Handout to accompany journal presentationA. McGovern

A Longitudinal study of the order of onset of alcohol dependence and major depression(Gilman and Abraham, 2001)

Results tables

The following tables are abridged results tables adapted from Gilman and Abraham (2001).

Table 1. Odds of alcohol dependence at 1 year follow up by baseline factors.

Female / Male
Diagnosis of depression* / Odds Ratio / 95% Confidence interval / Odds Ratio / 95% Confidence interval
Yes / 2.15 / 0.76-6.05 / 0.62 / 0.27-1.40
No / 1.00 / - / 1.00 / -
Chi-squared (P), df = 1 / 2.2 (not significant) / 1.4 (not significant)
Number of depressive symptoms
7+ / 7.88 / 2.86-21.70 / 1.05 / 0.35-3.15
4-6 / 3.52 / 1.86-6.66 / 1.41 / 0.69-2.87
1-3 / 2.75 / 1.52-5.00 / 1.50 / 1.08-2.08
None / 1.00 / - / 1.00 / -
Chi-squared (P), df = 3 / 24.3 (0.001) / 6.5 (0.091)

Table 2. Odds of major depression at 1 year follow up by baseline factors.

Female / Male
Diagnosis of alcohol dependence* / Odds Ratio / 95% Confidence interval / Odds Ratio / 95% Confidence interval
Yes / 3.52 / 2.16-5.72 / 1.77 / 1.08-2.91
No / 1.00 / - / 1.00 / -
Chi-squared (P), df = 1 / 26.7 (<0.001) / 5.3 (0.021)
Number of alcoholic dependence symptoms
7+ / 4.32 / 1.92 - 9.75 / 2.12 / 0.90-5.00
4-6 / 3.98 / 2.37-6.69 / 2.49 / 1.29-4.92
1-3 / 1.66 / 1.05-2.64 / 1.19 / 0.76-1.88
None / 1.00 / - / 1.00 / -
Chi-squared (P), df = 3 / 34.2 (0.001) / 9.3 (0.026)

*diagnosis is based on the Diagnostic Interview Schedule questions.

Data which are insignificant are shown in red.

(Deykin et al., 1987, Regier et al., 1990)(Kessler et al., 1996, Kessler et al., 1997)(Helzer et al., 1990, Wittchen et al., 1994)(Helzer et al., 1985)(Robins et al., 1981)(Semler et al., 1987)(Vandiver and Sher, 1991)

Presentation references:


Handout to accompany journal presentationA. McGovern

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Handout to accompany journal presentationA. McGovern