subject Material / Relevant topics and structures are not covered. The discussion has significant inaccuracies. / Relevant topics and structures are mostly covered. The discussion is fairly accurate. / Relevant topics and structures are covered. The discussion is for the most part accurate and informative. / Relevant topics and structures are covered well. The discussion is accurate, informative, and engaging.
Images / The images used have insufficient resolution and quality for teaching. / The images used are of adequate resolution, size, and quality. / The images used are of high resolution and good size and quality. / The images used are of high resolution and good size and quality. They show and/or highlight the relevant anatomical structure(s) and are not cluttered by irrelevant details.
Mechanics / Numerous spelling or grammatical errors, or figures that do not load, or links that do not work, or missing citations, including for each figure. / Project has occasional misspellings and/or grammatical errors and/or failures to cite sources, including for each figure. / Project has infrequent misspellings and/or grammatical errors and/or failures to cite. / Project has no misspellings or grammatical errors, language is concise, and citations are provided, including sources for each figure independently.
Total Points:

Powerpoint Project Grading Rubric

Grade: /40 = %

T.A. comments:

Grade check sheet (updated 2017)

Both Upper and Lower Body Presentations should have:

Home page with clickable regions (2 joints) & plexuses

Links from joints to actions at that joint (flexion/extension, etc.)

Links from action to muscles causing action

Image of each muscle, origin, insertion, action, nerve

Link to nerve for each muscle

Links back to home page and/or previously viewed slide and/or "one-up" slide.

Attribution for images

Bibliography (web sites, books, other sources)

Refer to musclenervelist.doc to verify that all the items on the list are included in the presentation.