Recruitment of Staff
1.0 Introduction:
It is vital that the recruitment of employees provides the right type of applicant. By the very nature of the work involved, which may be difficult at times, the job of Caring is more than just a job more of a vocation. The process must be able to identify those applicants who are more likely to succeed than not as the cost of training is considerable.
2.0 Objectives:
To attract applicants to the organisation who meet the personal and professional profiles and requirements for the vacant advertised posts, and to identify those applicants who are capable of fulfilling the requirements of the post in question.
To establish through a combination of character, experience and proven capability that the post is filled by an incumbent capable of accepting the culture and ethos of the organisation, and who recognises the necessity of compliance with all areas of legislation.
3.0 Procedure:
q Employment opportunities are advertised both within and outside the Company
q All job opportunities are offered on a non-discriminatory basis.
q The job specification is clear, agreed with those who will be working with the new employee, relevant to the Company’s requirements and meets legislative requirements for that position.
q The recruitment process is able to accurately identify those applicants most suited to the very specific type of duties that will be required
q The applicant’s previous education and employment history must be verified
q The applicant’s previous background must be vetted for any criminal convictions and for any entries on the Protection of Vulnerable Adults Register and with the Criminal Records Bureau
q All the applicant’s skills and educational qualifications shall be taken into account
Recruitment of Staff
q All employment regulations must be clearly complied with as part of the recruitment process
q Copies of all related documents and reports must be held centrally on the employees personnel file.
Procedure: OP 4.4.3 Document and Data Control
q Use Recruitment Process Checklists F/18 or F/19
q Interested applicants are to be invited to attend for interview at the appropriate Branch Office at which time they will be required to complete Application Form F/01
q Conduct interviews completing Interview Assessment Form F/20 and inform applicant of Interview Guide notes in Form F/20a
Post Interview – successful
q Upon provisional acceptance, the applicant will receive an oral offer of appointment and orally accepted (subject to satisfactory references being obtained & CRB check using CRB Disclosure Form F/23 and references using Reference Request Letter F/02.
q Applicant to complete CRB Enhanced Disclosure F/23, which is forwarded to CRB with accompanying documentation.
q If all is ok then applicant to be sent written offer letter confirming job offer using Final Job Offer Letter F/03.
q Written Contract of Employment F/101 is to be sent to the new employee and countersigned by both parties.
q The new employee is to be sent Training Letter F/22
q The Company’s Induction Manual and uniform are to be provided to new employee ensuring that the new employee completes the Uniform Receipt F/92.
q Branch Manager to complete Starter Form F/04 and forward onto the pay office
Recruitment of Staff
1. Define the requirement for the new post or existing vacancy. For a new post the authorisation of a Director or the Human Resource Manager must first be obtained and a job description compiled.
2. For an existing post the current job description is to be examined and revised as appropriate to meet the present and immediate future requirements of the organisation.
3. Determine the type of channel to be used to advertise the post. All recruitment notices are to be composed in a manner, which does not contravene any element of discrimination legislation. If necessary the advice of the Human Resource department is to be sought.
4. All costs associated with the placing of recruitment notices are to be approved by the appropriate Director or the Human Resource Manager.
5. A register is to be used to record and monitor the response and conclusion of the advertised post.
6. Interested applicants are to be invited to attend an interview at the appropriate branch office. For some posts it will be appropriate to examine CVs and compile a “short list” of applicants for interview.
7. Confirm the interview in writing to the applicant, and enclose location directions if necessary.
8. All interviews are to be conducted by a person(s) who is/are conversant in interviewing techniques. The interviewer is to be continuously mindful of the importance of asking only those questions that avoid any possibility of exposing the organisation to an accusation of discrimination, biasness or prejudice.
9. Interviewers should be conscious of the fact that any terms verbally provided to the applicant during the interview become legally binding upon the organisation in the event that the applicant is invited and accepts the post.
Recruitment of Staff
10. The successful applicant is to be advised that employment cannot commence until the company is in receipt of two positive references, a similar response from the CRB and the successful completion of the appropriate induction training.
11. Ensure that the successful applicant is made aware of the contractual commitment to repay the sum of £150.00 towards their training costs, in the event that, for whatever reason, they depart the company within their first 12 months of employment.
12. Where an applicant accepts the post then a minimum of two references is to be obtained. One is to be from the current or most recent employer. In the event that the applicant has been previously employed within any capacity which qualifies for a criminal records bureau (CRB) check, then a reference is additionally to be sought from this source.
13. On receipt of references they are to be verified by a telephone call to the originator.
14. All reference sources are to be sent a reminder in the event that the reference has not been received 2 weeks following the original request.
15. The successful applicant is to complete a CRB document in BLACK ink. Specific attention being given to the continuity of dates where more than one address exists within the previous 5 years.
16. The successful applicant is to be advised of the CRB fee (£41.00 as at 1 June 2005) and that payment is normally by cheque made out to “Briarcare Ltd”. In exceptional cases arrangements may be made for the fee to be recovered from the employee’s first wage. In this case their written consent is to be obtained.
17. Ensure that copies of the necessary type and number of identity documents are obtained from the successful applicant.
18. For successful overseas (EEC) applicants the appropriate workers registration is to be obtained from the Home Office.
Recruitment of Staff
19. Courtesy letters are to be despatched to unsuccessful applicants. It is not necessary, nor recommended, that a specific reason is given in the letter for why the applicant was unsuccessful with their application.
20. The successful applicant is to be selected for induction training and a letter sent detailing the arrangements and content of the training programme.
21. On receipt of positive responses from the CRB and reference sources, and following completion of the induction training, an employment commencement date is to be obtained from the appropriate care manager, and the applicant is to be sent a formal offer of employment along with a statement of their terms and conditions of employment.
22. The employee is to be issued with a company identity card and details entered into the “card” register.
23. Induction manual and uniform are to be issued to the employee. The written consent of the employee is to be obtained allowing for the deduction from wages of £22.00 towards the costs of the uniform.
24. During any stage of the recruitment process the advice of the Human Resource function is to be sought where it is felt prudent to do so. This includes seeking clarification and/or confirmation on any aspect of the recruitment process, or in response to any documentation produced by the applicant, or comments made by the applicant during the interview.
Mandatory Checks
q The following checks must be satisfactorily carried out prior to confirmation in the post
Ο Verification of identity
Ο POVA list - regulated position only
Ο Work permit – if appropriate
Ο Driving licence – if appropriate
Ο Certificates of training & qualifications claimed
Ο Personal references
Ο Declaration of physical and mental fitness
Ο Declaration of any criminal convictions
Recruitment of Staff
Ο Confirmation Service Check by UKCC – if appropriate
Ο Sex Offenders Register – CRB report
Ο Protection of Vulnerable Adults Register
Ο General Social Care Register
4.0 Persons Responsible:
Group Director
Care Director
Human Resource Manager
Branch Managers
Quality Care Supervisors
All employees
q The Group Director has responsibility for authorising this procedure
q The Group Director and Care Director hold joint overall responsibility for the successful recruitment of suitable personnel
q The Human Resource Manager shall implement the recruitment process
5.0 Associated Documentation and References:
QM 4.7.1 Recruitment of Staff
Induction Manual
F/01 Application Form
F/01a Application Form (overseas)
F/02 Reference Request Letter
F/03 Final Job Offer Letter
F/18 Recruitment Process Checklist (UK)
F/19 Recruitment Process Checklist (Overseas)
F/20 Interview Assessment Form
F/20a Interview Guide Notes
F/22 Training Letter
F/23 CRB Enhanced Disclosure
F/92 Uniform Receipt
F/101 Contract of Employment
F/04 Starter Form
Recruitment of Staff
6.0 Document History:
This section shows the approval and revisions of this document since its first issue. A vertical line in the left margin opposite the change will usually indicate changes from the previous version.
Version / Comments / Approved by / Date approved / Date of next review01 / First issue of document / Q M / 08.07.05 / July 2006
Text, graphics and pictures published in this document are the intellectual property of Briarcare Ltd. They may not be passed to other parties, either wholly or in part, except with the express permission of Briarcare Ltd
Br-SM/OP 4.7.1 Issue 02 Authorised by k Stokeld Printed on 24/05/2006 Page 1 of 7