General Body

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017


  1. Call To Order
  2. The Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Open Floor for Agenda Items
  5. Guest Presentation

a.Kit Murphy from Liberal Learning on Degree Level Goals -

  1. New Business

a.B-F2017-12 Defining Quorum: To define quorum by stating the correct fraction to be used in its determination.

b.B-F2017-13 Attendance Policy: To edit the attendance policy so that it is inclusive of all elected and associate members. To include class council officers and associate members in the distribution of points as it relates to attendance in the General Body.

c.American Water Works Association

d.Love Your Melon

e.Association of Black Accountants

  1. Old Business

a.B-F2017-10: Receiving Program Participation Points for Community Involvement in the Trenton and Ewing communities.

-1 point for an event, capped at 2

-Bonner and Greek life don’t count, as it is representative of other organizations

Q- What about Greek Life and SG co-sponsored events?

A- Up to AST to decide

Q- How to prove we were there?

A- VP of CR would decide

Propose friendly amendment: change from EP and EVP to AST to decide which events are worthy of a point

vote: passes by majority

  1. Governance Reports/forum updates


-How students feel about honors GPA system and requirments


-Putting together groups to expand programs, wants students to work with mapping current system and the climate of global studies


-Any student organizations that need funding for events for current theme, visit website and read guidelines

Q- Would groups need to present?

A- Has to fit rubric

Dining Services:

-Waffle station in Eick

-New “To Go” foods

-Cappuccino machine in Eick fixed

Campus Diversity:

-Final revisions and steps for campus diversity statement

-Remained stagnant with getting certain students to enroll at TCNJ (Hispanics and other historically marginalized groups)

-Looking at individual offices on campus and climate as a whole


-Approved “Goals for CEL Courses” (courses required to be looked at based on goals)

-All classes requesting CEL follow same approval process

  1. Executive President – Chris Blakeley

a.College marketing communication project review (need 5-7 people)

b.Upcoming Presentations: 11/15 CAP & Student Feedback; 11/29 General Assembly & CSCC

  1. Executive Vice President – Carly Mauro

a.Associate Members see me after!

  1. Administration and Finance – Patty Kou

a.SFB report (Open Forum – Tentatively, next Wednesday morning

b.Cleanliness: sweeping classrooms, toilets, garbage cans in Roscoe always over flowing, cleaning in TW, bathrooms in freshmen dorms are moldy and unclean and don’t follow cleaning schedule, parking garages

  1. Advancement - Niki Taneja

a.Apparel Form!!!!

b.SG Alumni

  1. Academic Affairs – Dovid Wasserman-Plaza

a.November 15th: Representatives from CAP will be seeking testimony on:

  1. Learning assistants
  2. Types of Majors and Minors
  3. Defined info will be sent in an email prior to the meeting
  1. Student Services – Cassie Kriegel

a.Remaining T-Shirts from T-Shirt Swap will be donated to RHA’s upcoming conference

b.Save the Dates! Finals Fest December 12th-15th

c.Fill out homecoming survey!!

d.Have a great week! :)

  1. Governmental Affairs – Brooke Chlebowski

a.Let’s talk about lobbying!

b.November 7th Election Day

  1. Community Relations – Melissa Sandoval

a.Ushers needed for the hurricane relief comedy fundraiser show on Friday, November 10th from 6:30pm-9:30pm.

b.88% goal of Here for Home, Always

  1. Diversity and Inclusion– Baldween Casseus – no report
  2. Speaker – Justin Brach

a.FCC Appointments:


c.Deputy Speaker’s Report

  1. Student Trustee – Priscilla Nunez
  2. Alternative Student Trustee – Eash Haughton
  3. Advisor – Liz Bapasola/Devan Kowalek

a.Student Government Scholarship

  1. Due this Friday!
  2. Resume and Cover Letter sent to
  1. Head Senators

-Ed: Survey being sent out for opinions

-HSS: Meet the senators event 11/11

  1. Class Councils

a.Class of 2018 – no report

b.Class of 2019 – survey

c.Class of 2020 – class themed apparel

d.Class of 2021 – sold 148 t shirts

  1. Open Floor
  2. Announcements