Registration Form

Last/Family Name First Name Middle Name

Grade [Please Circle One] 9 10 11 12

School ______________________________________________________________________________
City_______________________________E-mail __________________________________________

Special Dietary Needs: __________________________________________________________________

Confirmation Policy
Once registered, you will receive a confirmation packet that includes directions to campus and the location of the event. The registration will not be confirmed until full application has been received. Incomplete registration forms will not be processed and a confirmation number will not be issued. Program materials will be available for pick up at the registration desk.

Program Changes
Conference organizers reserve the right to make changes to the conference agenda or with instructors. In the unlikely event this conference is cancelled, GT SWE will notify the participants immediately.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Support this conference—become a sponsor. Contact Haley Carney at 678.939.6538 or email: for more information regarding sponsorship dollars, how sponsorship dollars are used, and how marketing the conference can provide for sponsors.

Return Completed Forms to:
Society of Women Engineers
Georgia Tech Student Section
350274 Georgia Tech Station
Atlanta, GA 30332-1520

Melissa Watkins
High School Outreach Chair
Phone: 281.731.5208

Sona Shah
High School Outreach Chair
Phone: 9196222487