Government of Karnataka
Water Resources Department
[Irrigation Department]
(Published in terms of the Provision of the Karnataka Transparency in public Procurements Act 2000)
Volume No.9
8th March 2004
No. ID 01 MBI 2004 Dt: 8-3-2004
The details of the notices inviting the tender in respect of the Procurement requirements of different procurement entities is published as a part of the State Tender-Bulletin for the Second Week of March 2004. The details of the published Tender Notification may be obtained by the concerned Executive Engineers who has invited the respective Tenders.
Volume No.9 State Tender Bulletin Officer &
Email: Deputy Secretary to Govt., (MMI)
Web Water Resources Department.
Send to:
- Managing Director, Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
- Managing Director, Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
- Managing Director, Cauvery Neeravari Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
- Engineer-in-Chief, Water Resources Development Organisation, Bangalore.
- Compiler, Karnataka State Gazette Officer, Bangalore.
- The District Tender Bulletin Officer & Deputy Commissioner, ______.
- The Chief Engineer, ______.
- The Chief Engineer, B.T.D.A., Bagalkot.
- The Superintending Engineers, ______Circle.
- The Executive Engineers, ______Division.
- The President, Karnataka Engineer’s Association, K.R.Circle, Bangalore.
- The President, Karnataka Engineering Service Association, K.R.Circle, Bangalore.
- The President, Karnataka State Contractor’s Association, Bangalore, for information with a request to give vide publicity of the Tender-Bulletin through the President / Chairman of the affiliated District Contractors Association, ______District.
Volume :-9.1
(A Government of Karnataka Enterprises)
Office of the Executive Engineer,KNNL, Varahi Project Division, Siddapur-576229, Udupi District.
TENDER NOTIFICATION NO: VPD/KNNL/AE-1/TND/2003-04.Dated 01.03.2004
Item Rate Tenders in the prescribed form in 2 cover system are invited by the undersigned on behalf of the Managing Director, Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited from contractors enrolled in the select list of contractors of KNNL Category II and above for the works mentioned in the statement below. The tender should be submitted in two covers. The cover-1 should indicate item wise rates i.e., cost bid. The cover-2 should contain pre-qualification documents and the conditions and stipulations if any, proposed by the contractor. Cover-2 will be opened first. After evaluation, cover-1 of only those contractors found qualified will be opened.
The blank tender documents can be obtained
(1) Through website and by linking to e-tenders (i,e once you are in the web site, click on E-Tender wizard which will link to www.tender where electronic tendering is provided) and can be submitted through electronic tender box available therein.
(2) The receipt of application, issue of blank tender documents and receipt of completed tender documents, both pre-qualification and cost bid will be at one of the following offices.
a) Registered office, KNNL, 4th floor, Coffee Board Building, No.1, Dr. B.R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore-1.
b) Chief Administrative Officer, K.N.N.L, WALMI Building, Belur, Belgaum Road, Dharwad.
c) Chief Engineer, K.N.N.L, Varahi Project Zone, Siddapura, Udupi District.
d) Executive Engineer, K.N.N.L, Varahi Project Division, Siddapura, Udupi District.
Sl.No / Name of work / Approx.
Put to
(Rs. in
lakhs) / EMD
(Rs. in
Lakhs) / Cost of
(including KST+
Surcharge) / Category
Enrolled under
KNNL select
List of contractors / Stipulated period of completion (including monsoon)
2. / Construction of Aqueduct from CH 11170M to 11575M in 12th KM of Varahi Left Bank Canal.
Construction of Aqueduct from CH 12445M to 12821M in 13th KM of Varahi Left Bank Canal. / 332.96
484.30 / 3.33
4.845 / Rs 20,000
(Non-refundable) / Category II
& above
Category II
& above / 24 Months including monsoon
24 Months including monsoon period.
1. Pre-Qualification conditions
The category II and above enrolled under K.N.N.L select list of contractors are eligible to bid for the above work. The Pre-qualification conditions are:
a) The contractors should have executed a similar type of single work. (viz, construction of aqueduct, bridge cum barrage, bridge etc.), costing not less than 60% of the cost of work put to tender. The contractor should have experience in execution of pile foundations
b) The annual turn over of the contractor should be more than one Crores & above in any one of the previous three years.
c) The contractors should have the ownership of at least the following machineries /equipments
i) concrete mixer of not less than 7 cft capacity hopper – 3 Nos
ii) Tipper or dumpers -- 6 Nos
iii) Air compressor -- 2 Nos
iv) Water tanker -- 2 Nos
v) Weigh batching plant 1.50 cum capacity -- 1 Nos
and above
2. Training on e-tendering will be conducted for the aspiring bidders at 11 a.m on 19-03-2004 at the office of the Managing Director, K.N.N.L, Bangalore. Aspiring bidders who wish to undergo the training should submit their request in writing to the under signed on or before 16-03-2004.
3. The aspiring contractors who have not previously obtained the user ID & Password for participating in e-tendering in K.N.N.L may now obtain the same by requesting in writing to the registered office, K.N.N.L., Bangalore on or before 23.03.2004 during office hours.
4.(i)The contractors who opts for e-tendering can request for e-tendering document from 24.03.2004 10.30 am to 26.03.2004 5.30 p.m in the K.N.N.L, link to e-tender on payment of stipulated amount mentioned above towards cost of tender document (Non-refundable). While applying the contractor should enter the particulars of the payment like DD Number, Date, Amount and the name of the Bank. The Demand Draft (DD) or Banker’s Cheque should be drawn in favour of “The Executive Engineer. K.N.N.L, Varahi Project Division, Siddapura”. The original DD should be submitted at the following offices on during office hours.
a. Registered office, K.N.N.L , 4th floor, Coffee Board Building, No.1 Dr B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore-560001
b. Chief Accounts Officer, K.N.N.L, WALMI Building, Dharwad.
c. Chief Engineer. K.N.N.L, Varahi Project zone, Siddapura, Udupi District.
d. Executive Engineer, K.N.N.L, Varahi Project Division, Siddapur, Udupi District.
(ii) Last date of application for pre-qualification cum cost bid tender document is on 26-03-2004. Attested copy of the enrollment in the select list of contractors of K.N.N.L category II and above should be produced with the applications at any one of above mentioned offices. The cost of blank pre-qualification cum cost bid tender document should be paid in the form of Demand Draft or Bankers cheque of a Nationalised/ Scheduled bank drawn in favour of the under signed and payable at State Bank of Mysore, Kundapura.
5. (i) The contractors can have access to the e-tender (pre-qualification & tender document) from 6-04-2004 to 8-04-2004 upto 4.00 p.m.
(ii) Date of issue of blank tender documents is from 06-04-2004 to 08-04-2004 upto 5-30 p.m. at the above mentioned offices.
6. (i) Last date for submission of completed e-tender document is 16-04-2004 upto 4.00 p.m.
(ii) Date of receipt of completed tender documents in cover-1 and cover-2 is on 16-04-2004 at the above mentioned offices.
7. EMD should be in the form of DD or Bank guarantee of a nationalized or scheduled Bank drawn in Favour of the Executive Engineer, K.N.N.L, Varahi Project Division, Siddapur payable at Kundapura. Tenders received without valid EMD shall be rejected. The validity of EMD shall be for a period of 180 (One Hundred and Eighty) days from the date of opening of tender.
8. (i) The contractor will obtain tender document from website. Fill them & submit the completed tender document in the electronic tender box on the website itself. The EMD shall be scanned and attached to e-tender document and original EMD & attested copies of the documents in support of pre-qualification and attested copies of documents mentioned under Sl No.10 below shall be submitted to the office of the undersigned on or before 16-04-2004 during office hours.
(ii) The contractor should submit the completed tender documents in cover-1 and cover-2 along with attested copies of documents mentioned in 10 below. EMD should be submitted along with cost bid in tender cover-1.
9 (i) The pre-qualification document will be opened in the office of the Managing Director, K.N.N.L, 4TH Floor Coffee Board Building, Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore-01 on 20-04-2004 at 11 am or at other convenient date, which will be informed. The list of successful bidders will be notified in the website on 28-04-2004 ( The financial bid of the successful bidders will be opened on 30-04-2004. at 11 a.m.
(ii) The pre-qualification document i.e., cover-2 will be opened on 20-04- 2004 at 11.30 a.m in the office of the M.D, K.N.N.L , 4th Floor, Coffee Board Building, Dr. B.R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore-1. The list of successful bidders will be intimated on or before 28-04-2004. The tender cover-1 i.e., financial cost bid of the successful bidders will be opened on 30-04-2004 in the office of the M.D, K.N.N.L, 4th Floor, Coffee Board Building, Dr. B.R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore-1.
10. The following certificates shall be scanned and attached to the e-tender document.
i) Contractors’ enrollment letter under K.N.N.L.
ii) Latest income tax clearance certificate.
iii) Karnataka sales tax clearance certificate
iv) Employee provident fund (EPF) registration certificate.
11 Any documents submitted through post/ courier is at the risk of contractor (i.e., K.N.N.L is not responsible for postal delay)
12 The contractor should attach his/her scanned signature to the schedule “B” before submitting.
13 If any of the dates mentioned above happens to be a general holiday, the next working day will hold good.
14 Further information about electronic tendering can be had linking to e-tender or e-mail .
15 Further information can be had from office of the undersigned during office hours.
16 The officer competent to accept the tender shall have the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
17 Corrigendum will be published in the website for all modification/ correction if any and through news paper and tender bulletin.
18 The intending contractors should note that, if any of the lands (either in part/parts, or in whole) required for the work is not yet acquired by the Nigam, It shall be the responsibility of the contactor to take possession of such land and start the work by consent of the owner before commencement of work, at no extra cost to the Nigam and no claims whatsoever relating to non-availability of land would be entertained.
19 Total cost of the work on hand in K.N.N.L should not exceed Rs.20.00Crores (Rs. Twenty Crores) excluding cost of any major work like dam, barrage, lift irrigation, gates, etc.,
(Rathnakar Shetty.M)
Executive Engineer
K.N.N.L, Varahi Project Division,
Siddapur, Udupi District
Volume :9.2
Cauvery Neeravari Nigama Limited
(A Government of Karnataka Enterprises)
Office of the Executive Engineer, CNNL, No. 1, HRB HLC Division, Gorur
Brief Tender Notification No. 10/2003-04 dated 23-2-2004
(Two cover bid system)
Sealed tenders on turnkey basis for the following works under TWO cover Bid system in the prescribed from the duplicate are invited by the undersigned on behalf of Managing Director, Cauvery Neeravari Nigama Limited from registered Class – I Contractors with KPWD. Two cover bid system of tendering (consisting of Technical Bid and Financial Bid) shall be followed. The Financial bid of only those bidders who qualify in the technical bid will be opened on a date to be intimated later. The tender documents should be submitted in two different sealed convers marked as Technical Bid and Financial Bid. These two covers shall be sealed and kept in another sealed cover duly super scribing the name of work and with full address of the bidders.
Sl. No. / Name of Work / Approximated Amount put to tender (Rs. in lakhs) / E.M.D. (Rs.) / Period of completion (including Monsoon) / Cost of Tender Document + Taxes extra1 / Construction of Head works including Intake channel, Jackwell cum pump house, Raising Main, Cistern, All the required Machinaries, pumps and motars, H.T. Panel room etc., complete on a Turnkey basis for Ganganalu Lift Irrigation Scheme in Arakalgud Taluk, Hassan District. / 200.00 / 200000.00 / 15 months / 5000.00
2. / Construction of Head works including Intake channel, Jackwell cum pump house, Raising Main, Cistern, All the required Machinaries, pumps and motars, H.T.Panel room etc., complete on a Turnkey basis for Ganjalagud Lift Irrigation Scheme in Arakalgud Taluk, Hassan Dist. / 190.30 / 190300.00 / 12 months / 5000.00
3. / Construction of Head works including Intake channel, Jackwell cum pump house, Raising Main Cistern, All the required Machinaries, pumps and motars, H.T. Panel room etc., complete on a Turnkey basis for Hebbale Lift Irrigation Scheme in Arkalgud Taluk, Hassan District. / 103.10 / 103100.00 / 12 months / 1000.00
The application fee shall be paid in the form of Cash or Demand Draft (D.D.) drawn in favour of the undersigned which is non refundable.
Date of receipt of application for blank tender documents is from 23-3-2004 to 25-3-2004 upto 5-30 pm.
Date of issue of blank tender document is 27-3-2004 upto 5-30 PM. The Technical bid shall contains (1) The required EMD furnished in the form of Demand Draft, or NSC pledged in the name of the undersigned. Tenders received without valid EMD will be rejected. The validity of EMD shall be form period of 180 days from the date of opening of the tenders.
(2) Audited Balance sheet for the proceeding three years certified by the Chartered Accountant.
(3) Income Tax, Sales Tax clearance certificate for the past three years.
(4) Provident Fund code number.
(5) Qualification criteria required for the work as under.
(a) The constructor should have satisfactorily completed at least one similar work of value not less than 50% of the amount put to tender in this notification in the previous five years.
(b) The contractor should submit a list of similar works on hand, already completed satisfactorily and applied works.
(c) The contractor should submit a list of experienced technical staff suitable for Civil, Electrical & Mechanical component of the work both the design and execution with the tenderer who will be deputed exclusively for this work.