L2LPs and Level 2 Short Courses
2017 - 18
Suggested use of professional time
Professional time for teachers - non-student contact time in which teachers will participate in a range of professional and collaborative activities to support the implementation of Junior Cycle. This time will facilitate teachers to engage with possible activities, in the following areas:
·Whole-school professional activities to support the junior cycle
·Individual teacher and subject department professional activities
This document contains a list of suggestions for how teachers of Level 2 Learning Programmes PLUs and Short Courses could use the allocated 22 hours of professional time. The suggestions encompass opportunities for individual teacher as well as for SEN department professional activity.
It is important to acknowledge that every subject will have differing needs and priorities, the suggestions below are just that, suggestions. It is up to each school, subject department and teacher to arrange the 22 hours of professional time in a way that works for them.
Whole-school professional activities to support the junior cycle
*Whole school interrogation of The Framework for Junior Cycle 2015
*Whole school discussions and meetings on the implications of the Framework on teaching, learning and assessment practice
Individually / Collectively / L2LP Team Suggestions
Individually or collectively
Familiarise yourself with the learning outcomes (LOs) in the guidelines
Familiarise yourself with LOs and Classroom-Based Assessment (CBA) in Short Courses
Revisit the CPD days presentations and resources
As a L2LP Team
Time 2017-18
b. / Set norms and protocols outlining how you intend to worktogether
Create vision for the L2LP team
Create Yearly plans
Work together to create Learning Programmes
Check in with student and parents on content on plan
Work on timetables
Allocate LOs to teacher
Decide on procedures/timeframe for check ins, collecting evidence, CPD supports and so on
Consider Co-Teaching, Cross-Curricular, Theme Planning
Register and update LOs for students on NCCA Toolkit
Develop student 'can do' statements to support the LOs
Decide on Level 2 Short Courses – timetabling etc
Share resources (online resource bank)
Sharing of professional practice
Consider assessment practices to support learning in L2LPs
Build student portfolios (hard copy / online / blended)
Provide an opportunity for Student Evaluation
Hold an L2LP review
c. / Using sample plans and templates, tailor the plans foryour own classes
Begin to gather or create resources that will support the
Work on developing learning intentions and success criteria
with your students
Carry out formative assessment practices
Carry out Classroom-Based assessment in Short Course