Name: ______
A New Cereal on the Shelf
Book Report for Ms. Dailey’s Class
Objective: Students invent a cereal based on a fictional book and design a cereal box that presents information about the story in a fun, creative format.
The guidelines for each part of the box are as follows:
- Front
You will write the name of their cereal and draw an illustration. Try and think of a fun and enticing name – for example, for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, you might invent a cereal called Wizard’s Wands, a toasted oat cereal in the shape of lightning bolts. The name and shape of the cereal should relate to your book. Think about the various characters, logos, and other elements on actual cereal boxes. Try to make your cereal box look like a real product while relating it to the book. Think about different colors and styles of text and the use of “bursts” to include additional information. The purpose of these elements is to entice consumers to buy the product.
- Back
On the back, you will design a game that is based on the story. It can be a puzzle, a word game, or any other fun activity that might be found on the back of a cereal box. Try to think of ways to incorporate information from your book into your game. You might choose to include information about the characters, setting, plot, and so on.
- Right Side
Under the heading, “Ingredients,” list the main characters and write a sentence about each one. Also, include a sentence or two about the setting.
- Left Side
Write a summary that describes the main conflict and the resolution of the book. This can be like an advertisement for the book.
- Top
Write the title and author of the book and your name.
- Presentation
You will need to present your cereal to the class. You may choose to plan a short commercial to advertise your cereal and present it to the class. (These commercials may be performed live or taped ahead of time.)
Book Approval Form
Please write the name and author of the book you plan on using for your book report. Also include why you chose the book. Remember to choose a book that is at your independent reading level. Detach this form and hand it in to Ms. Dailey by
Monday,December 19th,2016.
Name: ______
Title of Book: ______
Author: ______
Why I chose this book: ______
Name: ______
Fiction Book Report
A New Cereal on the Shelf
PROJECT DUE DATE: Wednesday, February 1st, 2017
- Empty cereal box
- White or light-colored paper
- Scissors
- Markers or crayons
- Construction paper
- Glue
- Tape
1. Find a fictional book that interests you and is at an appropriate reading level for you. Fill out the Book Approval Form and have the book approved by Ms. Dailey by December 19, 2016.
Book Title: ______
Author: ______
Once your book has been approved, you may begin reading! Then, follow this timeline to make sure you do not wait until the last minute to complete your project.
Week 1–January 2-6, 2017
- Think about what you will name your cereal. Choose a name that sounds enticing and relates to the story in some way. Then choose a shape for the cereal.
- Cover an empty cereal boxwith white or light-colored paper. You might choose to write and draw on appropriate-sized sheets of paper and then glue them onto the box as you work. Always write and draw sketches before moving on to your final copy.
- Design the front of your box. Write the name of your cereal and draw a picture to go with it. Make your cereal box look appealing and fun. Look at actual cereal boxes for ideas.
Week 2 – January 9-13, 2017
- Design the back of your box. It can be a puzzle, a word game, or any other fun activity that might be found on the back of a cereal box. Make sure it includes information from the book. Draw and write sketches before making your final copy.
Week 3 – January 16-20, 2017
- Design the right side of your box. Under the heading, “Ingredients,” list the main characters and write a sentence about each one. Then describe the setting (place and time). Draw and write a rough draft before you make your final copy.
- Design the left side of your box. Write a summary of the book. Describe the main conflict and resolution. Write a rough draft before you make your final copy.
Week 4 – January 23-27, 2017
- Design the top of your box. Write the title and author of the book and your name.
- Plan your presentation. You may choose to plan a short commercial to advertise your cereal and present it to the class. (These commercials may be performed live or taped ahead of time.)
Week 5 – Your project is due on Wednesday, February 1st!
- Complete any part of your box that you have not finished yet.
- Bring in your box by Wednesday and be ready to present.
Cereal Box Book Report
Ms. Dailey Thoughts
Name: ______
Title of Cereal: ______
Was the project handed in on time? / Yes / It was a day or two late. / It was more than a week late.Is the box neat, colorful, and attractive? / It looks great. You can tell I took a lot of time to make my box. / It looks good. You can tell I spent time on my box, but I could have added some more detail. / It looks ok. You can tell that I rushed through my work and did not spend a lot of time on the box.
Did you follow the directions that were given? / I followed all of the directions. / I followed most of the directions, but forgot one or two parts. / I followed some of the directions, but forgot three or more parts.
Are the spelling, punctuation, and grammar correct? / Everything is done correctly. / I have 2 or 3 mistakes. / I have more than 3 mistakes.
Ms. Dailey Comments: