Use of BGS/NSRI data in Natural England projects as a contractor
- Any data which is substantially derived from British Geological Survey data (BGS) or National Soils Research Institute/Cranfield University data (NSRI) may be subject to royalty payments to these organisations if Natural England publishes that derived data.
- Further, any outside organisation using the derived data will require BGS and NSRI contractor’s licences. The issue is how much data has been derived (or copied) from the BGS/NSRI data. N.B. This does not solely cover the spatial data, it also applies to attribute data, i.e. it is not just the copying of a polygon of “dry acidic soil”, if the new product contains the words “dry acidic soil” for a comparable polygon then this attribution would be derived data.
- BGS and NSRI will, if required, check any data produced by NE to see whether their intellectual property has been used and whether royalties should apply. Obviously, if data is not substantially derived from these two sources then this issue will not arise.
Use of BGS/NSRI data in projects where Natural England is a partner
Any partnership project wishing to use NSRI data must first:
- Identify the main partner/contractor. This person/organisation must fill out an amended NSRI contractor licence used in partnership projects found on the soils data licence page, and include:
- Details of what the outputs of the project are;
- An explanation of how the outputs are to be used and disseminated more widely;
- A list of all partners in the partnership highlighting the main partner/contractor.
- This form will be returned to NE and then sent by NE to NSRI for approval. Only once approval has been received will the data be released for the partnership project.
Any partnership project wishing to use BGS data must first confirm that:
- The output/reports produced from the project are non-commercial;
- The reports and data produced from the project do not compete with BGS data;
- It is not possible to reverse-engineer back to the source BGS data.
- Once these assurances are provided to Natural England then the data can be released for the partnership project.
If you are wishing to use NSRI and/or BGS data in a partnership project, please complete the following table and send this whole document to :
Job number: XXXXName of person filling out this form: XXXX / Confirmation
*delete as appropriate
To use NSRI data in a partnership project please confirm that:
You have filled in the amended NSRI contractor licence used in partnership projects, including the final section requiring further details, and sent it back to . / Accept / Do not accept /Not applicable
You understand that you, as main contractor/partner, are responsible for ensuring compliance by all members of the partnership to the NSRI terms and conditions / Accept / Do not accept /Not applicable
You will supply a copy of the resulting outputs of the project to NSRI (email address: ) prior to supplying it to the partnership members for approval by NSRI, referenced with the WRS job number. / Accept / Do not accept /Not applicable
To use BGS data in a partnership project please confirm that:
The output/reports produced from the project are non-commercial / Accept / Do not accept /Not applicable
The reports and data produced from the project do not compete with BGS data / Accept / Do not accept /Not applicable
It is not possible to reverse-engineer back to the source BGS data / Accept / Do not accept /Not applicable
You understand that you, as main contractor/partner, are responsible for ensuring compliance by all members of the partnership to the BGS terms and conditions / Accept / Do not accept /Not applicable
Data supplied by Natural England Evidence Team