ED 173: Cognition and Learning in Educational Settings
Professor Martinez
Practice Quiz: Memory
Note: These quizzes are posted on the course website and on the course noteboard. The day after each lecture will be designated as a discussion day for that lecture and the associated quiz. On that day, a TA will respond to all posted questions and comments on the practice quiz. Please post your questions and comments on the course noteboard. Any questions and comments posted after the designated discussion day for a particular practice quiz will be read and responded to, but they may not be responded to immediately.
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Please DO NOT send emails to the TAs regarding these practice quizzes – all questions and comments about the practice quizzes should be posted on the noteboard. This will allow all students to learn from each other’s questions. Of course, feel free to email the TAs with any other course questions or comments J.
1. Which one of the following statements best describes the three-component model of memory?
a. All information that reaches the sensory register also reaches working memory, by only a small percentage of this information is stored in long-term memory.
b. All information that enters long-term memory must first pass through the sensory register and working memory.
c. Information that must be remembered for a long time goes directly from the sensory register to long-term memory; less important information is stored in working memory.
d. The three components of memory are used to store different kinds of information; visual images are stored in the sensory register, most numerical information is stored in working memory, and verbal information is stored in long-term memory.
2. In the information processing model of cognition, short-term memory is where the mind holds:
a. a large repository of images, words, and experiences.
b. a small amount of information for processing.
c. a high-fidelity record of all that we have experienced.
d. a compact cluster of dopamine-regulated dendrites.
3. Susan is introduced to Jerry. She immediately smiles and says, “Hello Jerry.” A few minutes later she wants to introduce Jerry to her friend Mary but cannot remember his name. Based on this information how far in Susan’s memory system did Jerry’s name get?
a. It reached the sensory register
b. It reached working memory
c. It reached long-term memory
d. It never got into the memory system at all
Follow-up question: What is the evidence in the question for the correct answer?
4. Gretchen thinks about Christopher Columbus, which reminds her of Spain, which in turn reminds her that she needs to do her homework for her Spanish class. Which one of the following does Gretchen’s train of thought best illustrate?
a. Elaboration in working memory
b. Reconstruction error in retrieval
c. The interconnectedness of long-term memory
d. Encoding during long-term memory storage
5. What does the term “working memory” imply that “short-term memory” does not?
6. What is long-term memory? In your answer, address issues of capacity, duration, forms of knowledge, and accuracy of memory for events.