Team Excellence Awards

2011Beta Test Program

Team Application

Select award level: Level 1: Team Excellence Recognition Level 2: Team Excellence Award

Team Name:


Industry: Type of Team:

Address (no P.O. Box)/City/State/Zip:

Brief description (3-4 sentences) of your project including purpose and result:

(This information may be used in promotional material)

Primary Contact Person (Team Leader/Sponsor/Facilitator):

Phone: E-mail:

Mobile: Fax:

Back-up Contact Person (if above is unavailable)

Phone: E-mail:

Highest ranking official at your site/facility:

Name: Title:

Phone: E-mail:

Team Members: (Include name and title for each)








Entry Checklist:

1.Complete, sign, and date the Application Form and Release Authorization Form.
2.Include appropriate entry fee made payable to Vermont Council for Quality.
3.PowerPoint presentation should be 5 MB or less (if received via email) and include speaker notes for each slide. Speaker notes must be able to be read aloud within a 30-minute time period.
4.Email your organizational logo and a horizontal color picture as a JPG file
5.Enclose two paper copies of the PPT with the notes.
  1. Email or mail to: Vermont Council for Quality, 480 Hercules Drive, Colchester, VT05446 –

We understand the following:

  • We will receive a feedback report from the judges to measure our improvement process for both levels. The Level 2 Award category will receive a scored summary sheet on our performance according to the Criteria
  • If we qualify, we agree to share our best practices in the spring VCQ Recognition and Award Ceremony.
  • One top scoring team will qualify to advance to the finals of theITEA World Conference competition to represent Vermont in the Award process. All applicable fees will be the responsibility of the organization competing.
Team Excellence Awards
2011Beta Test Program

Information Release Authorization

I, (print name) hereby authorize release of the entry materials submitted for the Vermont Team Excellence Award process through the Vermont Council for Quality. This authorization is granted with the understanding that the grantee will not assert any copyright restrictions and/or deprive VT-ASQ nor VTEA of any rights related to the above-mentioned materials. VT-ASQ and VTEA have the right to display, reproduce, and/or make available the entry materials for viewing at any VT-ASQ or VTEA event or to interested parties.

Print name:


Note: Please include this signed authorization with theapplication.
