A Letter from Eastgate Administrators, Mr. Lesco and Ms. Naish

September 30, 2016

We are off to a great start to the school year and have completed both of our curriculum nights. As we shared, a highly effective school thrives on a strong school-community partnership. We thank you for your support and look forward to the remainder of the school year!

Please remember to regularly visit the Eastgate website and the PTA website for the most current information.

Eastgate: PTA:


Spirit Week starts October 3rd! Show your school spirit by participating in the following:

Monday, Oct. 3rd - MONOCROMATIC MONDAY! Wear all one color!

Tuesday, Oct. 4th–SPORTS DAY! Wear your favorite team gear.

Wednesday, Oct. 5th - WACKY WEDNESDAY! (school appropriate attire must be worn)

Thursday, Oct. 6th - CRAZY HAT AND HAIR DAY!


Eastgate PTA will hold its 11th annual WALK-A-THON on October 7, 2016 from 2 – 3 pm. The Walk-a-Thon is our primary annual fundraiser that helps fund over 30 programs that the PTA sponsors each year. This is an excellent opportunity for students to be directly involved in raising funds that benefit their school while engaging in a fun, healthy activity. The school fundraising goal is $30,000. We will have an all-school pajama day and free seating in the cafeteria if we hit the goal. We have also set a super goal of $32,000 with a surprise principal goal. Last year resulted in Mr. Lesco and Ms. Naish getting SLIMED! Click HERE to learn more about the Walk-a-Thon and the great prizes, to donate, or to volunteer for the event.


Dear Eastgate PTA and Community Donors,

The fourth and fifth grade teachers would like to extend our gratitude and heartfelt appreciation for the PTA-funded laptops we received in our classrooms this school year. Through the generous contributions of the PTA and the PACE program, we were able to add four new laptops in each classroom to supplement our existing desktop computers. Not only are the laptops a boon to the students’ learning, but they are also an incredible show of support for Eastgate’s intermediate staff.

We have begun collaborating with one another and already foresee a variety of different ways to incorporate the added technology into our instruction. A few ideas include providing more direct access to engage in online resources such as Dreambox and Typingmaster, increasing opportunities for student to publish writing samples, and strengthening reading comprehension skills during social studies lessons by providing students access to read aloud text features. We are fortunate to work in such a supportive community and appreciate your on-going partnership to serve all students.

With Gratitude,

Mrs. Azhar, Mrs. Dykes, Mr. Rea

Mr. Faulkner, Mrs. Patel, Ms. Vander Houwen


Fall is in the air and in the days ahead you will be receiving information from your parent teacher liaison or classroom teacher regarding fall parties at the end of October. There are few key guidelines for all to know.

  • We are an ALLERGY AWARE SCHOOL – please read the important information from Nurse Nancey (included in newsletter) and work directly with your classroom teacher regarding allergies in her/his classroom.
  • Please select healthy snacks for the party (Children choosing to participate in trick-or-treat will receive plenty of candy)
  • Any volunteer or visitor should be easily identified. Please refrain from altering your appearance or covering your face with a mask, face paint, etc.

Costumes are only permitted for the party – regular dress code applies for the remainder of the day. Costume guidelines:

  • No fake blood
  • No weapons
  • No masks or paint that covers a student’s face
  • Costumes deemed inappropriate or a disruption to learning will asked to be removed
  • Students should be able to easily change in and out of their costumes


With the advent of another “food holiday” I want to remind everyone in our community that we have students with severe life threatening food allergies in almost every classroom.

We are an Allergy Aware School!

Please coordinate with your child’s teacher before providing any snacks or treats to be shared with the class.

It’s our goal to ensure that every student in our school is safe. Because students with severe allergies cannot be in contact with specific allergen containing foods, we are asking that you avoid sending any homemade foods to school for shared classroom food celebrations.

The best way to keep students with food allergies safe during classroom food celebrations is to ensure that their parents are aware of what outside food is being brought into the classroom. We can only alert parents if everyone remembers to contact the teacher or school nurse PRIOR to bringing food to school. Two weeks prior would be ideal. When you do bring food to school, please make sure all items are STORE-BOUGHT with clear, readable labels.

We want all of our students to enjoy classroom celebrations, but the less food, snacks, treats, candy, etc. in the classroom - the easier it is to keep all students safe. Non-food items can be lots of fun too!

Thank you for your consideration and support in this matter. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.


Nancey Goforth BSN RN, School Nurse


My role enables me to see the difference parental involvement makes in my students’ success and happiness. Accordingly, I’m writing to ask you to consider being a part of Eastgate in a meaningful way that you may not have previously considered. There are several options including our own PTA, as a VIBES mentor, and through the Bellevue Schools Foundation.

Please visit the Eastgate PTA site to found out more about the incredible experiences they provide to our children and for information on how to become involved:

You most likely know the least about the Foundation but I can tell you, their positive impact is tremendous. Bellevue Schools Foundation helps fund the following at Eastgate:

STEM initiative

After-School Robotics Program

VIBES mentors

Annual Young Author’s Day Conference

5th Grade Marine Biology Fieldtrip on the Puget Sound

Click here to explore their website, learn more about what they do, and consider making a donation as part of their All in for Kids campaign. Every gift really does make a difference for our schools and students.

Every Bellevue School District student deserves the best possible education and we make this happen together!


Our Virtue of the Month for October is ‘cooperation.’ Cooperation is working together for the good of everyone. It is a willingness to respect others and to follow rules which keep everyone safe and happy. Cooperation is being helpful to one another, sharing the load. It is joining others in order to do something that cannot be done alone.

Our assembly to honor Respect and introduce Cooperation will be Friday, October 7 @ 9:30.


Together against bullying — united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.

October is also National Bullying Prevention Month. BSD and Eastgate are actively working to eliminate bullying by providing bullying prevention instruction and raising awareness to promote discussion on the topic. We will be celebrating Unity Day on Wednesday, October 19. Please join us in wearing ORANGE and take a stand against bullying. Additional information can be found at


Welcome to a new year of READING and LEARNING!Our Reading Team for 2016-2017consists of Mrs. Ashley Kardos (who is currently on maternity leave), Mrs. Linda Anderson (maternity substitute for Mrs. Kardos), and Mrs. Sheri Byther (PACE instructor). The team is looking forward to accelerating the growth of our Eastgate readers with supplemental, targeted literacy support.

If you’re looking to increase your child’s ability to focus and read independently for longer periods of time, check out our October Family Literacy Tip:Building Reading Stamina. Questions about literacy or how to further support your child at home? Email Mrs. Kardos .


It is a goal of all classroom teachers to have a parent-teacher conference with every family before the end of November. Teachers are or will be in the process of scheduling conferences. Please be on the lookout for information from your child’s teacher regarding conferences. Your child and his/her progress is important and we value your partnership.


This school year we are implementing six Proactive Classroom Management Strategies as part of our work aligned to the Positive and Productive Life initiative. One strategy we are continuing this school year is morning greetings at the door. Teachers have been asked to be present at their door from 8:55-9:00 each morning to greet students as they enter the classroom. Staff members without students have been asked to be present in the hallways or throughout campus to also greet students. There are many reasons why this goal was selected: To assist in creating a positive and inviting climate where all students feel recognized, accepted, and valued; To start the day off with a positive interaction and set the stage for a great day; To provide directions for morning assignments and student learning; and To enhance the safety and security of the school.

To assist in our efforts, we respectfully ask that all visitors who are present during the morning allow staff to give undivided attention to students in the hallway/entry to class in order to connect with each one of them. Of course we appreciate and look forward to exchanging greetings with parents and other adults, we simply ask that you not engage in extended conversations at that time. We appreciate your support in our continued efforts to make Eastgate a place where all students enjoy coming to each day. It is also important that all visitors sign-in and receive a visitor sticker, even if you are just walking your child to her/his classroom.


Gifted Programs is currently accepting applications for students in grades 1 - 11. All Bellevue School District students and private school students who live within the Bellevue School attendance area in grades 2-11 are able to test for possible inclusion in gifted services. Applications for the 2016-2017 school year will be available for download beginning September 1, 2016 for winter testing in December-February of 2017. The application deadline is October 31, 2016.The applications, list of types of academic data and proof of residency information can be found at

Gifted Testing for K-1:

The CogAT 7 Screener will be given to all Kindergarten students at Eastgate. A referralapplication is not necessary. Each year, Bellevue School District administers a cognitive abilities test to all kindergarten students as well as new 1st grade students. During the month of October,all kindergarten and new first grade students will be participating in the CogAT 7 Screener, a three-part assessment that measures cognitive ability.

Eastgate Elementary School will be conducting screening for Kindergarten students on October 4th and 5th.If you do not wish for your child to participate in this assessment, please notify your child’s teacher right away. Results from this assessment will be shared with families in December.

First Grade:Any first grader new to BSD or any first grader who arrived after the CogAT 7 was administered in October of 2015 will be given the screeneron October 6th.


The safety of your child(ren) and every other student remains our top priority and your attention to the procedures outlined below are a necessity.

Students should not arrive on campus before 8:45 AM.

Student Drop-off AM – The south parking lot next to the large playground is for staff parking and school buses only. Please do not enter into this lot. The drop off loop is in the front of the building and accessible from Newport Way. Students can be dropped off beginning at 8:45. Please remain in your car if you are dropping off your child and move quickly forward to allow others to do the same. Your child should be seated on the passenger side for quick access to the sidewalk. Please plan to park your vehicle if your child needs additional assistance. There is a designated drop-off area marked with yellow paint in front of the building. Please abide by the posted signage and be respectful of the parking lot attendants and student safety patrol. After your child has exited your vehicle, please proceed through the parking lot past the Early Learning Center and exit on to 152nd Avenue SE. Two lanes of traffic will be formed as you proceed toward the ELC. The lanes will be for traffic turning left or right. If the left turning lane is full (backed up to the grate near the speed bump), you have to make a right hand turn out of the lot in order to keep traffic moving and to ensure that all students are able to arrive in class on time. Please be aware that the drop-off loop does become congested so it is recommended that you arrive early or use school transportation if it is available.



October 3 – 7Spirit Week!

October 5PTA Meeting (7-8 pm in the Library)

October 7Virtues Assembly @ 9:30

Walk-a-Thon @ 2:00

October 14No School – District Professional Development

October 19Unity Day – Wear ORANGE

October 21PTA sponsored “Bite of Eastgate”, 6-8pm

Fall Harvest Party Dates are still to be determined


Steve Lesco and Brenda Naish